The entire field of epidemiology is a pseudoscience built on the profoundly dumb idea that health outcomes are determined by exponential curves irrespective of individual health.
You *have* to be dumb AND unhealthy to believe such idiocy. No exceptions.
Your health is in your hands. Every time you find yourself demanding something from your government related to your health, you are just being an easily-manipulable idiot. Shut up, eat meat & lift instead & you might become a respectable human
Don't waste any time reading anything written by any authors who were/are hysterically hyperventilating over a virus. Just watch CNN once a week & you'll get the gist of everything they all think & write.
Coronahysteria made it clear 99% of public intellectuals and academics are state-owned cattle incapable of a shred of critical or independent thinking.
All their debates & differences are meaningless bleating that's not worth the time of anyone with self-respect.
If an intellectual
-was scared of eXpOnEnTiAl cUrVeS
-believed this is a once in a century epidemic
-thinks lockdowns work
-thinks masks should be mandatory
-believes in the PCR test & thinks its positives constitute a second wave
Proud to be a consultant to Ross & NYDIG & to congratulate them on this great news!
"NYDIG's corporate treasury solutions will be invaluable to other companies as they follow suit adopting the Bitcoin Standard for part or most of their treasury strategy"
NYDIG offers the complete suite of solutions needed by institutions looking to allocate to bitcoin, as it was built to facilitate custody of the 10,000+ BTC treasury reserve held by parent company Stone Ridge Asset Management.
"While the firm isn’t sharing its total assets under management NYDIG now custodies more than $1 billion, according to the firm, and the number of its clients has quadrupled over the past ten months."
The highest grade of idiot are the people who had never heard of lockdowns until 2020, when they suddenly realized they're the best solution to pandemics & all their costs are justified.
The same breed of cattle will now continue to believe the WHO as they turn against lockdowns
When morons are scared by their TV, @WHO scum recommend the most drastic response to avoid any blame.
When the worst is over, they completely reverse course to avoid blame for their recommendations.
This is "The Science" educated morons have been conditioned, like dogs, to obey
So many cowardly hysterics were scared by these videos, but none of them has explained to us why the dreaded virus has failed to do this anywhere outside China.🤔
Better shut down the planet & ruin the livelihood of billions anyway as a 🤡precaution🤡
Next time you are making an embarrassing idiot out of yourself by hyperventilating based on leaked videos, consider the possibility it was not leaked from under the authoritarian regime, but by it.
Canada's central bank has sold off 1,000+ tons of gold reserves over the past fifty years, buying mainly US dollars, while an ounce of gold has gone from $35 to $1900.
You'll be delighted & flattered to hear these clowns think bitcoiners are not financially literate!
The Canadian shitcoin has gone from $64 to an ounce of gold to $2,700, but the clowns in charge of it are concerned about the financial literacy of people buying bitcoin, which has gone from < $0.01 to $15,000 in 10 years.🤣🤣🤣🤣
There's probably a freshly-minted Econ PhD who just got into $800k of debt to buy a quarantine-pod in Ottawa so he can work on this report & have soyburgers delivered.
He thinks the gold standard is stupid & is concerned you're not financially responsible for buying bitcoin!😂
"By keeping healthy children under quarantine, we are cruelly depriving them of the in-person free play and social interaction that are critical to their development and emotional well-being."
Children who have spent six months stripped of normal development are still more at risk from getting hit by lightning than from 'coronavirus-related' death.