1./ On Jolyon Maugham and his underhand tactics. Here's Jolyon complaining that an expert cited by the prosecution in the Tavistock trial is a.... veterinary scientist who did work on sheep. To self-styled genius Jolyon this appears to be an outrage. It isn't. And here's why.
2./ How would YOU test puberty blockers? Now that they're in widespread use Jolyon's side argue it would be unethical to run a trial where a control group of gender dysphoric kids are NOT given PBs. So why not run an animal trial? That's exactly what Professor Neil Evans did.
3./ His team at Glasgow University worked with researchers from Norway's leading Gender Identity clinic. Jolyon didn't mention them. But anyway how CAN animals help us work out the impact of puberty blockers? Simple: all mammals go through adolescence. Yep even sheep.
4./ Strange as it may seem almost identical chemical interactions happen in adolescent sheep as in humans. Yep, pituitary gland, GnRH hormones, sex hormones. Even more importantly, the rewiring of the brain that happens in teen humans happens in sheep too. courses.lumenlearning.com/ap1x94x1/chapt…
5./ How do I know this? Because unlike Jolyon I was intellectually curious enough to speak to the team and read their papers. If like me you grew up in the country you'll know already sheep aren't the pacific little creatures of school rhymes. discoverthelakes.co.uk/how-to-survive…
6./ My boyfriend and I were once chased by rams cos we had our dog (on a leash) and ewes with lambs ain't friendly either. Neither ...despite millenia of domestication are sheep as dumb as we like to imagine. There's another thing that's useful about them.bbc.com/earth/story/20…
7./ If you want to study the impact of a chemical on the entire body mice are so different in body mass from humans it's hard to get the comparison right. Sheep are much closer (average mass 55kg) to humans. So they go thru adolescence and they're close in mass to us! Tick. Tick
8./ The problem is how to examine the mental function of a sheep in ways that might shed light on subtle human brain function. The Glasgow team did something brilliant. They devised a complex maze for their sheep and trained them (using food) to navigate their way through it.
9./ The "teenage" sheep who weren't given puberty blockers when they were reintroduced to the maze after an absence found their way round just as before. Those who took the PBs were lost. This is a very precise sort of memory: spatial memory.
10./ It's the sort of memory that means if you go back to your home town you know you're way around. Could the lack of that sort of memory be suggestive (that's all we can say) of more pervasive identity problems in humans? You can read the paper here. 👇ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
11./ Remember the team were trying to be very precise and only focus on a very few functions. This isn't to say there weren't other deleterious effects of PBs. It just means the experiment was designed to explore THIS one. The team also found distinct emotional differences.
12./ Rams who were given PBs remained more emotionally reactive after the blockers were stopped than the control group. The team concluded "perturbing normal hippocampal formation .. may also have long lasting effects on other brain areas and aspects of cognitive function."
13./ I don't get it. Jolyon and his side say THEY care about kids who believe they are trans. So then why would they not bother to read the paper from, never mind speak to the team who ran the only large animal trial into the powerful drugs they want to give to those kids?
14./ Maybe Jolyon isn't motivated by the truth. Here he points out slyly the team's work was "taken up" by a Christian outfit. So what? Are we to judge Einstein's work on the basis that David Icke sometimes quotes it? This is a lazy attempt to smear good science by association.
15./ Evans was cited by the Christian Institute not paid by them. What's strange is I used to believe some of Jolyon's conspiracy theories. What this debacle proves is that when it comes to facts he can be as careful as a medicalised teenage sheep lost in a long forgotten maze.
1./ The Elon problem. Now @Nigel_Farage has been dumped by @elonmusk and Jess Phillips traduced by him it's time people remembered he has a track record of baseless attacks on innocent people. Like the time he called a brave rescue diver... "pedo guy". theguardian.com/technology/201…
2./ British diver Vern Unsworth was leading the attempt to rescue schoolboys trapped in a Thai cave. That attempt -against all the odds- ended in spectacular success. Musk tho had publicly dismissed the team's chances. Worse still he insisted the team use his experimental tech.
3./ Unsworth rejected Musk's offer of a mini submarine which had never been used for rescue and which he knew would not work. After much online tit for tat he described the sub idea as a PR Stunt. For that offence Musk labelled him "pedo guy", a disgusting, unwarranted slur.
1./ A Puberty Blockers Triumph. The UK permanently bans blockers for under 18s. Many brave people fought for this but ONLY ONE lesbian and gay group did. This was the little film I directed for @alliancelgb about the scandal. It moved some to tears.👇
2./ LGB Alliance was relentlessly defamed by @owenjonesjourno, the creeps at Pink News and the rest of the immoral LGBTQ+ lobby who used government money to campaign FOR the effective sterilisation of kids. With small donations @AllianceLGB fought back with posters like this.
3./ It is worth remembering that only 2 years ago NOT ONE newspaper would take the ad and @TfL refused to put it on buses or the tube. @KateBMwriting was forced to hire vans to take the message round Westminster as she sought to alert politicians to the tragedy.
1./ My latest article dissects the career of a woman who may be one of the most dishonest people in public life: Ruth Hunt. She turned Stonewall into a wing of the toxic trans lobby despite saying she wouldn't. That was only the start of her disregard for ethics.
2./ How ethical was Hunt's behaviour at Stonewall? In the 2016 accounts there's an intriguing note referring to payments of £68,400 made to Caroline Ellis. She was and still is Ruth Hunt's partner. The payments were "conducted at arms length" the note assures us. If you say so.
3./ Ellis and Hunt are still in business together. Tho it's more obviously above board now. They run a consultancy together that teaches managers in NHS Trusts how to use pronouns. And presumably how to tie their shoelaces. If you have money to burn...these are your gals.
1./ Cows and Crazy Conspiracists.
It's good to be skeptical of scientific claims. Big Pharma's promotion of puberty blockers is shameful. BUT the people making claims about Bovaer which cuts methane from cattle don't care about evidence or people's jobs. thetimes.com/uk/healthcare/…
2./ Farmers already feel under attack by the Starmer government. The Dairy Industry was already struggling with soaring costs. So for @TiceRichard now to support a boycott of @ArlaFoodsUK who employ 5000 jobs in the UK based on no serious evidence is an utter disgrace.
3./ Tice says Bovaer is bonkers. Yet the irony is he quotes Patrick Holden who is as bonkers as they come. Holden is up to his armpits in mystical manure from astrology to homeopathy. Does Reform now argue, like Holden, farming should all be organic? dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/20…
1./ If you'd like to read my FULL story of LGBT Youth Scotland: including how the FBI helped track down its paedophile CEO and why I suspect its current CEO is teling porkies I've taken down the paywall.
Click on the link in my bio. It's dated September 4th.
2./ The article highlights quotes from a special session Holyrood held in 2005 to honour Rennie and LGBTYS. Nora Radcliffe (Lib Dems) said: "I commend the excellent, highly competent leadership LGBT Youth Scotland gets from Jamie Rennie." Rennie beamed from the public gallery.
3./ Tricia Marwick (SNP) said of Rennie's group, “the work they do is amazing and I cannot praise them enough.” It “deserves all our congratulations and support” because it “helps young people at their most vulnerable.” By then Rennie had been raping a baby for a year.
1./ Who is Jaguar aiming its new 'Copy Nothing' cars at? On its website Jaguar features a sneak peek at its new target market: "queer creatives." If the company believes this sort of posturing fakery is going to sell cars it is more deluded than we imagined.
2./ The problem with Jaguar targetting the "queer" demographic is this minority is increasingly driving everyone else up the wall with their unreasonable demands and bullying arrogance. Here Layton Williams wonders why "queer" people are all creative. Spoiler: they're not.
3./ It is daft for a brand to hitch its wagon to a minority -the 'queer' identified- that revel in causing offence. Jaguar will end up associated with brittle, hyper-sensitive people who lack authenticity. 'Copy Nothing', says the company's ad. Don't worry Jaguar. We won't.