The assignment of the believer is to go forth and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Evangelism is the spreading of the good news through preaching and teaching of the word of God and raising disciples.
Christ completed his assignment and now the baton has been handed to us. We are to spread this good news and win more for the kingdom of God. A life free from bondage.
1. The release of God's power in our midst. God's power is made manifest when you go out in His name. You may not know how much power you carry until you launch out with the word.
2. It reveals the righteousness of God: It builds us in righteousness and faith. As you continue to speak the word, faith is being stirred in the heart of people.
3. It helps us to lay up eternal treasures: Matt 6:20. The winning of souls is an eternal treasure. Those souls will be credited to you. A crown of righteousness will be given to you. (2Tim 4:7-8)
4. You bring joy to Heaven. The joy in Heaven for one soul that is won is greater than 99. As you multiply the kingdom, God also multiplies you. It gives you joy too.
Good morning to you! And how are you doing today? We are excited and glad to garnish your day this morning with shots from our Gentlemen Of Honour Conference of the year 2020.
God indeed has been faithful to our men and to us all.
Goshen is being in God's will and living therein regardless of what's going on around you. Goshen is also the place of light. No matter how dark the world is, you will have light.
Goshen is also a place of prosperity but to dwell there you need to be in line with God's will. No matter the famine in the land, if you dwell in Goshen you won't lack.
The lazy man is one who never achieves something. He may have activities but his result will tell. Proverbs 12: 27. Strengthen is not a function of exertion but a result.