Most times we emphasize on the study of the word to people but in reality, many of them don't know where to start from, what exactly to study or how to go about it.
In this thread, I'll share 7 ways to achieving this.
Issa thread man!!!
In the Bible there are 1,189 chapters in the Old and New Testaments.
Follow these Guidelines;
a. Read through the chapter carefully.
b. Seek to find its main subject or subjects.
c. Give each chapter a title that suggests its main content.
d. Reread the chapter and make a simple outline, including its main thoughts.
For example, for John 1, you might make an outline like this:
“Jesus Christ, the Word of God”:
a. Jesus Christ was the eternal Word of God, 1–9
b. Jesus Christ came into the world, 10–18
When an author changes the subject of emphasis in writing, he usually begins a new paragraph.
Follow these guidelines;
a. Read the paragraph carefully for its main thought or subject.
b. Rewrite the Text
c. Make an Outline
d. Use a Concordance
In studying the historical passages of the Bible, such as most of the Old Testament or parts of the Gospels, each verse may have only one simple meaning.
Follow these guidelines;
a. Study it by the verbs in the verse.
b. Study a verse through the
b. personalities revealed.
c. Study a verse by looking for the great ideas revealed in it.
d. Study a verse by using a combination of all three.
After you have begun to study the Bible by chapters or paragraphs or verses, you will be ready to study the Bible by books.
Follow these Guidelines;
a. 1st Reading: What is the central theme or emphasis of this book? What is the key verse?
b. 2nd Reading: Remembering the theme of the book, see how it is emphasized and developed. Look for any special problems or applications.
c. 3rd Reading: What does it tell me about the author and his circumstances when he wrote this book?
d. 4th Reading: What does the book tell me about the people to whom the book was written and their circumstances, needs, or problems?
e. 5th Reading: What are the main divisions of the book? Is there any outline apparent in the logical organization and development of the book?
f. 6th and Successive Readings: Look for other facts and/or information that your earlier readings have suggested. By now certain words will stand out in the book. See how often they recur.
There are two profitable and helpful ways of studying great words or subjects in the Word of God.
Follow these guidelines;
a. Word study by Bible books: Certain words have special significance in certain Bible books.
For example, after studying the Gospel of John as a book and by chapters, you’ll find it instructive and inspiring to trace the words “believe” and “belief.”
b. General word study: Through the study of great Bible words, you can soon become familiar with the great doctrines.
Closely related to the method of study by words is the study according to great topics or subjects: Bible prayers, Bible promises, Bible sermons, Bible songs, Bible poems, and so on.
The Bible is a record of God’s revealing Himself to people and through people. The Old Testament as well as the New is rich in such biographical studies. Here are a few:
Our generation is so naive that we worship every information, as long as it's from the 'experts' even when the destructive effects stares us in the face.
One of such is that masturbation has some good health effects. Well, it may..
...have but certainly not for the Christian.
Masturbation may not be from the devil but it's an open door to welcome the devil.
1 Peter 5:8 says of the devil, "...your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour".
Cultivating the habit...
...of masturbating will open that needed door for the devil to enter as a roaring lion, ready to devour.
In this thread, I want to help you with 8 practical ways to breaking free from the addiction.