[1] Where is this picture from?
I downloaded it here on taawaa, to investigate it, and by the time I had found INTERESTING THINGS in it, the post had scrolled away.
(Keep reading the thread, it gets good)....
[2] first I cropped it and modified the contrast, to bring out detail....
[3] what I saw seemed to be four different things....
(the pink/purple is false color; the object is gray)
@DoItCueT@Qtah17@RichardGrenell [1] I was on an FBI team that was tracking Osama bin Laden from late September 2001 to sometime in 2009
We had a similar opportunity to kidnap Osama bin Laden and his staff in Sudan, a Sudanese colonel offered to betray bin Laden to us on a remote Saharan highway
Mueller nixed
@DoItCueT@Qtah17@RichardGrenell [2] Mostly I was stateside doing comms for a ratline that started in a refugee cam next to the airportp in Khartoum, went through the refugee community in USA, and from us to the FBI.
(The Sudanese would not talk directly to FBI agents.)