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Paul's Houseboy: A Degressol Story (Part 2): James has always considered himself an exclusive top, but since he's no longer contributing to the household income Paul has had enough of his swagger. #degressol #regression #muscletheft #toptobottom Image
Paul's Houseboy: A Degressol Story (Part 3): James has had his first Degressol shot, but he doesn't feel any different. He figures he's too much of a top to be affected by the drug. #degressol #regression #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImage
Paul's Houseboy: A Degressol Story (Part 4): Feeling as confident and horny as ever after receiving his first Degressol shot, James proceeds to seduce and fuck his doctor. #degressol #regression #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImage
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"Alternate Paths" (Part 1): A Potesterex and Degressol story. Mick and Kris happen upon their friend Derek who has been transformed from a normal guy to a muscle god. They realize that the stories about transgenic Rejuve therapy are real! #Potesterex #Degressol #musclegrowth Image
"Alternate Paths" (Part 2): Mick and Kris have made appointments to go on Rejuve. But they realize that Potesterex isn't the only transgenic drug. It looks like Kris is going to have to take a different path. #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
"Alternate Paths" (Part 3): Mick and Kris arrive at the doctor's to begin their Rejuve treatment. Mick can't wait to get on Potesterex and Kris is resigned to his fate. But they learn that they need to take some tests before anything can happen. #Potesterex #Degressol ImageImageImageImage
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