In your last paragraph, you should think about the following:
1. Discuss what you intend to achieve during the Msc/PhD program. You need to let the admission committee understand that you have a target. This means that you must have a specific research interest or idea you think may be explored as discussed with your proposed supervisor
mentioned in the previous paragraphs. If you don't need to have a supervisor, then you should mention potential supervisors you aim to work with.
2. Discuss your immediate plans after the program. Your plan should either be to implement the things you intend to learn in
industries in that country (you must have researched about potential industries in that country).
Another plan is to further continue the research by considering a PhD or a post-doc. This will give you more time to further explore and innovate in that specific research area.
Make sure you mention that you would like to have as many publications and probably patents in order to increase the research visibility of your research group and also increase the global ranking of the school.
3. Mention your long term goal: Part of it may be to secure a Faculty position to impart the next generation or to establish a research centre in your home country to help others. You can also mention that you would like to go back home to work with the Govt to actualise some
of these ideas in terms of policies that can improve the economy.
With this, you are done with SOP.
What's next is how to arrange it paragraph by paragraph.
1. Your work experience: If your present work is related to your research experience, please highlight
it and explain. If it does not, you don't need to mention it. What of your Internship? What did you learn there? And how do you think the experience can help your application? You should be able to mention an epiphany or a scenario in your work or Internship that made
you understand some concepts. Then make sure you align the concept with your application.
2. Research Experience: If your undergraduate work is published, this will be a huge boost. If it's not, try to discuss with your supervisor about it. There are FREE publishing websites.
This link shows all the schools in UAE:
Tag your friends to enjoy this meal🤣
I will explain the admission and scholarship process in two of the schools namely:
United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) and
Khalifa University (KU).
The same process applies to other schools.
Just use this method for other schools.
Today, we will discuss the admission and scholarship process in UAEU.
For the Admission process, follow these steps:
1. Check out the list of Graduate Programs (Msc and PhD) in this link:… (Please make sure you are using Google Chrome so as to automatically translate to English as shown below:)
'After 51 mails, 25 rejections, and 2 hopeful response, I finally got my 1st yes! This message is to encourage and inspire someone out there who is still waiting for a yes because I was on this boat and I can tell you it was not easy rocking it'.
When we say that this journey is not for the weak. I hope you understand better?
One Yes is enough to make you forget many struggles.
Keep applying. Keep sending those emails.
You will get it soon.
Another big win for @AdeleyeSamuelA and I, and Glory to God.
By the way, when you are told to apply and keep in touch, I'm sure you know what it means😀.
As you begin to jot down your points, begin to ask yourself the skills you currently have.
1. First, list the courses in your undergrad and experiences in your undergrad.
that is related to the course you want to study. Which course specifically stands out for you that made you want to further explore? write it down.
If you want a master's in a new field, begin to write down why you want this new field. Do you have background experiences in this new field, If no, begin to search for online courses or internship related to this course
On this SOP matter, we will keep writing tips until many of you get it so that the stress will be reduced.
In this series, I will be explaining in details the content of a good SOP.
1. It should tell us your inclinations i.e the things that appeal to you naturally or as a result of some problems you want to solve in your environment.
Why did you study your undergraduate course? Is it as a result of the things you observed were not right and you want to
correct? Are there emerging technologies in your field that you feel like exploring?
Truth is that many of us do not have compelling reasons to study our courses because of our environment. Many were 'given' the course because of issues beyond their capacity.
Que: How can I survive in France? Can I save as much as I want? how?
Ans: As an international student, you can save up to 700 Euros/month by working 20hrs per week. And as an African, you can work more hours provided you can combine it with the school.
This means that with the scholarship described in Part A and your frugality, you can save as much as you want.
Que: What kind of jobs are available for students and how many hrs?
Ans: Once you get to the school, walk straight to the dept and ask them for on opportunities.