Not sure altmetric is be-all & end-all but it looks like
the meta-analysis of ICU outcomes from COVID by @drrichstrong@adk300 has just become @Anaes_Journal no. 1 using that metric
Quite a feat during a pandemic while doing your day jobs
Well done🎩
Thanks @Anaes_Journal for publishing it and handling it so expertly and promptly, as usual
Unlike most papers this year it had a somewhat positive message showing how in-ICU mortality has fallen over the first months of the pandemic
- from around 60% in Jan-March
- to less than to 30% in May
An awful disease but one in which we have been making improvements
We offered these potential reasons for improvement
(all studies published before #RECOVERY dexamethasone results announced)
Similar findings in this @ICNARC paper published subsequently and a very good read
It highlights
-the impact of the peak period on both mortality and admission patterns
-the gains we've made over time
We did not at the time find any differences in outcomes by geographical region
Though at that time the regions that had reported were far more limited than they are now
Limitation of the analysis included the lack of standardised definitions which precluded analysis
-what is ICU
-patient characteristics
-sickness severity
About time we had some standardisation of reporting to enable more useful comparisons between groups
..and finally to put in context
important to remember most COVID deaths do not occur in ICU
-about 9% of all deaths up til June
-only 1 in 7 of all hospital deaths
While the balance between allowing access to hospitals & preventing unknown Covid infected patients in is a tough one - it needs to be addressed to protect patients and staff
The NICE guidance means 14d self isolation is no longer routine. Rather isolation is to be from day of PCR test - which is to be up to 3d before admission