.@SidneyPowell1 says this is been happening for years. @HillaryClinton did it to @BernieSanders in California but he decided to sell out. All of the political elites have been playing the game because it crosses political lines from Democrat\Republicans. All of them is using it.
.@SidneyPowell1 says it’s all about the truth. If we’re going to be an honest country we’ve got to have free elections. She gets letters from people across the world telling her she’s not just helping the US she’s helping every country that uses this system.
.@SidneyPowell1 says The courts have rejected so many lawsuits because the corruption goes deep and wide. They’ve threatened peoples lives and peoples children.
There’s 20 machines getting forensic evidence on the machines in Michigan as we speak. That is not @SidneyPowell1 lawsuit it’s another patriot that’s doing a very good job.
.@SidneyPowell1 says The amount of foreign interference they have in their lawsuit is more than enough to Trigger the 2018 executive order about foreign interference in our election. He could impound all of the machines and appoint a special counsel.
.@SidneyPowell1 says if @DNI_Ratcliffe Gives an honest report it will blow the minds of everyone. If this is not stopped now It will be the end of our republic and every election from here will be a farce. The fact they say no looking at voting machines says it’s one big fraud.
.@SidneyPowell1 says as her good friend @LLinWood would says if people have nothing to hide they hide nothing.
We must fix this now and the American people must demand it to be fixed. We can’t have anything like we’ve witnessed for the last four years out of the Democrats.
.@JennaEllisEsq explains what lawmakers are telling her as she travels across the country.
.@JennaEllisEsq says our founding fathers thought the legislators was the closest to the American people. So it’s upon the state legislators and Congress to make the right decision.
.@SidneyPowell1 Explains where she’s at with the lawsuits.
.@SidneyPowell1 Explains the supreme court doesn’t have to Grant them a hearing. They can just act on it with papers because they’re asking for emergency relief.
.@SidneyPowell1 explains all four cases is on the supreme court docket. They’re asking them to stop the train because it can’t stop at the station because it’s totally infected with fraud.
.@SidneyPowell1 tells @JanJekielek Judge Sullivan still wrote an opinion on @GenFlynn’s case that he really had no basis to write because he didn’t have jurisdiction over the case.
.@JanJekielek and I both highly recommend @SidneyPowell1 book License To Lie. Judge Sullivan would probably be getting impeached for what he done to @GenFlynn if the Republicans got all of the seats they was voted in for. This is where the voter fraud election case come in.
The great one @marklevinshow says we have had our fourth peace agreement in the middle east today. That’s more than any president in history and @realDonaldTrump deserves enormous credit.
.@GenFlynn tells @MariaBartiromo he was treated like public enemy number one. @BarackObama should’ve been afraid of me and he should still be afraid of me.
Through @GenFlynn’s case and the great work of @SidneyPowell1 and others that was behind us that helped us get to the truth. They have found an underbelly in the DC swamp that is grotesque.