"Lenin never actually said 'the capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them,' but that apocryphal quote exactly describes the present-day hapless Republican party’s relationship to Big Tech and the left." revolver.news/2020/12/financ…
"The OCC recently drafted a rule that would bar major banks from denying services to customers for any reason other than a 'documented failure to meet quantitative, impartial risk-based standards established in advance.'"revolver.news/2020/12/financ…
"The Office of Comptroller of the Currency recently drafted the 'Fair Access to Financial Services' rule that would ban major banks from denying service to customers for non-financial reasons." cnsnews.com/commentary/bay…
"So if a customer has solid financial credentials, the bank cannot deny him service even if they find his political views 'offensive.'" cnsnews.com/commentary/bay…
Julian Assange’s Fiancée Sits Down With Revolver to Reveal Deep State’s Plot to Erase Our 1st Amendment
"The worst elements of government hate Julian because he has exposed their abuses against the public for years." revolver.news/2020/12/revolv…
.@StellaMoris1: "President Eisenhower warned in his farewell address to the nation of the undue influence of what he described as the military-industrial complex. Lack of accountability has allowed the shadow state to grow ever larger and more powerful." revolver.news/2020/12/revolv…
.@StellaMoris1: "Censorship now is mostly hitting the right, and the left has been extremely foolish to support it because it will eventually lead to a society that is oppressive to everyone." revolver.news/2020/12/revolv…
.@JesseBWatters & @realchrisrufo Discuss Rufo's Investigations Into The Anti-White & Anti-American Agenda Being Taught In U.S. School System
Chris: "It's really a kind of cult indoctrination technique that we've seen in institution after institution."
"It has become commonplace in academia and corporate settings to list gender pronouns, but this was perhaps the first example of an institution promoting workplace race-labeling." -@realchrisrufonypost.com/2020/12/17/ind…
President Trump's EO: "Societies have long recognized the importance of beautiful public architecture. Ancient Greek and Roman public buildings were designed to be sturdy and useful, and also to beautify public spaces and inspire civic pride." whitehouse.gov/presidential-a…
"the great British Architect Sir Christopher Wren declared that 'public buildings [are] the ornament of a country. [Architecture] establishes a Nation, draws people & commerce, makes the people love their native country... Architecture aims at eternity[]'"whitehouse.gov/presidential-a…
Senator @tedcruz Objecting To & Blocking Hong Kong Refugee Bill, Warning About The Spy Threat From Beijing & Blasting The Open-Borders Agenda Of The Democrats
"This bill advances that long-time partisan political agenda that the Democrats have."
"Estimates by the Center for Immigration Studies have put the total number of Hong Kong residents 'who might be eligible for benefits' under the legislation at 8.15 million." -@JxhnBinder breitbart.com/politics/2020/…
"Hundreds of thousands of alien recipients of TPS from various countries have now been here for decades, and mounted innumerable legal battles to be allowed to remain in perpetuity and granted amnesty." cis.org/Cadman/There-W…