Langula' Narasinghadeba I, was a powerful monarch and warrior of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty of early medieval Odisha, who reigned from 1238–1264. He defeated Muslim forces of Bengal who constantly threatened them from the times of his father Anangabhima Deva III.
Narasinghadeba I of Eastern Ganga Dynasty was first king from Kalinga & one of the few rulers in India who took offensive against Islamic expansion over India by Turko-Afghan invaders. His father had successfully defended his kingdom against Turko-Afghan rulers of Bengal.
Narasinghadeba I of Eastern Ganga Dynasty, also built the Konark temple to commemorate his victories over the Muslims besides multiple temples as architectural marvels along with the largest fort complex of Eastern India at Raibania in Balasore.
Anangabhima Deva III was a powerful Odia ruler & reformist of Eastern Ganga Dynasty and he ruled from the year 1211-1238 A.D. He was successful in maintaining a large extent of territory that stretched from the river Ganga in the north to Godavari in the South.
Anangabhima Deva III of Eastern Ganga Dynasty was most successful achiever of military objectives after a long line of limited rulers in the region. He regained lost territories & also managed to defend his kingdom from greater threats of Bengal Muslim rulers.
The Kalachuri king, Pratapmalla was defeated for the first time by the Anangabhima III, of Eastern Ganga Dynasty near Seori Narayana village in undivided Sambalpur district on the banks of the river called Bhima near the Vindhya hills.
Barabati fort was also said made by him.
A statue of King Chodgangadeba of Eastern Ganga Dynasty is worshipped in Chudanga Sahi in Puri. Chudanga word is itself a corrupt form of Chodgangadeba.
PC : wikipedia
According to some historians, King Chodgangadeba of Eastern Ganga Dynasty was the person who started famous Jaga ghara or Akhada culture and Sahi Jata in Puri. This was initiated by them for the protection of Sri Jagannatha temple.
Even Gosani Jata was also said to be started by king Chodgangadeba of Eastern Ganga Dynasty, which is one of the earlier form of Durga Puja.