The Compressed Air Car...No Fuel or Gas Needed...Just Air.
From The Horeseless Age from October 1898:
In 1895, the Pneumatic Carriage Company was organized under the laws of West Virginia, with an authorized capitol of $5,000,000, and with offices at 253 Broadway, New York.
2/ The organizers had been conducting experiments with compressed air motors for street railway service for several years, and naturally turned toward the motor vehicle when it received its first impetus in America. The president and manager of the company is A.H. Hoadley...
3/ who has been in charge of the experiments at the works of the American Wheelock Engine Company, Worcester, Mass. The first carriage built by the company was completed in November 1896. It has seating six, weighs 2700 lbs, and will run 20 miles over ordinary good roads...
4/ on one charge. A grade of 20 percent is claimed to surmountable. The wooden wheels are 30 and 42 inches respectively, and pneumatics of 4 inches diameter render riding as easy as possible. The motor, of the reciprocating type, weighs 400 lbs and operates at 350 revolutions,
5/ when the carriage is making 15 miles an hour. Ordinary compensating gear and hub steering are employed. In order to heat and expand the air before it enters the motor, it is surcharged with hot water, carried in the vehicle in a separate tank and kept at a temp of 400 degrees
6/ Five pounds of water is required for each time traversed. All the above machinery is spring supported, to relieve it from the shocks of the road.
Over 319 Starfort's are listed on The first Starforts are said to have been buil as early as the early 1500s, exactly when the Romanov's were setting about conquering vast areas of Tartary. According to historian star forts...
2/ or bastion forts, were built, as they maximized defensiveness against cannonball impacts and offered better protection and better views of the battlefield for those inside the fort.
But what if Star Forts and Star Cities was created as a vibrational frequency eco-system...
3/ to provide a sense of joy and harmony amongst the community. The Star Cities are their own self-contained environment. They are build with sacred geometric patterns that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a microcosm of the universe.
Have you ever heard of Dicyanin Dye? (I just stumbled on this today, I'm not claiming this to be a "fact" of any kind)
Why is it illegal?
Dicyanin Dye is illegal because it is said to have special properties when placed between two glass planes...
2/the resulting effect gives anyone the ability to look into the astral Realm, along with seeing a persons emanating aura. Essentially proving that another plane of reality exists.
3/History of Dicyanin Dye
During the 1920's a scientist by the name of Walter Kilner experimented with a chemical called, Dicyanin. He placed the dye in between two glass planes and looked through it. What he found was the ability to see the aura of any person.
A Brief History Of Washington D.C. (From The One World Tartarians by James Lee)
The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002 section (15) (a) (b) (c) The Virginia Company was turned into the United States during the non-occurring...
2/ Revolutionary War by the Freemasonic Founding Fathers who were serving the Grand Lodge of England. The Virginia Company was issued by the British royal family from the City of London Corporation for North American settlements.
3/ In 1213 King John surrendered the Kingdom of England to the Holy See under the Golden Bull. In 1215 under direct papal authority King John issued the Magna Carta (Latin for Great Charter) and that established the one-mile square block called the City of London Corporation...
"any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future, 1961 (Clarke's Third Law)
Earth Grids are energy ley lines laid out in a geometric pattarn...
2/ The energy centers of the Tartars were built out in many places across the earth directly over the ley lines. Earth has a magnetic core and when the energy is tapped into, the power is created and energy magnified magnetically.
3/ The Great Pyramid of Giza was once covered in white polished limestone, referred to as casing stones. The stones fit together so perfectly, giving the pyramid, smooth, flawless sides. This would have made the giant structures brightly reflect the sun like a mirror...
The first color movie made public, featuring a yellow brick road paved in gold, as the US legal currency was then based on gold. It's an allegory of the unfolding NWO that instituted in America via the stock market crash of 1929...
2/ ...and the bankruptcy of the US in 1933.
The Strawman represents a legal strawman, filled with hay and no standing. A person that has no brain and speaks and acts for its once upon a time sovereign, you and me-was created while Americans was confused and distracted...
3/ by the commotion caused by the introduction of the NWO of communistic socialism, to figure out that they even had a strawman with which to contend. The scarecrow identified this strawman persona for Dorothy "some ppl without brains do an awful lot of talking. of course...
Connecting to the Ether; Sail anywhere and everywhere
The science is not complicated. Water is a conductor of electricity, Nikola Tesla was a persona created to hide the fact that electricity was mastered...
And used the north poles neg charge and the antarctic circles pos charge with the ions in the Ether, along with the salt water of the oceans to use free energy. The salt in the water creates the electrolysis to conduct the alternating current needed for a boat to harness..
Earth's magnetricity... therefore, they had power, free power, to light up their boats, run electricity and sail anywhere they wanted.