656 new people were identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 639 were residents in: Anchorage (262), Wasilla (91), Bethel Census Area (55), Fairbanks (37), Palmer (29), Chugiak (16), Soldotna (16), Eagle River (13), Kenai (12), Kodiak (11), Nome (10), Kusilvak Census Area (8),
Juneau (7), North Pole (7), Sitka (7), Utqiaġvik (7) Bethel (6), Kenai Peninsula Borough North (4), Sterling (4), Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area (4), Delta Junction (3), Kotzebue (3), Big Lake (2), Chevak (2), Dillingham (2), Homer (2), North Slope Borough (2),
Northwest Arctic Borough (2), Seward (2), and one each in Denali Borough, Fritz Creek, Girdwood, Houston, Ketchikan, Kodiak Island Borough, Nikiski, Petersburg, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area, Sutton-Alpine, Unalaska, Valdez-Cordova Census Area and Yakutat & Hoonah-Angoon.
17 new nonresident cases were identified yesterday:
•Seven in Anchorage with purpose under investigation
•Five in Southeast Fairbanks Census Area with purpose in mining
•One in Fairbanks with purpose under investigation
•One in Wasilla with purpose in tourism
•Two with location and purpose under investigation
•One with location under investigation with purpose "other"
11 resident cases were added and one nonresident case was added to the dashboard through data verification procedures.
This brings the total number of Alaska resident cases to 30,204 and the total number of nonresident cases to 1,240.
ALERT LEVELS – The current statewide alert level, based on the average daily case rate over 14 days per 100,000, is high at 79.87 cases per 100,000.
All regions in Alaska except for one are in high alert status with widespread community transmission occurring.
High (>10 cases/100,000)
•YK-Delta Region: 166.14 cases per 100,000
•Anchorage Municipality: 108.45 cases per 100,000
•Kenai Peninsula Borough: 104.02 cases per 100,000
•Other Interior Region: 62.45 cases per 100,000
•Mat-Su Region: 62.34 cases per 100,000
•NW Region: 50.25 cases per 100,000
•Fairbanks North Star Borough: 42.46 cases per 100,000
•Southwest Region: 38.3 cases per 100,000
• Juneau City and Borough: 25.9 cases per 100,000
• Other Southeast Region - Northern: 24.4 cases per 100,000
• Other Southeast Region - Southern: 13.3 cases per 100,000
CASES: SEX & AGES – Of the 639 Alaska residents, 325 are male and 312 are female. 43 are under the age of 10; 85 are aged 10-19; 121 are aged 20-29; 119 are aged 30-39; 109 are aged 40-49; 74 are aged 50-59; 53 are aged 60-69; 26 are aged 70-79 and nine are aged 80 or older.
CASES: HOSPITALIZATIONS & DEATHS – There have been a total of 706 hospitalizations and 120 deaths, with 28 new hospitalizations and sadly we also lost two women from Anchorage, one in her 70s and one over 80. To their families, we are so very sorry for your loss.
Currently 141 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 who are hospitalized and 12 additional PUI for a total of 153 current COVID-related hospitalizations. Twenty-five of these patients are on ventilators. The percentage of patients currently hospitalized with COVID-19 is 17.1%.
TESTING – A total of 999,054 tests have been conducted, with 27,518 tests conducted in the previous seven days. The average percentage of daily positive tests for the previous seven days is 6.9%.
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Every time I walk into my shift, I can see into the ICU.
I love standing outside and glimpsing the beauty of this profession before I walk in to the middle of it.
These days, it’s darker outside, the lights are on all the time and there is often frenetic movement.
I see teams in full PPE huddling to discuss a case, a silhouette of a nurse making adjustments at someone’s bedside or someone “term cleaning” a room after a COVID patient has left, either from being discharged or from passing away.
Each hospital room has always felt like a book to me, holding short stories of the patients and providers who inhabit these rooms, sometimes for minutes, sometimes for months.
735 new people were identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 724 were residents: Wasilla (278), Anchorage (120), Palmer (80), Soldotna (36), Fairbanks (36), Kenai (27), Bethel Census Area (25), Eagle River (15), Chugiak (10), Homer (10), Bethel (8), Kenai Peninsula Borough North (7),
Delta Juntion (6), North Pole (6), Sterling (6), Unknown locations (6), Utqiaġvik (5), Houston (4), Nikiski (4), Anchor Point (3), Big Lake (3), Kodiak (3), Nome (3), Seward (3), Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area (3), Craig (2), Juneau (2), Sitka (2), Southeast Fairbanks Census Area (2),
and one each in Dillingham Census Area, Ester, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Fritz Creek, Kusilvak Census Area, Northwest Arctic Borough, Meadow Lakes, Tok, and Willow.
Eleven new nonresident cases were identified yesterday:
•Six in Anchorage with purposes under investigation
Today we have our highest daily count. This is the first day we have had more than 10 cases / 100,000 people. In this last week we have had a total of 482 cases (408 residents, 74 non residents)- almost 30% of all the cases we have had have happened in the last week. 1/
Remember these cases reflect what happened over a week ago.
Remember we flattened the curve before. We can do it again. What did you do then? Can you do it again!?! 2/
Things our family does:
- work from home and that allows others who have to be in the office be there with less people
- never go in a building unless we absolutely have to (so many stores have delivery to your car now for free or are willing to if you ask - it is great!) 3/
30 people in Alaska reported to DHSS with a new diagnosis of COVID-19. 28 are residents: Anchorage (19), Fairbanks (3), North Pole (2), Kenai (1), Seward (1), Sterling (1) and Wasilla (1). The total number of Alaska cases is now 1,166. 1/
Two new nonresidents were also identified in: City and Borough of Juneau: 1 unknown industry and 1 unknown location and industry. The total number of nonresident cases is now 237. 2/
The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities announced yesterday a passenger on the Alaska Marine Highway System tested positive for COVID-19. DHSS has determined the only close contact to be the person’s traveling companion. (YAH for masks and distancing!) 3/
Notice: possible COVID exposures. Please check to see if you may have been exposed. Unfortunately, the Anchorage Health Department and our team are having a hard time keeping up with the number of cases and a large number of contacts with each case. 1/
We used to be able to contact almost all close contacts to known COVID patients - that is where someone was within 6 feet someone with COVID during their infectious period of 15 min or more, usually without both being masked. 2/
However, we are seeing a sharp rise in cases with more contacts or they cannot identify all the people they may have been in contact with during the infectious period.
As a matter of public health, Anchorage is listing locations where people may have been exposed. 3/
Today we have 55 people in Alaska newly diagnosed with COVID and reported to DHSS. 48 are residents: Anchorage (32), Wasilla (4), Fairbanks (4), Willow (2), and one in Bethel Census Area, Bristol Bay/Lake & Peninsula boroughs combined, Palmer, Petersburg, Soldotna, and YK. 1/
Seven new nonresident in: Fairbanks North Star Borough: 2 unknown industry, Valdez-Cordova Census Area: 2 seafood industry , Municipality of Anchorage: 1 seafood industry and 1 unknown industry • Juneau City and Borough: 1 unknown industry. 2/
The total Alaskan's is 1,111, total nonresident cases is now 230. 3 new hospitalization (total 72) and 1 new death (total 16) Thinking of the friends and family who lost a loved one, or are now in the hospital, battling this disease. 3/