"Felony Streaming" - Turning unauthorized streaming, interpreted a whole bunch of ways, as a criminal felony, not a civil one.
CASE Act: Kangaroo court for allowing anyone, anywhere, to troll all platforms for $30k a hit copies of anything they claim they own
"Trademark Modernization Act", a gold-plated brick in the foundation of a whole range of enforcing control on items and material works, by making a whole range of trademark adjacent work into violations, subject to heavy fines
Expect a range of onslaught, here in the burning embers of a soft-coup attempt and a mess of turnover in legislative bodies, to be rammed through in a culture-defining orgy of assault on the Internet
Don't forget Notice and Staydown, the No-Fly List for Culture; it has been PROVABLY THE CASE that media giants have declared certain songs, works, and even sounds to be wholly owned by them, with robo-takedowns by Twitch and Youtube pre-emptively yanking down false matches.
Bear in mind many of these legislative monsters have been waiting in the wings for a DECADE for the chance to strike, and now apparently is the time, and it's going to get U G L Y
Do you need action items? GET WITH THE EFF, they give the best absolute directions on action and things to pay attention to. eff.org
ACLU moves a tad slower but their mission is in a LOT of directions; definitely sign up for them as well. aclu.org/issues/privacy…
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Section 230, which you're talking about repealing, is a protection from platforms to be liable for speech and works hosted on that platform. I know you were born in 1955, so you probably remember seeing Gangster movies. Let's use that for a quick explanation.
Common Carrier status, which was conferred upon telephones in 1934. This meant Gangsters could call one another and say things, and the phone company wasn't hauled into court for being a Gangster.
Earlier this year, I found out someone I cared about: Doesn't "do doctors", is 30, had his father die from two heart attacks in his 40s, and wasn't going to do anything about first steps.
For a holiday gift, I've paid for him to get one of those comprehensive labs done.
May I suggest if you have one of those rambunctious life-by-horns folks in your circles who has zero insurance and an aversion to the costs of health care, paying for one of these lab sets is like handing them pebbles of warning before it becomes an avalanche of fate.
This may be the best gift you can give someone, if you can afford it. Push past the uncomfortable feeling of meddling; make the offer.
I know the whole world's on fire with news today, but the biggest Apple II RPG of the last 30 years is about to drop and this is the time for you to sign up to get a copy.
(It comes in an optional emulated form, so no worries if you don't have a II lying about)
Trust me on this - besides the core team (yes, a team), they've had assistance from the best of the best of the Apple II community to make the loading, operation, and complexity the ultimate that a II can handle. It's going to be a big drop and worth your time.
does it have feelies? DOES IT HAVE FEELIES YOU ASK
Seeing a video of an anti-vax emergency room doctor doing a blog video about why vaccines are part of a conspiracy of government control shouldn't bother me as much as it does. But here we are.
Here's 132 episodes of "Weebl and Bob" in the original Flash format. Nearly all work. The ones that don't are left up for completeness but the thumbnails are accurate in those cases. I expect them to work over time as Ruffle updates.
It will be interesting in the next few weeks to see what happens with these sorts of items, where you can get DVD versions but the original flashes are all going to die. If I'm contacted by Weebl to remove them, then they'll all go down, of course.