SIFT-HardNet sucks, R2D2 and SP kind of work, SG rocks 4/
R2D2 here hallucinates a lot of false correspondences, while SuperPoint works quite well even without SuperGlue (which rocks, as usual) 5/
Here, all 3 are comparable. 6/
HardRock cafe in Prague (EVD dataset)
It looks like everything works, but actually repeated patterns are matched incorrectly (including some of SG) 7/
SIFT-HardNet. R2D2, SuperPoint, SuperGlue
SuperPoint is the only detector, which manages to match something on the monument, not the plate only
Aaaand, somehow SuperGlue does not like the plate, so it kills all the correspondences there 8/
R2D2 fails here, others are fine 9/
SIFT-HardNet and R2D2 fail here, SuperPoint rocks.
Overall, for random unknown upright pair of images with possible illumination change, I would go for SuperPoint, as least if we don't consider affine view synthesis.
Here DISK results. DISK is quite cool @jatentaki
DISK, continue.
The following pairs: stadium, ministry (with river), dancing house -- no correspondences (with 8k detections).
For example, you can detect ORB features is OpenCV and convert them to kornia lafs with
lafs = laf_from_opencv_ORB_kpts(kps)
Or you can match descriptors on GPU with kornia.feature.match_snn() and transfer to OpenCV with cv2_matches_from_kornia 2/3
The repo is not @kornia_foss "official" in the terms that we don't promise to maintain everything in a timely manner. However, it should work for most of the times :) 3/3