3\ And who can forget Gavin Nuisance, gleefully presiding over the nation's longest and most severe lockdown, while breaking the law to dine at French Laundy
Some good descriptions of what today would be called "virtue signalling" in this chapter on Ursuline nuns. Previous passages also capture the sexual fantasies, somewhat adjacent to hybristophilia, that ironically attended chastity.
This sort of gal is instantly recognizable today, disowning MAGA family members or marching for tr*nnies
Extremely right wing friend talks about what it's like on the inside to be a successful Ashkenazi financier. Says that beyond the intelligence, the characteristic traits are a somewhat neurotic hyperactivity and a bit of disregard for social convention...
I watched him rise meteorically in his 20s, and it was true. He has a manic, self effacing good nature, and his days seem to be one long laugh. Twice he arrived in a new city, pressed bumptiously and good humoredly in every direction, and within months knew everyone
He thinks the key non-Gentile trait is a willingness to look foolish, to ask the possibly dumb question at a pitch dinner that nobody else will. Thinks a sort of dispositional gravity therefore leads Ashkenazim toward places where the *social* fabric of a market is broken...
It goes under remarked-upon that British colonial subjects were immediately granted civil rights
The British didn't know how to govern a possession (Ascension Island) of 380, so they declared it to be a ship and left it to the Admiralty
"How is it that these pale-cheeked exiles gave security to a race of another hue, other tongues, other religions which rulers of their own people have ever failed to give"
Israel "waiting for the green light from the Americans" before the 1967 war..."combing word by word through a column in Newsweek'
Apparently Israel was content not to broadcast the fact that it had destroyed Egypt's air force, because it thought the UN would not intervene as long as Israel was believed to be losing
"In almost all the great peasant nations, marriage for women is soon after puberty, in the late teens. This congrats strongly with the late age at marriage, twenty-five or later, found in parts of northwestern Europe from at least the 16th century"