Below refs show that there are an additional 50-75% asymptomatic cases, thus indicating 6-44% flu cases (incl asymptomatic) in total pr year 3/x……
4,674 deaths in the US by Covid-19 in 0-39 year olds in Nov 2020
Using age-adjusted CDC data from 2014, one can calculate how many flu deaths happened in 0-39 year olds, that was 515 flu deaths
Denmark had an estimated 0 - 2,822 flu deaths per year (5.8 mill ppl), based on excess deaths and sentinel monitoring.
No data available for total estimated influenza cases in Denmark
One can zoom in on the worst season 2017/2018 and try and compare 9/x
The DK flu season 2017/2018 have the following data available
192 deaths with influenza as primary cause (Danmarks Statistik)
603 deaths with a positive flu test within 30 days
2,822 estimated deaths based on excess deaths & sentinel
Excess deaths in 2018 = 1,666 10/x
Furthermore, 7,667 hospitalizations and 549 in ICU.
Looking at case-to-case comparisons instead from France:
The mortality rate was significantly higher in COVID-19 group than in influenza group (20% vs. 5%; p = 0.002).
Factor of 4
Danish study find factor of ~6, but as the testing for flu and Covid-19 are markedly different, experts judge that it is problably 10-20x, if one corrects for testing
“Det er nok mere reelt, at covid-19 er 10 eller 20 gange så dødelig som influenza” siger Christian Wejse.
Links to danish study and newspaper reference
"Compared to hospitalized patients with influenza A/B, new-onset ischemic stroke, diabetes and nephropathy occurred more frequently in patients with COVID-19 (all p < 0.05)."
The markedly lower R0 value of influenza, is also observed indirectly as influenza has disappeared in all parts of the world
Very low to no flu observed in Europe, US, Australia, Argentina, and so on.
This means restrictions work, but SARS-CoV-2 is just very infectious
Direct death to death comparison
Common flu: 12-61,000
Covid-19: 340,000 (excess deaths >400,000)
5.6-28x worse (without excess death)
If one takes into account that only 15-20% of US has been infected in total & 60% is needed for Herd Immunity
"... help us better understand how Covid-19 stacks up, which is to say that it’s definitely the worst such pandemic to come along in 60 years and probably the worst in a century."
De fleste analyser peger på, at COVID-19 er værre, hvor meget vides endnu ikke. Hvis vi ser bort fra de tre outliers i både den lave og høje ende, som alle er behæftet med store usikkerheder, får man, at COVID-19 er 4-40 gange værre. 23/x
Telling visualization from @jburnmurdoch on the difference in hospitalizations & ICU between between a seasonal flu season and COVID-19 in England 24/x
Punkt 1: sikkerhed
Ny gennemgang af @SSTSundhed bekræfter sikkerheden ved vaccination af børn.
Sikkerhedsovervågning fra knap 6 mill vaccinerede børn i USA, gør, at vi er blevet yderligere betrygget af sikkerheden ved at anvende mRNA-vacciner til børn.…
Der er givet 4320 mill vacciner i verden. I USA er der givet 234 millioner doser af mRNA vaccinerne
CDC: COVID-19 vaccines are safe & effective
Recommends everyone >12 get vaccinated ASAP to protect against COVID-19 & potentially severe complications…
Høj tilslutning til vaccinerne i Danmark, stærkt 💪 - spændende hvor den lander, pt er der 18% der har mulighed for at blive vaccineret, som ikke har benyttet sig af muligheden. 1/4…
Her er andelen som er vaccineret baseret på alder. 2/4
Ifølge OWID er det ca 12% der ikke vil vaccineres i Danmark 3/4
➡️Bad news first: early data from Israel indicates that vaccine efficacy in preventing infection & symptomatic disease (mainly Pfizer-BioNTech) goes from 75-79% to 16% within 4 months against the Delta variant