A few things from the CE-5 presser: Wu Yanhua: China will be sharing samples with scientists from other countries. methods for the management to be issued. As with US, Russia, the samples to be shared with institutions including the United Nations.
Later, asked if samples will be shared with NASA, Wu says: "First, in accordance with the Outer Space Treaty, outer space resources are the common asset of humanity. We will act upon the relevant treaties." -- this sounds like a shot at the Artemis Accords.
China's complex Chang'e-5 lunar sample return mission is set to launch between 20:00-21:00 UTC (3-4 pm ET (04-05:00 am local tomorrow). It will seek to return the first lunar samples since the 1970s. Thread on the launch, spacecraft, science and more.
First, launch coverage is ongoing here, in Chinese:
Alternatives and updates likely to be posted by @Nextlaunch
The rocket for the launch is China's largest (57m, 860 tonnes), the Long March 5, which was designed with the Chang'e-5 mission in mind. The failure of its 2nd launch in July 2017 delayed CE-5 by 3 years. But now it's on the pad.
Chang'e-5 coverage: possible link to possible live(ish) coverage from CCTV. Currently looks like launch will be around 20:25-21:15 UTC/3:25-4:15 p.m. ET today, but that's not official. app.cctv.com/special/cporta…
CCTV now broadcasting. Here's a Youtube stream version:
Here's an image of Tianwen-1 in deep space and on its way to Mars, released today [CLEP]. The spacecraft is currently 24.1 million km from the Earth with a total flight distance of 188 million km. Source: mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3OT…
One more image:
This was a one-shot deal, with a small instrument carrying two wide-angle lenses released from Tianwen-1. After release it took one image every second, transmitted to TW-1 via wifi. Farewell, expensive deep space camera.
The object (2020-063G; 46395) released by China's reusable experimental spacecraft/possible spaceplane before it deorbited remains in a 331 x 347 km orbit incl. by 50.21°. Little known, but a few clues. n2yo.com/?s=46395&live=1
It is known to be transmitting, meaning it's a satellite with some purpose. It may be that it is simply a test of the reusable experimental spacecraft to successfully release payloads in orbit.