The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just published what is known as a White Paper - A Terrifying Future
The post-Covid world, the devilish project of the WEF: “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda” - after the “Great Reset”. A terrifying future
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just published (October 2020) a so-called white paper entitled “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda - in a Post-Covid World”.
This 31-page document reads like a blueprint about the "execution" -
because an execution (or implementation) would be "Covid-19 - The Great Reset" (July 2020), by Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO (since the founding of WEF in 1974) and his colleague Thierry Malleret.
They call "Resetting the Future" a white paper, which means that it is not quite the final version. It's a kind of design, a test balloon, to measure people's reactions.
Indeed, it reads like a hangman's tale. Many people may not read it - have no awareness of its existence.
If they did, they would take up arms and fight against this latest totalitarian blueprint offered to the world by the WEF.
It promises a terrible future for around 80% and more of the (surviving) population. George Orwell's "1984" reads like a benign fantasy compared to what
the WEF has in mind for humanity.
The time frame is ten years - up to 2030 - the UN Agenda 2021-2030 is to be implemented.
Here is the information on the two Putins that I originally posted, but not all of them. The videos I have of Putin's trial and his wife's confession have all been removed from YouTube.
I also have a lot more photos, but will show them later if necessary.
According to members of the Russian government, the original Putin is said to have mixed up gangsters and gangsters. He would kill anyone who got in his way or who he just wasn't a fan of.
Everyone around him lived in fear for their lives. Russian officials came together and charged Putin with all of the murders he had committed.
Below are pictures of Putin locked up in a courtroom. A guilty verdict was quickly pronounced and Putin was "quickly" executed that
The mural actually depicts the Security Council chamber itself. Look at the color of the wall in the background of the mural, then look at the color of the wall surrounding the mural. Also look at the shape
and color of the object on which the phoenix is standing in the mural, then look at semi-circular desk at which the Security Council members sit. You’ll see that the phoenix is actually standing on its ashes which lie on the desk of the Security Council.
But in the mural, the desk has a disfigured appearance, as if it’s been melted, and the ashes of the old phoenix lie on the burnt table.
So the mural depicts the New World Order phoenix standing in the ashes of the old UN on the burnt Security Council desk. It portrays the
Für ALLE, die den Ernst der Lage immer noch nicht erkannt haben!!! Leute, das ist kein Schwachsinn oder Verschwörungstheorie!!!, [19.05.20 09:28]
Kopie einer e-Mail an ungefähr 700 Abgeordnete des Bundestages und in Kopie an bisher einige hundert
Vergesst diesen ganzen Blödsinn mit Viren! Es geht um etwas völlig anderes. Es geht um die totale Kontrolle über die Menscheit mithilfe eines Quanten-Computers mithilfe des CoVID-19, also dem "Certificate of Vaccination ID"
(Zertifikat der Impfkennziffer sinngemäß), über welche jeder Mensch vollständig und vollautomatisch kontrolliert werden soll!
So ähnlich wie der gefährliche Microchip im Spielfim "Terminator 2".
Sehr geehrte Abgeordneten,
Die Abkürzung "CoVID-19" steht für:
⚠️ It is so obvious that it is hard to believe. The same corona mechanisms have been installed in all governments of the world. The world is under arrest! In order to regain our freedom and basic rights, we have to have a gene-altering vaccine injected and pay with our health!
And even with the vaccination, normality will no longer exist. Our democracy is being eroded day by day and replaced by a centralized, worldwide control and surveillance state. The global shadow government comes to light: Corona is the official birth of the New World Order!
Irans Chef-Nuklearwissenschaftler wurde laut iranischen Medien in der Nähe von Teheran getötet.
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, ein Nuklearwissenschaftler, wurde gemartert und ermordet + Bilder und Details
- übersetzter Artikel, Teil 2/2 -
Nach den erhaltenen Informationen fand das Attentat in der Stadt Absard statt, und die Terroristen sprengten ein anderes Auto,
bevor sie auf das Auto von Herrn Fakhrizadeh schossen.
Erklärung des Verteidigungsministeriums:
"Am Freitagnachmittag griffen bewaffnete Terroristen ein Fahrzeug von Mohsen Fakhrizadeh an, dem Leiter der Forschungs- und Innovationsorganisation des
Unfassbar welches Wissen Dr. Andreas von Bülow (SPD) im Gespräch mit Michael Vogt preisgibt. 😱
9/11 war ein Inside Job, Israel direkt oder indirekt an 9/11 beteiligt, deutsche Presse von der CIA finanziert,
USA sind der Drahtzieher von über 50 Putschen weltweit, Sauerland-Bomber war durch den deutschen Geheimdienst "betreutes Bomben".
Das sind nur einige von zahlreichen Vorwürfen, die Dr. von Bülow erhebt und immense politische Sprengkraft besitzen. Andreas von Bülow gehörte
viele Jahre der Parlamentarischen Kontrollkommission der Nachrichtendienste an und war unter BRD Geschäftsführer Helmut Schmidt von 1980 bis 1982 Bundesminister für Forschung und Technologie. In dieser Funktion lernte er Denkweise und Praktiken von Geheimdiensten kennen,