In my 2017 novel WALKAWAY, there's a scene where the protagonists get into a self-driving car owned by a ruthless plutocrat, only to discover that it moves faster than any other vehicle they've ever ridden.
The plute explains that he's done an illegal mod that lets him override the lane-change safety margins and pay fines for it - an illustration of the principle that "a fine is a price."
It was meant as broad satire, not a suggestion.
Specifically, it was meant to satire the idea that if you create "markets in everything" you'll get efficient allocations - some people REALLY want to change lanes and others only SORTA want to change lanes but the lane-change slots aren't allocated according to priority.
There are so many flaws in this idea, but the biggest one is that some people are VERY rich and most people are VERY broke and so a willingness on the part of a rich person to pay $X may indicate a mild preference, but a poor person might be indicating a strong preference.
If $X is 100% of a poor person's disposable income and 0.000001% of a rich person's disposable income, the rich person's whims trump the poor person's needs. This is going on around us, all the time.
The richest parts of London have the lowest covid rates but also the most rapid testing:
Remember when Homer charged a $1000 baldness cure that revolutionized his life to the company insurance and cost Mr Burns his ivory-handled back-scratcher?
Burns: I was going to buy that ivory back scratcher. How did he do it?
Smithers: He charged the company for Dimoxinil.
Back to Walkaway. Cyberpunk has a funny relationship with capitalism's most ardent trufans: inevitably, the parts that are meant as warnings are read as suggestions.
Which brings me to Ford's Patent 20200380860: "Smart Contract Formation, Handling and Fulfilment Between Vehicles."
It's written in the garbage legalese of all patent applications, but @patentdrop provides a handy translation: "imagine a car wants to merge... other vehicles would need to slow down, and in turn an inconvenience is created for them.
"Ford is proposing a system where the vehicles that need to slow down receive a payment for slowing down, while the vehicle that wants to do the slowing down, incurs a payment."
But there's more! Are you using a private vehicle on a route served by public transit? You stand to be compensated!
"If a light changes prematurely to accommodate a bus, this could entitle all vehicles with a certain distance of the light to light to a certain payment."
I would say "You can't make this shit up," except that I make this shit up for a living, but - and I can't repeat this often enough - as a warning, not a suggestion.
Inside: Ford patents plutocratic lane-changes; All the books I reviewed in 2020; Armed cops terrorize Florida covid whistleblower; Uber pays to get rid of its self-driving cars; and more!
This morning, I'm giving a talk for the Norwegian Unix Users' Group: "Monopoly, Not Mind Control: What's Really Happening With 'Surveillance Capitalism.'"
When they write the history of this era, one of the strangest chapters will be devoted to Uber, a company that was never, ever going to be profitable, which existed solely to launder billions for the Saudi royals.
From the start, Uber's "blitzscaling" strategy involved breaking local taxi laws (incurring potentially unlimited civil liability) while losing (lots of) money on every ride. They flushed billions and billions and billions of dollars down the drain.
But they had billions to burn. Mohammed bin Salman, the murdering Crown Prince of the Saudi royal family, funded Softbank - a Japanese pump-and-dump investment scheme behind Wework and other grifts - with $80B as part of his "Vision 2030" plan.
When covid struck Florida, @GeoRebekah - a data scientist working for the state - created a dashboard to help people in the state follow the disease's spread as Republican Governor Ron DeSantis lifted restrictions and declared the state open for business.
DeSantis insisted that lifting restrictions was working fine, but the data told a different story. In June, the state fired Jones after she refused to manipulate the data to maintain the pretense that DeSantis's plan wasn't slaughtering Floridians.
Jones was undaunted: she set up Florida Covid Action, an independent dashboard that revealed the real case-counts and mortality in counterpoint to the state's official story.