This @MetroSchools year has been challenging to say the least. Yet through all of the challenges our MNPS community has met it all head on. Our teachers, Principals and support staff have adapted in the most amazing ways to keep students first. Our parents have sacrificed
for the health, wellness and academic opportunities for their children and their neighbors children. Our students, have leaned in to also adapt to this virtual environment. Has it been perfect? No. Have we as a MNPS community listened, learned, planned together along the way? YES
Not unlike any other School District in America, MNPS at every level has adjusted its education efforts to be innovative, flexible and more equitable to meet the need of our students first and their families. Early in the Summer we established an Equity Matrix for decision making
The charts below showcases other efforts never before executed in MNPS. We thank our community partners for their continued support. As we enter another phase of our Covid response, we need the larger Nashville community to champion these efforts at #OurMNPS 🏫
Make no mistake about it, K-12 public education is the lifeblood to the vitality of Nashville. We will continue to reach newer heights of education equity as we make certain to care about the quality of education our neighbors child receives as much as we care about our own child
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for quality teachers. I’m thankful for supportive parents. I’m thankful for empowered and impassioned students. I’m thankful for community partners and community voices who support MNPS and public education. I’m thankful for colleagues who get it.