School referred my SEN and medically vulnerable 6 year old to CAMHS for significant mental health. Assessment confirmed he could not cope or learn in the mainstream school environment. We opted to EHE as spent years fighting for his SEN sibling to recieve an education already.
CAMHS supported this option fully and continued to support our family. That 6 year old who had been a fearful and distraught child, was discharged from CAMHS within a year because of the positive changes EHE made. Within that year my eldest child was also deregistered.
And then my daughter too. All have benefited immensely from the type of learning that EHE can provide and my youngest has been EHE from birth. Just because we found EHE in crisis, doesnt mean it wasnt right for our family.
We fought daily for my eldest to have access to a suitable education as a SEN student, school failed. As an EHE child, that same child flourished with a natural curiosity. That same child has been at college for the past 4 years and is currently applying to University.
That same child regularly thanks me for knowing the law and using it to ensure they could reach their potential. Who thanks me for saving their life. Who genuinely feels they might not have still been here if I hadn't deregistered them. #fairhearing4homeed#homeeducationinquiry
And that 6 year old? Is now 12 and has continued to receive services from CAMHS, SALT and physio during the past 6 years EHE. We never once had to register to have access, because my child already has access, all children do. He is not unseen, unsafe or invisible. He is simply HE