Maria Lewis Profile picture
26 Nov, 138 tweets, 71 min read
WITNESS! Come watch Mad Max: Fury Road with @ACMI + me tomorrow night from 7PM for #ACMIWatches (dets below). If you don’t have a shiny & chrome physical copy, it’s currently streaming on @StanAustralia 🔥☠️🔥… ImageImageImageImage
Are you ready to die historic on the Fury Road? #ACMIWatches Mad Max: Fury Road is kicking off TONIGHT from 7pm! The flick is available to watch on @StanAustralia if you’re not a weirdo like me who owns 82 physical copies… Image
I have been covering this film in its various forms for over 10 years, so apologies in advance but I have A LOT to say as we celebrate Mad Max: Fury Road’s fifth anniversary #ACMIWatches
Alright, rev ya engines & grease ya skulls, this is your 5min call for #ACMIWatches Mad Max: Fury Road. Sync your screens to the 0:00:09 mark so the Warner Bros Pictures logo appears like so Image
HERE WE GO! Hit play for #ACMIWatches Mad Max: Fury Road on its fifth anniversary babbbby
The audio montage gives you the briefest of explanations about what happened to create the dystopia we’ll soon step into but I appreciate they don’t spend too much time on it considering we’re 4 films & 36 years into the franchise by this point #ACMIWatches
Mad Max: Fury Road was really a pre-cursor to the rise of cli-fi (climate fiction, a sub-genre of sci-fi) which has surged in popularity in recent years as our doom seems more imminent #ACMIWatches
The unconventional opening credits (George Miller can do what he wants) tell us visually within the first minute what we’re about to learn: Tom Hardy’s Max is merely a passenger in this story & Charlize Theron’s Furiosa is the central driver #ACMIWatches Image
For the record, not only is Mad Max: Fury Road in my top 10 fav films of all time it’s my No.1 fav Australian film AND my fav flick we’ve covered during #ACMIWatches this year (which is saying a lot considering Birds Of Prey & Candyman were on that list)
Someone I’ve spoken to a lot over the years about this film is Colin Gibson, who won the Academy Award for production design with Lisa Thompson for their work on Mad Max: Fury Road #ACMIWatches
He’s the go-to guy for iconic Australian film cars – like Priscilla’s bus - even though he told me “frankly, I have about as much interest in cars as Vin Diesel has in reality” lol #ACMIWatches
Recommend you read my full feature with Gibson for @ACMI here as he’s famously a talker who can go deep on ANY & EVERYTHING & there are just too many great anecdotes from him to include in this #ACMIWatches thread…
In summary, his mantra for production design on Mad Max: Fury Road was everything had to “earn its place in the apocalypse”. If something wasn’t useful, it couldn’t be in this world: like floor tiles made from smashed mobile phone parts #ACMIWatches Image
The first BRAHM BRAHM BRAHM of that Junkie XL score is a wonderful teaser for the sheer madness *wink* of what’s to come, both visually & audibly #ACMIWatches…
We waste NO TIME leaping into the action & here we see some of the excellent close quarters stunt work of Greg Van Borssum, a long-time friend & collaborator of director George Miller #ACMIWatches
Greg wears many hats on Mad Max: Fury Road: fight choreographer, weapons advisor & like most of the stunt performers they economically had them play multiple roles like he does as The Breakman & Ripsaw Imperator #ACMIWatches
But my FAVOURITE random fact is Greg’s son Macyn plays one of the War Pups we see prominently in the opening & closing scenes at The Citadel. He also sold me an original artwork for $1 back in 2015 that remains on my desk to this day #ACMIWatches ImageImageImage
WHAT! A! FUCKING! OPENING! When Tom Hardy’s Max makes a jump for that hook … offt, I remember them starting the early trailers with that sequence & you can understand why #ACMIWatches
It’s one of the great bait ‘n switches of any movie, that we’re led to believe Max is the hero of Fury Road because of course! He has been for the past three films! Then we pivot to the first glimpse of our real hero: FURIOSA #ACMIWatches
The phallic symbolism of Immortan Joe’s big, shiny insignia being fastened right over his dick … I mean, it’s so overt it’s covert, ya know? Such a wonderful comment on toxic masculinity as men spend this movie chasing their seed around a wasteland #ACMIWatches
It has been 5yrs & I’m still fuming over Charlize Theron not even getting NOMINATED for an Academy Award for Furiosa. It was that rare role that became instantly iconic. It remains one of the worst oversights in Oscar history imho #ACMIWatches
Looking at the other nominees in that category, Brie Larson who won for Room, Cate Blanchett for Carol & Saoirse Ronan for Brooklyn could stay but you could swap either J.Law for Joy (seriously) or Charlotte Rampling for 45 Years out for Charlize #ACMIWatches
The Best Picture category was STACKED that year – Spotlight (the winner), Big Short, Bridge of Spies, Brooklyn, Martian, Room - & although Mad Max: Fury Road didn’t win, it’s the one over allllll the others that has had an enduring legacy #ACMIWatches
The audacity to tell people in a dystopia to not be addicted to water, because it will take hold of you & you’ll resent its absence lol. Big Marie Antoinette “let them eat cake” energy from Immortan Joe #ACMIWatches
Real missed opportunity here to resurrect the ‘GOT MILK?’ ad campaign from the 90s. Also, $10 says Mad Max: Fury Road is Homelander’s favourite film #ACMIWatches
Vale the late, great Quentin Kenihan as Immortan Joe’s other son Corpus Colossus. He was an actor & activist who campaigned for better representation in front of the camera & behind it as well: “Hollywood needs to embrace disabled actors as well, not just stars” #ACMIWatches Image
I spoke to Quentin at length about representation over the years, including for this @i09 feature where he talked about how he thought Mad Max: Fury Road would change things in the industry … and how it didn’t #ACMIWatches… Image
“They are not your property! You cannot own a human being! Sooner or later, someone pushes back!” Miss Giddy is an underrated MVP of this movie, standing up to Immortan Joe & standing up for The Wives #ACMIWatches
She’s also an instrumental figure in encouraging The Wives to risk their lives seeking liberation. She’s a History Woman, which we learn in the graphic novel prequel are the collectors & teachers of knowledge #ACMIWatches
Her body is tattooed with “wordburgers” which are the histories of the world before The Fall, as all books were burned during this collapse & History Men & Women are the last resource that preserves the past #ACMIWatches Image
“If I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die historic on the Fury Road.” This is the moment I bought Nicholas Hoult stock #ACMIWatches
I love the George Millerification of the ‘little drummer boy’ concept, which equates to War Boys attached to the back of a semi-trailer fanging it 140kmph through the desert #ACMIWatches
ALL HAIL THE DOOF WARRIOR! Just undoubtedly one of the coolest things ever seen on film, which could be said about most of Mad Max: Fury Road really #ACMIWatches
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that Tom Hardy in a film must be in want of a mask #ACMIWatches
Immortan Joe’s movable throne the Gigahorse is two 1959 Cadillac Coupe de Villes stacked on top of each other. A hat on a hat, if you will. Like all the cars in the film, it’s customised to meet the demands of the shoot (huge tractor wheels in this case) #ACMIWatches
Per production designer Colin Gibson: “In a world where there's barely one of anything, to show you had power, he's the man who's got two of everything.” #ACMIWatches
So I interviewed Disney legends John Musker & Ron Clements (The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Princess & The Frog) who told me they paid homage to this scene “with coconuts instead of the Doof Warrior” in Moana. The Kakamora ARE the War Boys #ACMIWatches… ImageImage
This is the greatest Australian film ever made. You cannot convince me otherwise #ACMIWatches
I always joke that Mad Max: Fury Road is a cul-de-sac of a movie because it takes you in one direction just to take you back again, but the pace is unrelenting #ACMIWatches
A dubstep remix of Furiosa saying “we fang it” should be our national anthem #ACMIWatches
You’re witnessing the reason this movie is widely considered one of the greats of the past decade by folks like, oh, you know Martin Scorsese & James Cameron. Director George Miller’s commitment to his vision is inexorable #ACMIWatches
The side-by-side comparison of what was filmed on location in Africa compared to the finished shot we see on screen is baffling, it seems impossible or even illogical that anyone LET ALONE a 70-year old filmmaker could pull this off #ACMIWatches ImageImageImageImage
If there was ever a single film that had to make the case for stunties being recognised at the Academy Awards, Mad Max: Fury Road is IT #ACMIWatches
Highly recommend revisiting the @NFSAonline archived BTS material from Mad Max 2 where we see Miller’s previous career as a doctor come in handy when stuntie Guy Morris breaks his leg after landing on their padding of empty cardboard boxes #ACMIWatches…
Miller’s trepidation with the stunts in Mad Max: Fury Road is clearly informed by watching a lot of mates get hurt making these movies over the past 40 years. Everything is really meticulously planned & rehearsed #ACMIWatches
George Miller could have never known what was coming of course, but this encroaching dust storm really invokes images of the Australian bushfires that we started this hellscape of a year known as 2020 with & of course … the masks #ACMIWatches
Twister’s Cary Elwes death had to walk so this shot could run #ACMIWatches
Reflecting on the Apex Mountain of Mad Max: Fury Road memes that really dominated internet culture in 2015, specifically this one that appeared at my local hardware store at the time #ACMIWatches Image
Remember sitting in the theatre at the Australian premiere of Mad Max: Fury Road & turning to @OneBlakeMinute in this moment & taking a gulping breath of air. It felt like this was the film’s first reprieve since the opening credits #ACMIWatches
The way Furiosa’s banging on the War Rig seamlessly bleeds into the score is that kind of masterful Miller shit where every aspect of the motion picture is vital & works together #ACMIWatches
Subtle? George Miller doesn’t know her. The design of the chastity belts that The Wives are breaking out of is supposed to wink to the mythology of vagina dentata, which pops up in a lot of different creation myths #ACMIWatches Image
“Women who are willing to give up enslaved comfort for liberation & risk death to do it. It’s the rising feminine rebelling against the patriarchy.” That’s how Vagina Monologues author & feminist Eve Ensler described Mad Max: Fury Road #ACMIWatches
She was a consultant on the film, working specifically with the actresses playing The Wives: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as The Splendid Angharad, Abbey Lee as The Dag, Riley Keough as Capable, Zoe Kravitz as Toast The Knowing & Courtney Eaton as Cheedo The Fragile #ACMIWatches
Angharad’s facial scars elude to the fact she’s the ringleader, that she has disobeyed Immortan before & is a key instigator to their liberation as much as Furiosa. Miss Giddy might have helped shape their beliefs, but Angharad puts them into action #ACMIWatches
The Wives present the lesser threat to Max compared to Furiosa, but the look she flashes Angharad is important because she’s non-verbally communicating that *she* should be the one to approach Max #ACMIWatches
She’s not just the smartest of the wives, but she’s the most rebellious & Furiosa knows she will utilise an opportunity if one presents itself … which it does in a few beats as The Wives work together to help Furiosa overcome the men #ACMIWatches
Abbey Lee is one of the greatest examples of a model who has made the transition to acting. She has been quietly crushing it since this, picking very interesting genre fare like Neon Demon & Lovecraft Country #ACMIWatches ImageImageImageImage
In the words of bionic actress @aannggeellll this Furiosa fight scene was groundbreaking because “no one ever asked if she needed help, no one ever asked what happened to her arm—because I get asked that every day.” #ACMIWatches… Image
The Doof Warrior’s riff serves as an audible dorsal fin like this was Jaws #ACMIWatches
As Max’s freedom is thwarted by the ingenuity of Furiosa w. the kill switch – let alone the other mechanisms she has in place hidden in the War Rig - makes me think of all the men who were furious (lol) about the Trojan Horsing of Furiosa as the hero rather than Max #ACMIWatches
Shoutout to all my fellow female film critics who were inundated with threats from MRAs during the Summer of 2015 for enjoying & embracing the feminist themes of this movie #ACMIWatches
The way The Wives talk as one unit - their sentences connecting to each other & overlapping with each other & finishing the same narrative - is a beautiful performance of their innate closeness #ACMIWatches
Which crosses over into real life. Sometimes I just like to sit, reflect, & feel warm in my heart that this was such a formative experience for all The Wives that the actresses are still tight to this day #ACMIWatches ImageImageImageImage
Re feminist themes, nothing but respect to editor Margaret Sixel whose eye was pivotal to shaping the narrative of this film. She won an Academy Award for her Mad Max: Fury Road work & there’s a great 5min NPR interview with her I recommend #ACMIWatches…
I also recommend this clip of @pattonoswalt talking about the legacy of female editors working with male directors on some of cinema’s great films. I think about it a lot in the context of Mad Max: Fury Road #ACMIWatches
Another pivotal woman was costume designer Jenny Beaven, who won the Academy Award (her second after A Room With A View (1985)) for her work on Mad Max: Fury Road & wore a custom leather jacket with Immortan Joe’s insignia #ACMIWatches ImageImage
If you’ll remember, her win was controversial at the time because several prominent men in the audience – including Alejandro G. Iñárritu– refused to clap as she accepted her award. I’m still mad about it tbh #ACMIWatches
To rub salt in the wound re: Iñárritu refusing to clap for Jenny Beavan’s Oscar mo, he wins Best Director over George Miller for The Revenant… a film that wishes it had a smidge of the legacy Mad Max: Fury Road does #ACMIWatches
Beavan is known for being really good craic & she wrote this very thoughtful, very personal piece for The Hollywood Reporter about the Oscars controversy #ACMIWatches…
“I am British with a slightly rebellious character; I always have been. But, actually, in truth, you’ve seen me. I’m short, I’m fat. I really would look ridiculous in a gown.” #ACMIWatches Image
Better known for her work on period films, Beavan’s costumes are a great example of the synergy between Heads Of Department on Mad Max: Fury Road: 200 boxes of found objects were sent to her workshop, which she used to construct some of the designs #ACMIWatches
As Production Designer Colin Gibson told us: “The people who came to work with me on Fury Road, I drew on all of their talents. Our real job is just to invigorate each other’s passions & find the best part of those & use them in the work.” #ACMIWatches…
Also this anecdote about Charlize Theron telling 2x Oscar winner Jenny Beaven to “take the compliment, bitch” lives in my head rent free. “So I’ve been taking the compliment, bitch, ever since” #ACMIWatches 😂… Image
Also just the kindness of The Wives back there to not kill Nux when they have every justification to, understanding how the War Boys are essentially brainwashed in to his cult too. “We’re not blame!” Men fucking the world into oblivion #ACMIWatches
Rosie Huntington-Whitely – another model turned actress – delivers one of the absolute standout performances of this movie. She has never been better on screen & it’s not just the conviction of her dialogue, but the small glances #ACMIWatches
This shot of Furiosa strutting alongside the War Rig is iconic. Per Charlize: “I’ll never forget the feeling of seeing my war rig for the first time and realizing holy shit, George is not fucking around.” #ACMIWatches
Oh you wanted to breathe during a George Miller movie? Lol you’re cute #ACMIWatches
Everything in this world has to be practical & I LOVE how you see that applied. They never tell you how prepared the women are, instead they show you at every step with the hidden weapons & even the functionality of Furiosa’s prosthetic #ACMIWatches
“Pike her in the spine” is a phrase I never wanna hear again k thank u #ACMIWatches
Note what adorns Immortan Joe’s chest piece: those are war medals from fallen ANZACs, something that is both uniquely Australian AND ties into their design idea that everything has to be a found object. They’re also … shiny & chrome #ACMIWatches
This moment between Max & Angharad’s kills me. Now he sees & understands why she’s the appointed leader of The Wives because of her bravery. He acknowledges that, we’re hopeful, but hope is a thing we shouldn’t have in this universe #ACMIWatches
“She went under the wheels.” Angharad’s fall is one of the roughest moments. You can’t help but feel that loss, especially when you see how she’s treated as nothing more than an incubator for Joe’s “perfect baby boy” #ACMIWatches
“We! Are! Not! Things!” There are no wasted moments in this movie, no wasted lines, no wasted shots or props. Everything is concise, including the central plight of the women #ACMIWatches
The Wives are so special, just look at Capable’s empathy & kindness & grace here to the foot soldier of the war lord that imprisoned her. Also lol at the implication she will become a step mum to “me mates” Larry & Barry #ACMIWatches
“Anti-seed. Plant one and watch something die.” The Dag’s recollection of Angharad’s thoughts on bullets is touching, but also resonates later when she develops a special connection with the Keeper Of The Seeds #ACMIWatches
Australian former wrestler Nathan Jones was born for the role of Rictus Erectus, he could have played Humungus in another life. He’s 6’9ft & for visual comparison, I’m essentially a teacup human beside him #ACMIWatches Image
Also the first time I heard Mad Max: Fury Road described as “a feminist action movie” was from Nathan Jones lips. He also told me he’d take a “wide berth” of Charlize on set because when she was in Furiosa makeup she was so “hardcore” #ACMIWatches
Rictus Erectus is essentially a giant baby, so Beavan adorns him in that paraphilia with a three-headed baby codpiece *vom*, baby head necklace & even stretched baby doll heads for knee pads *vom* #ACMIWatches ImageImageImageImage
The Bullet Farmer wearing a wig traditionally worn by Queen’s Counsels & Senior Counsels but made out of bullets is a statement: judge, jury & executioner. “I AM THE SCALES OF JUSTSICE!” #ACMIWatches ImageImage
Is Max a woke ally? Find a man that recognises you’re the better shot & allows himself to be used as a prop #ACMIWatches
Know Tom Hardy doesn’t have many lines in this film, but this says it all. His mentality about everything is just to keep moving, keep a forward locomotive away from his problems & his demons & his pursers #ACMIWatches
Also, Hardy’s Max is totally utilitarian. He kills the Bullet Farmer & The Bullettes, but also strips them for parts – literally #ACMIWatches
Mmmmm a man washing away the blood of war with mother’s milk #ACMIWatches
I do not trust things on stilts, especially things dressed as crows on stilts, don’t like, don’t like, don’t like, don’t like #ACMIWatches
There aren’t many moments that could be perceived as sweet in Mad Max: Fury Road, but the love story between Nux & Capable is beautifully affecting (and of course, doomed) #ACMIWatches
Speaking of love stories, there were A LOT of em that emerged from this intense, isolated shoot. My favourite is Riley Keough marrying Aussie stuntie Ben Smith-Petersen (he’s the Doof Warrior double & a War Boy among others) #ACMIWatches ImageImageImageImage
This may be one of Megan Gale’s few movie roles, but she & Miller go back a long way. He originally cast her as Wonder Woman in 2007 in his ill-fated Justice League: Mortal that also had Armie Hammer as Batman & Adam Brody as The Flash #ACMIWatches Image
Importantly, Gale would have been a big deal as Wonder Woman with her mixed Italian & Māori ancestry. And yes, as a mixed Māori woman myself it’s important to hype up every Polynesian cast member, those are the rules #ACMIWatches
Here’s what Gale told me about her character Valkyrie & the Vulvani as a whole: “Valkyrie and the tribe of women she’s a part of are just as capable & resourceful and resilient as the men are in this world.” #ACMIWatches
“George Miller is so incredibly supportive of creating female characters that are really strong & independent. Not a lot of filmmakers have that in mind as a goal.” Ain’t that the truth Megan Gale #ACMIWatches
Sure, you think you’re cool. But are you old lady motorcycle gang Vulvani levels of cool? #ACMIWatches
One of my favourite moments right here touches on the feeling of cultural dysphoria as Furiosa begins to put back the important pieces & gestures of her past #ACMIWatches
Adore this moment as different generations of women who have survived this hellscape embrace each other. The Vulvani haven’t seen such young, pristine women & far as we can tell, The Wives haven’t seen older woman besides Miss Giddy. Most don’t survive that long. #ACMIWatches
“War Lord Jnr. Gonna be so ugly.” Abby Lee Kershaw is such a revelation in this movie, she has some of the best lines & best deliveries #ACMIWacthes
Female mentorship is integral to not just feminism, but adapting & evolving & passing on the lessons learned & mistakes made to the next gen. That’s what this interaction between The Dag & the Keeper Of The Seeds is about as she shows her the opposite of “anti-seed” #ACMIWatches
Great echo of the opening shot we see here, but now Max has come so far. Instead of running from his ghosts, THIS is where he starts listening to them. He warns against hope, but he’s also about to give it #ACMIWatches
Mad Max: Fury Road isn’t really remembered as a funny movie, but there are many great & naturalistic comedic moments throughout. So many of them are on display with the Vulvani rn #ACMIWatches
Squad – and I cannot emphasise this enough – goals #ACMIWatches
Note Courtney Eaton’s tīpare in this scene, a traditional Māori headpiece woven in various tāniko designs. It’s a wink to her mixed Māori heritage #ACMIWatches ImageImageImageImage
Something I think about often: there’s a War Boy whose special skill is pedicurist to The People Eater. Like, yeeting yourself off a semi & into a ball of fire doesn’t seem so bad in comparison #ACMIWatches Image
Australian TV dad John Howard touching his exposed nipples as The People Eater in this shot still haunts me to this day #ACMIWatches
“Here we go girls.” It’s not just that the Vulvani is made up of woman over 50, it’s that we see woman over 50 as ACTION HEROES in a $150M+ blockbuster & the significance of that cannot be overstated #ACMIWatches
Also, Margaret Sixel’s female lens & understanding of the film’s emotional core comes into play here. From the earlier NPR intervie, listen to the way she talks about framing the Vulvani & this death scene (which is a real gut punch) #ACMIWatches Image
“One man, one bullet” is a vibe #ACMIWatches
Do you think George Miller has ever seen a gimp mask & not conjured up a practical use for it? Science says no #ACMIWatches
It’s fascinating to me that Tom Hardy & Charlize Theron didn’t get along initially, because they’re both performers who can communicate SO much by saying SO little. They just work incredibly well together #ACMIWatches
Mad Max: Fury Road is loaded with so much imagery that has never been seen on screen before & the pole cats swinging among the chaos of the explosions is a great example of that. It’s WILD. #ACMIWatches Image
Tom Hardy – like Charlize – is renowned for being pretty hardcore, but my God the way he talks about the pole cat experience kills me: “it was scarrrrey” 😂 #ACMIWatches
A real arc for Cheedo The Fragile: the weakest of the wives at the start of the film but the journey she endures with her sisterhood steels her. Also, Eaton was a BABY during this, just 18 or so while filming, & she’s so good #ACMIWatches
“Remember me?” It’s so important they don’t just kill Immortan Joe, they RIP HIS FACE OFF #ACMIWatches
Hello, I’m crying, are you crying? I cannot NOT ugly cry during this moment every time: from the way The Dag touches her hand gently to the window among all the chaos to the Keeper Of The Seeds dying with a smile on her face #ACMIWatches
“Legacy? What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you’ll never get to see.” #ACMIWatches
“I thought I was being spared for something great,” Nux told Capable in their first solo scene together back in the second act. She replied that maybe it was his “manifest destiny” to survive #ACMIWatches
She was right. He IS spared for something great when he saves The Wives, Vulvani, Max & Capable by flipping the War Rig with his final act #ACMIWatches
Final War Rig stunt was filmed in Penrith a year after principal photography in Africa wrapped. They initially thought they could do it with miniatures, then CGI, but soon realised the only way it could look believable was to do it IRL #ACMIWatches
Miller was super nervous about this cos of how many close calls there’d been already. Lee Adamson was the principal driver for all the War Rig stunts & flipped it for the final one, driving from a pod within the 18 wheeler & setting off the explosion at the same time #ACMIWatches
As a ‘universal donor’ we’re told by the Organic Mechanic in the opening minutes that Max’s blood can be used for anyone. They take it unwilling without his consent to fuel the War Boys lives. By the end, he willingly gives it to fuel Furiosa’s #ACMIWatches
That is full circle, cul-de-sac storytelling my friends #ACMIWatches
Tom Hardy can do more with a grunt and a facial tick than most actors can do with an entire script #ACMIWatches
What is Max’s defining trait? Forward motion. He doesn’t stay in the utopia he has helped dawn, he moves on. Because he has to. It’s all he can do #ACMIWatches
The motherless War Pups are the ones who heed the chants of “LET THEM UP, LET THEM UP!” as The Wives & Vulvani ascend. The matriarchy brings everyone they can with them, while the patriarchy put up walls to keep everyone out #ACMIWatches Image
“Where must we go… we who wander this Wasteland in search of our better selves?” The First History Man. The closing quote of Mad Max: Fury Road ties back to not just Miss Giddy, but the History Men & Women of the prequel graphic novel #ACMIWatches
To close out #ACMIWatches, here’s my personal ranking of Mad Max films (fight me on the streets):
1. Mad Max: Fury Road
2. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (feral boomerang kid really elevates it)
3. Mad Max: Thunderdome (“we don’t need another heroooo”)
4. Mad Max
Our next #ACMIWatches on Friday, Dec 18 is perfect for the festive season & guess what? YOU get to decide what it is! Sadly my suggestion for Mariah Carey’s A Christmas Melody was voted down, but here are you options:
Don’t @ me about where Die Hard is, I was outvoted on that one too 😂😂😂 #ACMIWatches

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