Which developed country would you say is facing the biggest economic slump of all? The conventional answer is the UK. Eg see this @OECD forecast. But here's a thread about an obscure bit of statistical small print which might mean we've been overstating the scale of the recession
Before we get onto the small print let's deal with what the numbers are telling us. And there's no doubt they're bad. Very bad. Indeed, the @OBR_UK reckons we're facing the biggest slump in GDP since 1709. Down 11% this year alone.
We won't get final 2020 GDP for months (and even that'll be subject to revision). But on the basis of the 1st estimate of Q3 GDP UK contracted at annual rate of 9.7%. So you can see where OBR are coming from ons.gov.uk/economy/grossd…
* yes it was later revised; we'll get to that
In short: look at the headline GDP figures and it looks like the UK is facing an almost uniquely hideous recession. One of the worst in the world. That 9.7% fall is more than DOUBLE the fall in France, Germany and most other EU nations. Worse even than Spain (-8.7%).
This grim economic news has provided more fuel for those convinced Britain's COVID experience has been far, far worse than everyone's else - both in public health and economic terms. But I have for some time wondered about that chart 👆and whether it really makes sense...
No-one disputes Britain is facing a grim economic period, but is it really plausible that its recession is TWICE as bad as the one in Italy, which also had a very severe COVID outbreak and lockdown? Or more than twice as bad as Belgium or France?
As it happens, the answer is: probably not. To see why we need to delve into how GDP figures are put together. In broad terms, GDP is simply the sum total of everything bought or sold in a country each year. Or total earnings. Or output. They should all add up to the same thing.
For most industries we can observe these kinds of metrics relatively straightforwardly, or we can look at household spending. But one element of GDP has often proved a bit more troublesome: the public sector. How does one measure government activity? This is no trivial matter...
After all, govt accounts for abt 20% of GDP in most European countries, inc UK. Simplest thing to do is to count the total amount we spend on the public sector. The input equals the output. And given one way of getting at GDP is counting total spending, there's some logic to this
This is how the government element of GDP was traditionally calculated, but there are some obvious problems. The more you spend on the public sector, the more your GDP goes up, which is fine in one sense but not in another: GDP should also arguably reflect PERFORMANCE
A pound spent on a life-saving operation should surely count for more in GDP than a pound spent on an administrator twiddling their thumbs? That at least was one takeaway from a review on the measurement of public sector productivity by the late Sir Tony Atkinson back in 2005
Randomly, Sir Tony and his review were the subject of the first newspaper profile I wrote in the Telegraph many, many years ago. I can't bear to re-read it myself but if you can stomach the awkward scribblings of a young hack you can find it here: telegraph.co.uk/finance/289079…
Anyway, the Atkinson Review had some big consequences for the way we calculate the public sector's contribution to GDP. From then on output would in part depend on measurable performance metrics: pupil hours, elective surgery, A&E throughput and so on.
The @ONS assumed everyone was doing likewise - after all the Atkinson Review was in part prompted by an edict from UN and European statistical bodies that national statistics should try to reflect public sector performance, rather than just doing it the old fashioned way.
But, fast forward to today, it seems that might not have been happening. Now, given every developed economy has a differently structured public sector, it's quite plausible that the COVID economic shock would have manifested differently across different countries, but even so...
This chart shows you growth (or contraction) in the government's bit of GDP over the past year. In the majority of EU countries, inc those which imposed similar lockdowns to UK, it rose. In the UK it plummeted. Not just faster than the rest, THREE TIMES FASTER THAN ANYONE ELSE
Why? Well, the main reason the UK's pub sector output fell so sharply is that many of the metrics it focuses on collapsed during lockdown: pupil hours (schools closed), elective surgeries (much hospital activity curtailed) etc. The real question is why didn't everyone else's?
After all we know many other countries faced similar lockdowns. So why didn't their pub sector output fall like the UK's did? Why did it rise? The most plausible explanation is that many of them are counting it in the old fashioned way. More public spending equals more GDP.
But it's hard to know for sure because there's scant research on it. I think France counts pub sector GDP the "modern" way but I'm not sure who else. UK officials are quietly trying to persuade @OECD to look into this - as it raises questions about how comparable its stats are.
Within Whitehall there's consternation that UK is suffering because of gold-plating recommendations from international bodies (ignored by others). But the main takeaway is that often statistics are less comparable than they might look. Same thing goes for #COVID19 death stats
Anyway, let's imagine the UK's public sector output grew in line with the EU average (1.8%). How different would the overall GDP picture look? A bit. UK GDP would have fallen by 7.1% this year. Still awful. But not as bad as Spain, and not all that much worse than Japan or Canada
The @ONS has been scrambling behind the scenes to adjust their public sector output metrics to ensure they better reflect real activity: adding on test & trace and including remote schooling. That partly explains this big GDP revision just before xmas ons.gov.uk/economy/grossd…
Now none of this changes the big picture: the scale of the slump is still enormous (though it may end up being "only" the worst since 1921, not 1709). But it should make us all a bit wary of cross-country comparisons. In time we may know who's fared worse, but prob not for a bit.
This story - how the UK might have been overstating the scale of its recession - is the topic of my @thetimes column this week. Please do give it a read: thetimes.co.uk/article/21229c… And h/t to @simonbriscoe who has written a lot on this topic
Now the @ONS adds its own analysis on the issue in this thread 👆about the calculation of GDP and cross-country comparisons. Worth a read ons.gov.uk/economy/grossd…
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The story of an obscure press release on an obscure website which begs intriguing questions about Britain's "unprecedentedly tough" sanctions regime & why perhaps it's not quite as tough as it looks.
You may find it unsettling
Back in Aug 2023, HMRC published this notice in the bowels of its website. Don't worry if it doesn't ring a bell - it didn't get any publicity.
But it's a big deal. A £1m fine for breaking Russian sanctions rules.
The single biggest fine in relation to trade sanctions.
But there are some gaping questions about this fine.
First: who paid it? Is this a firm we've heard of? Second: what did they actually do wrong? And what did they do to deserve to pay such a large sum?
There are no answers on the website. That's it. Here's why this matters.
🇨🇳I was rather hoping to be writing this from China, where the Chancellor has just landed for the most significant economic mission in ages - restarting Britain's formal economic relationship with China.
Alas I'm still in London.
But make no mistake; this visit is a BIG deal.
Because this is the first such trip since 2017.
UK econ relations with China have been getting frostier for 6 yrs or more.
Huawei have been thrown out; rules imposed on Chinese businesspeople; accusations of spying.
& around the world nations are imposing tariffs on China.
But the UK is doing something different.
While nearly every other G7 nation has imposed tariffs on Chinese electric cars, the UK hasn't. While most countries are going colder on China (most notably the US), the UK is now cosying up to China. Why?
Why are they on the rise again?
Why is Europe (and the UK) deindustrialising at a rapid pace?
Why have we failed (contrary to the conventional wisdom) to increase the amount of non-Russian gas in our system?
Lots of questions. Some answers in my five min primer 👇
This is a big deal - and not widely understood:
The volume of non-Russian gas in the European system is FLAT vs before the Ukraine war.
That's not the conventional wisdom.
Back in 2022 many assumed imported LNG would help make up the lost gas from Russia.
That didn't happen...
Instead what happened is subtly, but importantly, different.
Yes, the amount of LNG coming in from the US rose quite sharply - albeit from a low base.
But that rise was only enough to compensate for the fact that domestic production in the UK/EU was FALLING at the same time
Could it save the world?
I used to be sceptical. There are MANY challenges.
But then I visited one. & I'm no longer so sure.
So with the world facing future food crises here's a thread on the most interesting thing to happen to farming in a long time...
Let's start with a chart.
A few weeks ago I did a deep data dive into the state of farming in the UK.
It culminated with a v long-run chart suggesting our ability to grow ever more crops in a given hectare is slowing. Possibly stalling.
This is a really big deal
What if we could send the line in that chart 👇into the stratosphere?
It would have massive consequences. We'd be able to get ever more food from a relatively small section of land. Meaning more land for housing/rewilding or whatever else we'd want to use it for. But how?
If you're interested in energy/climate you've probably heard the nugget that "kerosene/crude oil helped save the whales", by reducing demand for whale oil in lanterns.
I've even trotted it out myself🤦♂️
But there's a problem with it. A BIG problem...
The backstory here begins 200 years ago, before the age of crude oil & electricity, when the best way to light a room was a lantern, and the best oil to burn in that lantern was oil from a sperm whale.
It burnt brighter and with less smoke or stink than other oils
The oil itself is found in the head of the sperm whale. It comes from a totally unique organ whose function remains a matter of debate - the spermaceti organ.
Whale oil is a long chain molecule unlike nearly anything else in the natural world, giving it unique qualities
If you're even half interested in energy, I bet you've seen this chart. I call it The Most Hopeful Chart in the World.
The point? We're embracing renewable power MUCH faster than expected.
Only problem is, this chart has an evil twin. A chart we really need to discuss
The Most Hopeful Chart in the World shows how each year the @IEA predicted that the amount of solar output around the world would plateau or rise v slowly in the following years. But instead solar output defied all expectations, rising exponentially.
That's great news.
But making solar panels is an energy-intensive exercise.
You need a lot of coal to smelt down the silicon and a lot of power to turn metallurgical silicon into polysilicon, let alone the monocrystalline boules you really need for a decent solar module (read my book for more 📖)