As all human connections has failed in 2020 , try reconnecting with ALLAH in 2021 , That Connection never fails
Alhamduli LAH for the lessons in 2020, GOD showed us our meaninglessness and that HE is in control, the world 🌎 shut down, we all scrammed although we can't see what
We all scrammed without seeing what we were hiding from, the norm was reversed, humans were locked up in thier homes while animals roamed the streets, understand that from Ashes spring up new life.
Alhamduli LAH for the blessings of 2020, anything and everything that return you
to your CREATOR is indeed to your advantage , understand the blessings and take advantage of them
Know that ALLAH is THE CREATOR of time and every time, every moment and the things they bring belongs to ALLAH , seek the blessings and bounties from HIM alone,
2021 is just a Numbering & can't smile 😁 on anyone, it can't be good to anyone and it can't bless it's self not to talk of blessing anything or anyone, May THE ALMIGHTY bless us in these times and beyond.
So Brace yourself, in nomenclature & numbering it's another 365 days ,
another 8760 hours of opportunities , take them in and make them useful, connect with your CREATOR more often that's where hearts find rest, remember HE decides everything, less screen time and more money time, unless it the screen makes the money,
Put GOD fore .then Understand the value of genuine relationships, your kin are ace, build more bridges and less walls, while valuing your Peace
,remember if it's not making money, it's not making sense (understand that you are money)