Erdogan assigned @melihbulu as rector to Bogazici University @unibogazici_en, where I graduated. Since he received his PhD, he had no connection to the uni, and if he'd applied for an academic position, he wouldn't even have got one. Shame! @bumedofficial#KayyumRektörİstemiyoruz
No surprises, @melihbulu has been an active member of Erdogan's party since day 1. It is not due to Bulu's merits, but bc of his loyalty to his 'reis', he is rewarded. In exchange he will make sure no challenges comes to Erdogan from the university. #KayyumRektörİstemiyoruz
Universities in Turkey used to have elections for the rector position, and the President would assign 1 of the 3 candidates with most votes, but principally the 1 with the most support. Every democratic institution Erdogan touches, melts into the air #KayyumRektörİstemiyoruz
Now we also know that he has no academic integrity:
In addition to his doctoral thesis, also in the articles he published he plagiarised. He should be excommunicated from academia #KayyumRektorİstemiyoruz
Bulism= tüm paragrafı kendin yazmışın gibi yapıştır, yalandan da referans ver sayfa no dahi belirtmeden. Sadece ilk 16 sayfasına bakabildim tezin, temiz 14-15 sayfası copy & paste, kalanını da ben bulamamışımdır. #kayyumrektoristemiyoruz. #melihbulubogazicinerektorolamaz
Sayfalarca, sayfalarca Bulism. Bazen referans var, bazen yok. Bazan tırnak var, bazen yok; sayfa numarası hiç yok. Kafaya göre kesmiş, yapıştırmış, özgün cümlesi iki araklama arası bağlaçlar, o kadar. Başlayalım... #kayyumrektoristemiyoruz. #melihbulubogazicinerektorolamaz