Lu_lu💘 Profile picture
14 Dec, 103 tweets, 38 min read
Some thoughts on episode 51 of #Hercai

“It’s easier to pull mountains from one place to another than to unite hearts.
~ Ibn Khaldun-Muqaddim

#Reyyan #Miran #ReyMir #EbruŞahin #AkınAkınözü

First of all I want to say thank you because from week to week more ppl seem to read my thread. I remember when I started and it had barely 10 likes and no comments.
So thank you very much to each one of you who read it all, only part of it and also the ones who give up after three tweets.😂
My praise goes first and foremost to Ebru&Akın as every week. In this episode they showed us once more how versatile as a on-screen couple they are:from comic, to romantic, to overdramatic (M.) back to flirty, to melancolic. They served us all and served us well.
This episode was constructed around several symbols and we could find: fire, coal, pomegranate, trees… so let’s get started.
Fu: “You thought death would be so easy, didn’t you, Azize! First you pay, then you die.”

S: “The hardest thing in life is loneliness.”

S: “When a person’s heart burns with pain, it is reflected in his tongue.”
S: “Children are responsible for the sins of their parents.”
R: “Why don’t you consider Miran your family, uncle? I tell you why, because if you considered him a family member, then you have to admit that you doomed your own nephew to death. Miran shot Azat to keep him alive. You?You deliberately doomed your own nephew to death.”
M: “If you want to dance, then we will dance.” If you want, we can go home and dance in private.”

M: “You waited for such simple things and you paid so many times. And I owe you this.”
R: “The child changed you in two day. You changed me, and it’s good that you changed.”

H: “The guy you thought would shoot me, now hugs me.”

S: “When a person tries to punish himself, he remains in debt. Wherever you hit, the Lord will hit you from there.”
Old man: “Even when you go to the market, it’s not money you give, it’s your work.”
*Is Gonül superior to Harun because she is the daughter of an Aslanbey (male) and Harun is the son of a Aslanbey (woman)?
I don’t understand why she is “higher” to Harun if Haruns is the man.
*I don’t get the relationship between Yaren and Harun. First they “suddenly” exchange gazes of being in love, then again to hate each other, then again to be worried for each other. I thought H. wanted to get rid of Y. ASAP. I can’t figure out where this is leading.
*Harun wants to give Dilsha back to Miran?
I am very confused about his character right now because he seems to bring real justice to everyone without hurting though, at least it seems so. He rightfully asks Fusun:+
“Why did you hide her the same way Azize did? All this happened because you were hiding everything. People are not our toys.”
*Esma: “What if Fusun finds out? [about Firat being an Aslanbey].
Azize: “She won’t find out.”
> I don’t know why Azize is acting at the moment the way she acts. How on earth does she think it won’t come out that Firat is an Aslanbey? And even the eldest...
*Does Fusun know that Mahfuz is Reyyan’s father?

*How can Mahfuz have a lawyer and Ayse can call him any time she wants?
> For me we still haven’t found out who Mahfuz really is, for me he is not a random guy who is “simply” Reyyan’s father.
*Azize looks even more scary without her black eyes make-up than with it.😱
Sultan: “The place that your hands touched have dried to death.”
We have a new symbol that was introduced very prominently in this episode: the pomegranate. And here u go with the definition:
“The pomegranate foremost stands for fertility, a notion that dates back to Greek mythology where it's associated with the story+
+of Persephone who is taken by Hades to the underworld. The multiple seeds stand for “rebirth”, in this case her return to her mother to begin the spring season. In many religions, it is not unusual for them to be gifted to women hopeful to become pregnant where the+
*they believe that a taste of the sweet seeds will encourage a seed to be planted of her own. In the Christian world, the fruit is associated with the Virgin Mary as meaning “eternal life” as well as a reference to Doom’s Day.
Weddings, baptisms and birthday are typical occasions where the pomegranate makes an appearance during the celebration as a drink, food or present to the guest of honor(s). +
The only negative meaning that seems to be associated with the pomegranate is “war” due to the core shape of the fruit resembling a grenade.”
Now, let’s move on to one of the scenes that was most talked about. My thoughts are different from everything I read so far but I want you to keep in mind the keywords “rebirth” and “war”.
Everyone who reads my threads knows that I interpret most of Reyyan’s dreams (if not all her dreams) as a way of elaborating the past and not foreshadowing of what will be. Because if u think about it, apart from the very first dream/nightmare Reyyan had+
in E.1 not one nightmare became reality so far. So let’s get into details:
The scene starts with M. and R. are on a land and we see a little tree. Miran waters it and leaves to get more water. Do you remember M’s sentence:
“We were born on these lands where our faith was written for us long before we were born.”
So in a way everything that happens to them, was already written in their destiny and will happen to them in a way or another.
So while the tree is little, we see “grown up” M. and R. but in fact we have to imagine them as children.
They were both born on these lands, they’re faith was written long before they were even born.
Miran waters the plant, it takes roots, but he walks away = he leaves for Kars after D’s death but the destiny of Reyyan and Miran to meet again was already decided for them.
Then there is a time jump because the tree has “grown up” and R. says “Look M., 2 pomegrantes have grown”. One pomegranate literally falls & it’s the moment R. starts screaming for Miran. The blood we see is in that moment is when M. took revenge on her&made her fall.
He made her fall in the true sense of the word. It was like R. was dying, it was like a second attempt to her life because before her dad left her and wanted her mother to abort her, now she was abandoned by her husband. Like two attacks on Reyyan’s life symbolized+
+by losing the fetus but in fact it’s her own life. Then we see her screaming for the second pomegranate “Help me, help me, it will break, if it falls, my baby will die, help me please.” Now we suddenly see two burnt hands and the blue ribbon.
So the first pomegranate was Reyyan, the second one is Miran, thus the blue ribbon. Reyyan screams “Help me, help me”. It’s a way how she was afraid for Miran’s life (and their future together) all this time she fought against Azize/Miran’s demons from the past.
The burnt hands symbolize Azize. She tried in every possible way to destroy M., literally break him, in the past for such a long time (remember the Fusun’s sentence: “everything u touch is dying”) and now we are at the point of the story in which Azize is regretful.
And thus she "helps" R. and saves the pomegranate from falling (which is Miran) and not killing him and she does so by bringing Miran to her “belly”. The two created a new life:
the pomegranate as rebirth for all of them: Reyyan, Miran and the unborn child and Azize will help them protect this future happiness and child against the war that Fusun is about to start. Because let’s think about it:
a) R. doesn’t know about A’s burnt hands, why does she dream about them?
b) Reyyan wakes up and says: “Dad is here my baby, I already love you very much, which is why I am so afraid and worried.” R. is afraid and worried because of what she lived through in the past.
R. sees Mahfuz’s box whom she just told the night before this dream: “I owe u my life but u were the one who didn’t want my life to begin with.”
All this said, I think it is more a way of reading what happened to Reyyan in the past then what will happen in the future.
But you are free to call me crazy with this dream interpretation or hit unfollow or mute 😆😆
*I guess I haven’t ever seen Hazar smiling throughout an episode that much, it was even strange to watch.

*Have you noticed that at the dinner table there was a big physical distance between Miran and Nashu?
I was wondering if this was meant to underline the very big gap that is still between them.

*Azize and her burnt hands: the whole episode she was cautious in touching things, but when Reyyan was in danger, she knocked on the door with force.+
Intresting how our brains forget physical “pain” in moments of stress.
Nashu touching the tree: “We both made mistakes, very big mistakes. If I'm the root of this tree, then u are a branch. From now on it’s my duty to protect u. I would like to hug u to my chest, calling u my child. Forgive me my grandchild. Forgive me.
If I had listened to your mother in due time. If I believed her. I believed the slander. I have committed a great sin, I am very sorry. If I could turn back time… it doesn't work like this. Maybe you and I can become a grandfather and grandson. (...)
Through this dinner, we will show friends and enemies that the Shadolgu family is always together, no matter what.”
I can’t with Nashu as I can’t with Azize right now. I think it’s incredible how he is in denial and how unreflected he is about the past.
Everything he has done to Miran, everything he has ever done to Reyyan. How should that work by just ignoring the past? I liked however that again for three episodes straight now, trees are used to underline the concept of “children pay for the sins of their father.”
M: “I can’t run to them, hug them and call them my family, it’s not that easy.”
I personally think he is struggling to accept his new family first and foremost because of the way they treated R. and not because Azize told M. as a child+
+they are his enemies. He let go of revenge a long time ago, thus also the concept of Shadolgu’s being his enemy.
*The killer gaze
The killer gaze Reyyan gave Miran, now Hazar gives to Miran. I couldn’t in this scene. It was so tense but I still laughed.
*The bathroom
I couldn’t help in the bathroom scene to think about the last time ReyMir stood in front of a public toilet when M. kidnapped Reyyan in her henna dress and made her change that dress. The threatening back then from: “Change that dress or I am coming in”
+to “Are you ok? I am coming in because you feel unwell because you are expecting my child.”
Ah, what a long way they have come.😍😍😍
*The conversation
M: “I came here for the three of us. And I cannot say that this situation does not put pressure on me. If you are not comfortable too, we can go.”
R: “No, please, let’s stay. I wished to see you and dad at this table for such a long time. Let’s stay.
I would even get up and dance if I weren’t ashamed.”
>I wondered for a long time if Miran really wanted to go to that dinner and in the end I think he really went for Reyyan and also for Hazar. For sure not for Nashu.
I think there is still so much Miran has to “clarify” with Nashu but he wanted to make Reyyan happy for the night. So, I “accepted” that Miran “accepted” Nashu’s invitation, if you know what I mean.
*The reyhani
Their 3rd reyhani was the one that felt the most improvised but at the same time it was the cutest of the three of them. It was a couple who finally is completely at ease with each other and their love for each other can even be seen by a blind person.
The moment Miran gently hugged and kissed Reyyan, ah my heart.
I was laughing at Nashu because in the morning Fusun was his friend, in the night Fusun is his enemy because his Ayse/Azize said so.
Once more we see that N. hasn’t learned his lesson yet because when Hazar asks N. if he is hiding something again,+
+as he did before, he says he doesn’t. But we all know he does. I am not saying that he has to say that Azize is Hazar’s mother, but I think he should share his concern about the fact that Fusun can/could be dangerous and rightfully inform Hazar/Miran and Reyyan.
Another scene that made me laugh was the scene in which H. and foremost C. shake hands with G., especially if we think about how Cihan threw Gonül onto the courtyard after he left M. to die.
Ama, we are watching Hercai, so everything apparently is possible within a few episodes.😜
R: “Tonight I feel proud of you. Fell in love with you again. Fell in love. Again.”
M: “I am ready to go to dinner every night. Outside everything is so complicated, I want everything to be calm behind this door and no one touches us.”
I love how much we see a happy and in love couple inside the hut. I like how they keep the “bad stuff” outside the door, as Miran himself said, and I love how they show us a couple in love. I mean they even hinted intimacy between the two and I loved it+
when I saw that camera zooming down on the mattress, I couldn't help but think of the same camera movement that was done when halvet happened.😏😏
G: “If they want to live there, they will live there. If they don’t want to, then no one touches that room. Until this mansion collapses, it will be so, okay!”
I like the way I start to see a real change in Gonül.
The simple fact that she defends ReyMir’s room and them as a couple and their unborn child shows that she is on a good way to change. Although M. is not a “real” Aslanbey, for her it does not change the fact that he could come back to the mansion and not as her “love”+
+but simply as her cousin. I must say I wasn’t expecting this much of a change and therefore I really, really liked it.
Please, how cute was that whole scene. And because it was so cute, I am going to overlook that badly written line about Miran “forgetting” his ring in all the mess they are living through.
To be honest I don’t know how many time I re-watched that scene… always thinking I am watching something so intimate, so congratulation once more to Ebru and Akın who make me believe a 1000000% in ReyMir like all the freaking time.
Banu should make them a monument because we wouldn’t stick to this story for 51 episodes if not for epic ReyMir and phenomenal Ebru and Akın.
When the hashtag was announced, one of my 1st hopes was to see a scene like the one we later got delivered on screen. Once again, we had 1 key scene that included the essence of the episode's tag&Ali didn’t deceive+
+me with shooting it once more. The transition between all the mothers was done beautifully.

-Reyyan as a becoming mother

-Sultan as the mother who leaves her child for good and give her the chance to heal

-Zehra as the mother who has doubts about her lover’s love
-Handan as the mother who has the least motherly bound and connection to her children

-Azize as the mother who thought having lost her firstborn child and lived in pain nearly her whole life

- Esma as the mother who could never tell her child what has been done to her and what she went through before having holding her baby in between her arms.
As we are so focused on D’s appearance or the possible loss of the baby/babies: here a round of applause for Ebru and her angelic voice in this scene!
I found it cute how Reyyan got embarrassed for having simulated her baby belly with a cushion and the way she wanted to undo it, but Miran just came in time and said: “Stop, you know this will be reality.”
Again it was Miran who lifted Reyyan to not be ashamed of her feelings and especially not to be ashamed of her feelings with him and to show them, not to hide them.
I must say I loved how Ebru&Akın’s delivery of a comic scene felt natural&was fun to watch. Here the 2 moments:

M: “I wished I bought a whole garden of pomegranate.”
R: “Yeah, u go&buy gardens and make F. work.”
> R. pouring some truth here

M: “If he comes up with anything else, I swear, I won’t think about lentil’s mental state, Reyyan.”
R: “This time, I’ll close my eyes. Go crazy!”
> Reyyos approving and supporting her deli husband 😂
Let’s analyse that scene: ReyMir arrived with one pomegranate that Miran picked, but when they leave, they leave with two. And the old man wishing all the best for their baby. I want to believe that this was the foreshadowing we should most believe in:+
ReyMir will have a healthy first baby and after that they will have a second one. Have you paid attention that the pomegranate was first given to Reyyan and then to Miran? So, her baby will just be fine! We need to believe this!
Again, a very powerful image: Azize can’t fix the chain because of her burnt hands. And interesting question: can you fix something when you yourself are still on fire/still feel burnt?
Can you heal someone else if you are not healed yourself? And here I pick up on the opening quote: will Azize/Ayse ever be able to unite the hearts she herself pulled away and she herself tore apart for so many years?
The questions Hercai asks here...
Again a revelation of big, big kept secret is told when the characters are surrounded by trees.
Finally Esma can say what she couldn’t say for so many years: “I killed Nihat Aslanbey, I pushed him because he raped me. [...]
Then you hold onto me with your little fingers so hard. As if you knew everything. As if you realized that I would give you away. I couldn't separate you from me. You were a part of me. At that moment, I made a decision, I kept you for myself.”
What can I say: a very, very powerful scene. I got goosebumps during the whole scene and I cried with Esma. The way the truth was told through another flashback and seeing desperate, young Esma who wanted to committ suicide was heartbreaking.
I liked that Esma went for the whole truth and said she pushed Nihat and that she didn’t say another lie as Azize suggested: “you will say I pushed him, you will say i killed him.” How hard it must be for Firat to hear and know that he is a child conceived by rape.
What I also couldn’t help but notice was the focus on Miran in this scene. I can’t but see that while E. said what happened to her he thought of his own mother and what she possibly went through with Mehmet. From physical to mental abuse to even rape because Mehmet+
always thought that M. was his child, so he must have forced himself on Dilsha too. For both Firat and Miran to know what monsters their respective "fathers" were, must be really difficult to accept&to fully understand/accept the way women were treated in the house +
Aslanbey before they were even born must be hard to digest.
To be honest I don’t know what the symbol is behind the cave scene in which R. whistles and we can hear the eco. It can be read in two ways:
1) she is a nature girl and knows the “rules of nature”. In such a place a wounded animal or a mother+
+of animals could hide her kids. So she might have whistled to ensure there was nothing there that could be threatened by her presence.
2) it can be seen as a short moment of darkness that she was going to experience with the food poisoning she would get.
Once again we encounter the symbol of fire in one of the final scenes. We see Fusun “playing” with a piece of coal while talking to Miran.
Let me give you here one definition of “burning coal”:
“Burning coals in the Bible also symbolize judgment&spiritual purification. God is compared often to fire&is described in terms that relate to fire’s heat, brightness, and power. So another understanding of “burning coals” is that our right response to those who do us+
harm allows God’s own power and judgment to fall upon that person. We must “leave room for God’s wrath” and wait for the vengeance God brings in His own time. When we relinquish to God our right to take revenge, we show faith in His justice.
God will bring conviction upon the sinning heart. Responding the way Jesus did to His enemies allows the “burning coals” of God’s righteousness and justice to operate within the soul of that person and hopefully bring him to repentance.” (CIT.)
So, with this definition in mind, I read this scene in a sequence:
1) At the beginning of the scene, F. plays with the coal and this stands for the time she “wait [ed] for the vengeance God brings in His own time” over Az. and all the harm she did to the family of F.
But Fusun saw that this vengeance did not arrive. So by the end of the scene we witness how
2) she throws the coal back into the fire and metaphorically speaking she throws Azize into the fire too. +
She no longer waits that God will bring revenge, but she herself takes vengeance into action.
So, rightfully we are all worried that something might happen to the baby/babies. But I want to make a last comparison between R’s dream&the last scene of the episode. In R’s nightdream, we saw A’s burnt hands that were brought Reyyan’s belly.
In the final shot we see also Azize’s hand on Reyyan’s belly, but we see them with gloves, so for me in a way we didn’t see Azize burnt hands, but we saw Ayse’s “innocent” hands touching the belly… because:+
Azize is Azize only with Fusun, she herself said: “I will be Ayse again, but with you [Fusun] I have to be Azize.
I want to believe that although no one will believe her at first, Azize will help ReyMir from now on.
So having said all this and you made it down here: we should get ready big time for the WAR AZIZE VS. FUSUN everyone!

And with this said...this is officially my longest thread ever to be written!😄 Have a good week my fellow Hercai addicts!🦋


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13 Dec
I agree with every word. Killing one of the babies makes no sense bc it would make the innocent ones always pay for sins they didn’t commit while the evil ones are never punished. I see the “killing” of the babies/baby like the ones that say there won’t be a happy end+
if in the end ReyMir are apart, what is the message of this dizi? I wrote a long rand about this already!!! One of the very first sentence of the dizi is “Always believe in miracles” would be written for the bin and messed around with the audience big time. +
If they need to add drama, let R. be brought to the hospital and let her have a break down and tell M. she was so afraid because she was pregnant before and she lost their first child in the accident when she left the hut. That is also drama, but NOT this child/children. #Hercai
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