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Dec 26, 2020 123 tweets 142 min read Read on X
"Alternate Paths" (Part 1): A Potesterex and Degressol story. Mick and Kris happen upon their friend Derek who has been transformed from a normal guy to a muscle god. They realize that the stories about transgenic Rejuve therapy are real! #Potesterex #Degressol #musclegrowth Image
"Alternate Paths" (Part 2): Mick and Kris have made appointments to go on Rejuve. But they realize that Potesterex isn't the only transgenic drug. It looks like Kris is going to have to take a different path. #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 3): Mick and Kris arrive at the doctor's to begin their Rejuve treatment. Mick can't wait to get on Potesterex and Kris is resigned to his fate. But they learn that they need to take some tests before anything can happen. #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 4): The results of the genetic tests are in: both Mick and Kris are compatible for Rejuve therapy, but not in the way they imagined. #Potesterex #Degressol #musclegrowth #muscletheft #cmnm #medicalfetish ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 5): Having gone in for Rejuve, Mick and Kris realize they will be going down alternate paths from the ones they expected. The doctor gives them their first shot of the transgenic formula and the results are immediate. #Potesterex #Degressol #muscletheft ImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 6): Checking in with Mick and Kris on Day 1 of their Rejuve therapy. This sets our baseline as they will now experience the powerful effects of transgenics. #Potesterex #Degressol #musclegrowth #muscletheft Image
"Alternate Paths" (Part 7): In the first three days since taking Degressol, Mick hasn't noticed much change in his overall size, but the drug has caused him to go limp. As his horniness builds, he's nearly jerked himself raw with no results! #Degressol #Toptobottom ImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 8): Mick has always considered himself a top, but the Degressol is rapidly rewiring his body. Experimenting with Kris' dildo for the first time, he's amazed by the sensations! He's nearly to the point of cumming, when suddenly... #Degressol #Toptobottom ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 9): Kris has caught Mick trying to cum using a dildo. Mick has always been the top in the relationship, and he's embarrassed to see the roles reverse so quickly. But Kris is also horny and his cock is hungrier than it's ever been. #Degressol #Potesterex Image
"Alternate Paths" (Part 10): Although Kris is still physically smaller than Mick, the Potesterex has begun to work its effect, making him more aggressive and dominant. Meanwhile the Degressol has had the opposite effect on Mick. #Degressol #Potesterex #RoleReversal #Toptobottom ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 11): It's been a week since Kris and Mick have gone on Rejuve, so they're back to the doctor for a checkup. It's clear that the transgenic drugs are already causing both to change in alternate directions. #Potesterex #Degressol #Musclegrowth #Muscletheft ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 12): It's only been a week since Mick went on Degressol and Kris went on Potesterex, but the changes are already becoming evident. They've already switched sizes and roles and they still face three more weeks before the both get to their final forms. Image
"Alternate Paths" (Part 13): Mick keeps thinking he can fight off the effects of Degressol, but Kris wants him to adopt a more realistic attitude, beginning with reading the tutorial information about Rejuve therapy. #Degressol #Potesterex #muscletheft #musclegrowth ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 14): As Mick's cock shrinks, Kris's cock keeps growing. Now Mick has begun to find himself almost hypnotically attracted to Kris's ever more powerful tool, which he's begun to crave constantly. #Degressol #Potesterex #PenisReduction #PenisEnlargement ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 15): Two weeks into their diverging therapies, Mick starts to embrace his new role and enjoy having Kris take charge in their relationship. #Degressol #Potesterex #Muscletheft #Musclegrowth #Toptobottom Image
"Alternate Paths" (Part 16): As Kris sleeps, Mick decides to make one last attempt to recapture his former role as the top in their relationship. Creeping up behind the sleeping giant, he tries his best to penetrate the powerful, muscular ass with his much reduced member... ImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 17): On Day 20, Kris and Mick's paths have diverged substantially as the doctor's measurements make clear. Not only is Kris much larger than before, Mick is much smaller, exacerbating the growing size disparity. #Degressol #Potesterex #Muscletheft ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 18): 2/3rds into their changes, #Potesterex has grown Kris larger than Mick was originally and #Degressol has shrunk Mick smaller than Kris' size prior to their treatment. They're also discovering that the psychological changes are similarly pronounced. Image
"Alternate Paths" (Part 19): For the final phase of their rejuve transformations, Kris and Mick check into the Transgenus Corporation spa. Mick quickly finds out that this is no vacation: he's signed up for a complete set of classes to help him adjust to his new life. #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 20): Outfitted in his new uniform, Mick joins several other "boys" undergoing Degressol treatment. Apparently the spa includes a complete set of classes to help them adjust to their new reduced role in life. #Degressol #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 21): After a day of classes with the other boys, Mick questions the purpose of the Spa's "curriculum." But is he ready for the answers? #Degressol #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 22): As Mick is starting to get a better handle on life at the Spa, he learns more about the other boys who have undergone Degressol reduction therapy. He's surprised to learn that Jonah and Topher are a couple. #Degressol #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 23): Mick, Jonah, and Topher have changed into the regulation string bikinis provided for males at the spa who are undergoing Degressol reduction therapy. The "boys" are hoping to catch the attention of one of the augmented men... #Degressol #Potesterex ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 24): Mick and his friends have met up with Hank, one of the men who have been Augmented by Potesterex. While Jonah and Topher are eager to put on a "les-boi" show for Hank, Mick isn't as impressed. #Degressol #Potesterex ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 25): After making a big point of defying Hank, Mick starts to learn how fully his reduced body has been re-programmed to submit to augmented males. As he comes into contact with the musk of Hank's pheromones, his own conscious mind starts to go foggy. ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 26): Having stripped Mick, Hank proceeds to lord their respective changes over the boi. It's not just that #Potesterex has made Hank grow muscles while #Degressol has melted Mick's muscles away. The transformations go much deeper. #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 27): A former top himself, Mick is indignant about Hank's haughty attitude. He's desperate to resist the changes, but his transformed body keeps betraying him. #Degressol #Potesterex #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 28): Kris found his boyfriend Mick just in time to catch him giving a blow-job to another Augment. Mick is worried that Kris will be upset at his apparent infidelity, but this is just the start of what he's in for... #Degressol #Potesterex ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 29): Mick has gone back to Kris' suite where he is introduced to his boyfriend's staff of boi servants. Already concerned that he slipped from top to bottom in the relationship, Mick is now concerned that he's becoming an ever less equal partner. ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 30): #1 and two of the other bois on Kris' staff have taken Mick downstairs and outfitted him with a harness that matches theirs. Mick is indignant of #1's haughty attitude and worried about the talk of being disciplined. #Degressol #Toptobottom ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 31) Earlier in the day, as Mick was taking his first classes with the other bois, Kris explored a bit of the Spa as he was being escorted to his Suite... #Potesterex ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 32) While Mick was in class, we continue to follow Kris' path as he was introduced to the Spa and shown to his Suite where he meets Bradley, the boi-overseer of his future staff. #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 33): Alone in his suite, Kris decides to take care of the horniness he's built up due to his surroundings. It's been hours since he last fucked Mick and his vast balls feel full of augmented sperm, while his sex drive is almost overwhelming. #Potesterex ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 34): With Bradley's help, Kris begins to select his staff of personal boi servants. With so many to choose from, it's difficult to decide which ones might work out best. Kris opts for some variety in his initial choices. #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 35): Although he's been increasingly horny, Kris has decided to postpone "christening" his 8 new staff-bois for now. As he's adjusting to being waiting on, Kris finds out he's about to receive a visitor. #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 36, back in the present, takes place immediately after Part 30): Number one and his helpers have subdued Mick and attached him by his harness to the "disciplinarium." Now even more of his bits are being attached to the machine. #Degressol #sounding #estim ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 37): The bois have strapped poor Mick into a device called the Disciplinarium. With his bottom fully prone to spankings and his reduced nub fitted with an estim sound, Mick finds himself completely at the mercy of the machine. #Degressol #estim ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 38): At the mercy of the Disciplinarium machine, Mick must either give in and submit to its "facts," or face continual discipline in the form of robotic spanks to his exposed bottom and electric shocks to his poor nub! #Degressol #MindControl #Reeducation ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 39): While Micky is in the basement getting reeducated, Kris is upstairs enjoying a light workout — one of many activities that he finds makes him super horny. Fortunately, members of his staff are in position to receive his copious gift. #Potesterex ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 40): As Kris fills boi #3 up with a huge load of hot, thick cum, bois #1 and #2 check-in with their Master and give him a status report on Mick's progress... #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 41): Early the next morning, Kris wakes up amid his harem, finding himself increasingly virile, horny, and hungry. #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 42): As Kris gets ready for the day, he makes use of the deposit station that #1 and the staff prepared for his use during the night. Next, it's off to the showers and breakfast in preparation for a busy day at the Spa. #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 43): Micky (known within the boi-harem as #9) is still reeling from spending a night in the disciplinarium and then waking up in a deposit station to the powerful thrusts of Kris' cock-turned-"predorex". #5 helps him process the experience. #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 44): #5 (known as Tommy outside Kris' boi-harem) has been assigned to go to class with Micky to make sure he stays out of mischief. But first they decide to get breakfast where they run into Micky's friends. #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 45): While Micky, Tommy, Topher, and Jonah are getting breakfast in the bois' cafeteria, Master Kris is devouring his own massive breakfast within his suite, attended by his staff of servant-bois. #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 46): In the bois' cafeteria, Micky learns that a reduced boi's diet and physiology is very different from that of an Augmented man. Animal proteins are out, replaced with tofu, fruit, sugar, and something called "nutrient formula." #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 47): While having breakfast with Tommy, Topher, and Jonah, Micky decides to take his first taste of "nutrient formula" — despite the humiliating dildo-capped sippy cup that it's served in. #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 48): Micky was initially happy to learn that the day's classes would begin with an hour of physical education. Growing up as a jock, he was always great at sports! But he was soon mortified to learn that P.E. consisted of pole-dancing class in the nude. ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Interlude Part 49): As we begin Phase 2 of our story, we consider the setting. Micky and Kris have been adjusting to their transformed bodies at the Spa — a recovery and re-education center operated by TransGenus Pharmaceuticals, the makers of Rejuv... ImageImageImageImage
As a reminder, Rejuv is a complete family of Transgenic treatments. Kris is on Potesterex, Micky and the bois are on Degressol. Dr Halloway is on Andredux. Together these are the three Rejuv treatments available to males. (For females, the options are Ampligyn and Reduxil.) Image
"Alternate Paths" (Recap Part 50): We check in with our heroes Mick (age 23) and Kris (age 22) — boyfriends who decided to go on Rejuve. But in a twist, their genetic tests indicated that they must take the opposite treatments than they planned. Can they successfully adjust? Image
"Alternate Paths" (Part 51): Micky was initially pleased when the coach said the bois wouldn't have to be nude for the second hour of P.E., but the gym uniforms provide little coverage! At least as a football jock, Micky hopes to show off his skill at sports... ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 52): Shocked to learn that he's been "unassigned" — that Kris has dumped him? — Micky shares the news with Tommy, Topher, and Jonah. #degressol #cmnm ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 53/Flashback): Not all the bois have had as much difficulty adjusting to their new lives at the Spa as Micky, but (of course) they all have different backgrounds. Before he became #5, Tommy Krisward was Thomas J. Anders, database engineer. #degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 54): Stripped of his new last name (Krisward), uniform, his number in Kris' harem (9), and very possibly his relationship with Kris himself, Tommy is now stripping Micky of the buttplug he’s been wearing all day. #degressol #cmnm ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 55): Earlier in the day, when Micky and Tommy headed out to P.E. classes, Kris went to meet with the head of Augment Operations, Master Darius, to receive his "Augmented Male Guardian Complete Disclosure Tutorial." #Potesterex ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 56): Surrounded by attendants who are unable to overhear their conversation, Master Darius explains to Kris some of the ramifications of the alternate paths he and Mick have been on, including details of the "Reduced Persons Protection Act." #Potesterex ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 57): Almost like a proverbial supervillain, Master Darius continues with his monologuing. Is Kris ready to join in a new Augment-led world order? #Potesterex #degressol #dimorphism ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 58/Interlude/Flashback): As the peel back the layers of the Spa and its TransGenus corporate parent, we flash back once again to the discovery of Rejuve by Dr Halloway, assisted by geneticist Katherine Powell — the first test subject for #Ampligyn. #FTM ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 59): Blissfully unaware of all the mystery, intrigue, and politics in the TransGenus Corporation, Micky is learning from Jonah and Topher how the "unassigned bois" live. #degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 60): Ready to be assigned his first job at the Spa as an unassigned boi, Micky has arrived at "Boi Processing." But he's not entirely sure he's ready to put himself at the mercy of the Processor. #degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Interlude/Flashback Part 61): A little over a month before Mick and Kris began their Rejuve therapy, their friends Derek and Logan Harrington met with Dr Halloway at the TransGenus Corporation, where they discussed setting out on their own alternate paths... ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 62): Topher and Jonah help Micky step into the clutches of the dreaded Boi Processor. From this point on, he will be utterly helpless to resist any plans the computer may have for him... #degressol #machinesex #immobilized ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 63): At the mercy of the Boi Processor, Micky finds out that he no longer is in charge of cleaning himself — the machine will see that it's done properly. #degressol #machinesex #immobilized ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 64): Micky's been warned not to complain and especially not to scream, but the Processor is so meticulous. He never knows what it will do next and is powerless to resist its program for him. #degressol #machinesex #immobilized ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 65): Earlier in the day, while Micky and the boys were still at their P.E. classes, Kris was having a conference with the head of Augment Operations, Master Darius, who reveals to him deep secrets of the Rejuve process... #Potesterex ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 66): Master Darius has shaken Kris' world. Could what he's saying about "dimorphic symbiosis" possible be true? It's impossible to think that Augmented DNA could deaugment and shrink Kris to reductee size, isn't it? #Potesterex #Degressol #Toptobottom ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Interlude/Flashback Part 67): A few weeks before Mick and Kris began their Rejuve therapy, their friends Derek and Logan Harrington set out on alternative paths of their own. The twins met with Dr. Halloway soon after he himself was forced to begin Rejuve. ImageImageImageImage
"The Reduction of Logan Harrington" was the first long-form Degressol story I created right before the plug got pulled on my Tumblr blog. It's nice to bring back the characters of Logan and Dr Halloway (albeit with a bit of retconning and the inclusion of Logan's twin Derek.)
"Alternate Paths" (Part 68): Having spent the rest of his trip through the Processor pacified, Micky finally gets to the end of the conveyor belt line, clean inside and out, as he's dressed in a new uniform for a new job. #degressol #machinesex #immobilized ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 69): The Boi Processor has dressed Micky up as a BunzBoi server and fortunately he's met up with a much more experienced boi named Jamie. But what has become of Jonah and Topher? #degressol #droneboy #bunzbois ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 70/Interlude/Flashback): A month into his own Andredux therapy, Dr William Halloway's reduced mind can no longer complete calculations that used to be second nature. But he's sure he's on the cusp of something vital! #Ampligyn #Andredux ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 71/Interlude/Flashback): A day after replacing Dr Halloway (now "Billie") as acting president of the TransGenus corporation, Katherine Powell fields an uncomfortable call from the company's board chair and plurality stakeholder. #Ampligyn #Chirenon ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 72): As he and Jamie work their shift at Bunz, Micky finally experiences a couple of unexpected reunions! #degressol #Potesterex #bunzbois ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 73): Micky finally got to confront Kris directly for everything that's happened to him since they got to the Spa. Now it's Kris' turn to answer... #degressol #Potesterex #bunzbois ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 74): Bent over Kris' lap and subjected to his powerful spanks, Micky nevertheless has decided he's been through too much to give in now. #degressol #Potesterex #bunzbois ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 75): Having finished their meal and their lesson, Masters Kris and Derek have gone off to Solitary to visit Logan. Meanwhile, Micky has been left bunz bare to serve corner time to the scorn and ridicule of the other bunzbois. #degressol #bunzbois ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 76/Flashback): Lord Chirenon, Board Chairman and largest stakeholder in the TransGenus corporation, does not trust Dr Katherine Powell (who became Acting President after Dr Halloway's reduction) and decides to confront her. #Ampligyn #Chirenon #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 77): As part of the Titan Protocol, nearly every doctor and all of the security personnel at the TransGenus Corporation have been augmented. Dr Powell sits in as the final results of Dr Evans' Potesterex treatment are measured. #Potesterex #Andredux ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 78/Flashback): Lord Chirenon has been kidnapped by the conspirators who have taken control of the Transgenus Corporation. Fully restrained, he's powerless to prevent Dr Evans from administering a shot of Degressol. #Chirenon #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 79): Four weeks have elapsed since Micky was unassigned. He and Jamie, Topher, and Jonah have now formed a little clique of friends who share breakfast and down time together. Meanwhile Jamie has noticed strange things are afoot... #degressol #andredux ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 80): Justin explains his own experience of becoming a reduced "ellette" to Micky. Meanwhile Jamie is eager to meet Billie to find out what's behind recent changes at the Spa and Jonah reminds everyone that he doesn't like "girls." #andredux #degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 81): Billie is being kept in the disciplinarium at Justin's Mistress' bungalow on the other side of the Spa where the girls live. Jamie and Micky plan to sneak in to talk to Billie... but first they need to put on disguises. #andredux #degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 82/Flashback): Dr Evans has treated Lord Chirenon with Degressol just a day after he's taken Potesterex himself. The two will now embark on their own alternate paths... #Chirenon #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 83/Flashback): Having already bound and stripped his captive, Dr Evans decides to commit the ultimate blasphemy for his own amusement. #Chirenon #Degressol #chastity #cmnm #toptobottom ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 84/Recap): All is not well at the Transgenus Corporation, the makers of the Rejuve family of transgenic drugs. These life-changing therapies offer virtual immortality, but are also sending people on alternate paths: Derek and Logan, Kris and Mick...

"Alternate Paths" (Part 85/Recap): From the beginning, the paths of augmentation and reduction were not a choice. But the idea that each person's DNA must be matched to a particular therapy was shown to be a fraud when Dr. Powell initiated her coup, code-named the Titan Protocol.

"Alternate Paths" (Part/86 Flashback): We continue where the story left off — two days after Chirenon has been treated with Degressol and Dr. Evans with Potesterex... Can the former hold out and can the latter be reasoned with? #Chirenon #Degressol #chastity #cmnm #toptobottom

"Alternate Paths" (Part 87): Micky and Jamie, disguised as ellettes, follow Justin to Mistress Janice's household on the other side of the Spa. On the way, Justin explains some of his suspicions to the boys. #andredux #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 88): Having snuck into the household of Mistress Janice, our intrepid Resistance fighters have been caught by Mikie. Fortunately, while Mikie is #3 to Mistress Janice, Justin has remained #1. #andredux #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 89/Flashback): Seven days into their alternate paths, Dr. Evans taunts his captive. #Chirenon #Degressol #chastity #cmnm #toptobottom

"Alternate Paths" (Part 90): Micky has heard so much about boys being put away in "Solitary," but he is only now encountering a Solitary Confinement Unit. Will our Resistance fighters uncover the secrets of the TransGenus Corporation from Dr. Halloway? #andredux #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 91/Flashback): Twenty days into their alternate paths, Dr. Evans delights in his own physical growth as well as the reduction of his captive. #Chirenon #Degressol #chastity #cmnm #toptobottom

"Alternate Paths" (Part 92/Flashback): Two-thirds of the way through his physical transformation, Degressol has radically transformed Chirenon, but Dr. Evans is determined to change "Chiri's" attitude to match his new body. #Chirenon #Degressol #chastity #cmnm #toptobottom

"Alternate Paths" (Part 93): Justin, Jamie, and Micky have unlocked Billie (Dr. Halloway), the inventor of Rejuve, from his Solitary Confinement Unit. Can they find out the secrets of the TransGenus Corporation in time? #andredux #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 94/Flashback): Chiri's time with Dr. Evans (Master Xavier) has settled into a painful routine while the details of the TransGenic Conspiracy lurk in the background. #Chirenon #Degressol #chastity #cmnm #toptobottom

"Alternate Paths" (Part 95/Flashback): Chiri has maintained his mental resistance to Dr. Evans even though Degressol treatment saps willpower (making the brain more docile and pliant). But after 24 days in chastity, his rewired body is growing very horny. #Degressol #toptobottom

"Alternate Paths" (Part 96/Flashback): At the mercy of "the Professor," lad Chiri learns what it's like to be penetrated as a reduced boi. And then he learns it again and again and again to Dr. Evans' great satisfaction. #Chirenon #Degressol #chastity #cmnm #toptobottom

"Alternate Paths" (Part 97): Master Kris and Master Derek are back at their favorite hangout, Bunz, sharing wings and beers, groping Bunzboi waiters, and reflecting on how their lives have changed. They can't help thinking about Logan and Micky. #degressol #Potesterex #bunzbois

"Alternate Paths" (Part 98): Freed from the Solitary Confinement Unit, Billie (Dr. Halloway) remembers himself and shares with our reductee Resistance fighters one of the core secrets of the TransGenus Corporation conspiracy! #andredux #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 99 — on the eve of our 100th part!): As Billie (Dr. Halloway) reconstructs the history of Rejuve, Micky reacts to the implications and our Resistance group makes plans for what to do with the information next. #andredux #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 100🎉 celebration!): Chirenon (now lad Chiri) has been completely reduced by Degressol — and after 30 days in chastity he has achieved maximum horniness! Meanwhile, Master Xavier has been fully Augmented. #ladchiri #Degressol #Potesterex #toptobottom

"Alternate Paths" (Part 101): Lad Chiri is effectively powerless to resist Master Xavier physically, and his 30-days of enforced chastity has only decreased his resolve, to which the mental effects of Degressol must be added... #ladchiri #Degressol #Potesterex #toptobottom

"Alternate Paths" (Part 102/Before/After): Chirenon, now the fully reduced lad Chiri, and Dr. Evans, now the fully augmented Master Xavier, have completed the physical changes brought on by their alternate Rejuve treatment. #chirenon #ladchiri #Degressol #Potesterex #toptobottom Image
"Alternate Paths" (Part 103): Leaving Justin behind to hide Billie (and to hide the fact that his SCU is empty), Jamie and Micky return home to the 'boitown' side of the Spa to cover their tracks and plan how to get a message to Lord Chirenon. #degressol #BoiProcessing

"Alternate Paths" (Part 104): Meanwhile, leaders of the Transgenic conspiracy have come together to form an Augment High Council. Master Xavier stands before the council to report on the progress of his patient, lad Chiri, and to make a request. #degressol #Potesterex #Ampligyn

"Alternate Paths" (Part 105): After the Council is adjourned, Master Darius makes his way to the household of Master Kris with an important assignment. While waiting for their Master to come downstairs, Tommy and Logan try to serve Master Darius. #degressol #Potesterex

@DaddyIdaho We also don't know who at TransGenus knows this secret. Could it have also been kept secret from Dr. Halloway and/or Chirenon? And are there other secrets about Rejuve that haven't yet been revealed? (2/2)
"Alternate Paths" (Part 106): Lad Chiri has his day in court. The only problems are that the judge is an Augment and the Augment conspiracy has created an inescapable trap with the Protection of Reduced Persons Act. #ladchiri #degressol #Potesterex

"Alternate Paths" (Part 107): Meanwhile, Micky has been assigned to Derek's harem after a month of being unassigned. But it's only when he enters his Master's chambers that he remembers how much larger Augments really are, especially compared to reduced bois like him. #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 108): Lad Chiri has is forced to join Master Kris' boy harem, but he encounters something unexpected in an Augment... #ladchiri #degressol #Potesterex

@DaddyIdaho Nevertheless, as we immediately see in the final frame, that reaction has immediate consequences for lad Chiri and the story. (2/2)
"Alternate Paths" (Part 109): Micky and Brady navigate the difficulties of being integrated into Master Derek's boy harem as they meet Derek's #1 and talk about the process of imprinting. #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 110): Master Kris brings Chiri home and introduces him to his other harem bois. As #27, Chiri is put under the authority of Kris' #1 boi, Bradley. Meanwhile, Logan thinks he recognizes his new harem-mate... #ladchiri #degressol #Potesterex

"Alternate Paths" (Part 111): Master Kris has left Chiri with his new harem-mates. Logan thinks he recognizes Chiri as the great lord Chirenon, but Bradley and Tommy aren't having any of it. #ladchiri #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 112): Meanwhile, Micky and Brady are sharing some down time in Master Derek's media room, having been installed in stations while they wait to be christened. Fortunately, Master Derek's #1 tuned the tv to the Boi Channel for them to watch. #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 113): Back in the household of Master Kris, Bradley and Tommy initiate Chiri by putting him in his place at the end of the boi-harem's pecking order. As the smallest boi in the harem, muzzled with a dildo-pacifier, lad Chiri must submit to their razzing.

"Alternate Paths" (Part 114): Chiri is intensely horny having gone 30 days without cumming, but Degressol has completely rewired his body. His reduced nullum is no longer his primary sex organ, and as #1 proves, stimulating it alone is insufficient for the boi to achieve orgasm.

"Alternate Paths" (Part 115): Having taught Chiri a lesson about his rewired body, Tommy learns something else about his own. At the same time, Bradley decides he's made his point and he finally lets Chiri respond. #ladchiri #degressol

"Alternate Paths" (Part 116): While secured in their stations, Micky and Brady have continued to watch cartoons (like "Master Knows Best") on the Boi Network. Their Master, Derek, arrives to christen them, officially inducting them into his boi-harem. #degressol #Potesterex

"Alternate Paths" (Part 117): Master Kris arrives to administer lad Chiri's punishment. #ladchiri #degressol #Potesterex

"Alternate Paths" (Part 118): As Master Kris administers his powerful punishment to lad Chiri's tiny bottom, the reduced former lord continues to take in the pheromones of the Augment's powerful Predorex. #ladchiri #degressol #Potesterex

"Alternate Paths": update: we're pausing mid-season. What will happen to poor Chirenon, now Chiri and Micky and the other bois? Will they be able to stand up to the Augment conspiracy or will they succumb to their rewired biology and submit? We'll find out when our story resumes. Image

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