1/ I am UNDER FIRE since I have written a post on the flawed peer-review process of @c_drosten's PCR paper. I will discuss some accusations in this thread and explain why the pure peer-review process window was even shorter than 2 days.
2/ First of all, I want to state that it was not my intention to set off an avalanche. I simply could not believe my eyes when I saw how quickly @c_drosten's publication got peer-reviewed and published. As a scientist, it is my right and duty to address this and raise questions.
3/ Right after the thread went viral, I was warned by several people that I needed to be prepared for "Drosten's army" to attack me. Something I could not have imagined, as I have never received any shitstorm on the internet before.
4/ I am aware that it is quite hard to describe complex issues with only 280 characters, making misunderstandings and conflicts virtually inevitable. Over time, the perceived personal view or conviction might also change due to the latest state of knowledge or varying contexts.
5/ The sad fact is that none of these attackers is actually dealing with what I have written. The lawyer and former judge @drpeternagel, for instance, is already trying to discredit me since last night, reading back my tweets from several months ago.
6/ Yes, Peter. I am a supporter of vitamin D. I even publish about it. The paper might contain mistakes, but I have written it to the best of my knowledge AND it actually got peer-reviewed, which required contentual corrections. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
7/ Even if you do not agree with my view on vitamin D, @drpeternagel, I am open for fruitful discussions and exchange of knowledge. Starting a "public message" with ad hominem attacks ("self-exposer", etc.) is counterproductive and reflects low-tier communication standards.
8/ I do not even consider my view on vitamin D being biased as I helped to debunk a big scientific fraud in this field (and in favour of D3), which even involved collaborations with governmental authorities in South-East Asia. researchveracity.info/alra/
9/ Other attackers such as @MackayIM (who is linked to @c_drosten btw.) address @SpringerNature directly and demand my withdrawal as an editor in the field of aquaponics, as I am "hardly a specialist in virology".
10/ However, I did not address the topic of virology in my thread but gave insights in the peer-review process. And here, I have to admit that my statement was not very accurate. The actual window for the peer-review process was 3.5-27.5 hours, which I will elaborate below.
11/ Everything goes back to a document of the WHO, which was created (!!!) the day the Corman-Drosten paper was submitted to @Eurosurveillanc. The meta-data shows that it was created on the 21st of January 2020 at 8:30pm CET (Central European Time).
12/ Via the @waybackmachine everybody can download the first version of the paper that got published on the @Eurosurveillanc server. This paper cites the WHO document above (marked in green)
13/ The Drosten paper was officially submitted on 21/01/2020, accepted on 22/01/2020, and published on 23/01/2020. This means that, given the timestamp of the WHO paper, there is only a 3.5h theoretical time-window that the paper could have been submitted on 21/01/2020.
14/ As stated in my yesterday's thread, the peer-review process requires quite some time (due to iterations etc.). Given the official data we got, we can retrace how much.
15/ So the earliest moment, the paper could have been peer-reviewed and accepted is on 22/01/20 at midnight and the latest at 22/01/20 at 11:59pm (CET). The whole peer-review process thus had a time window of 3:30h-27:30h.
16/ The paper then got published on 23/01/20 at 4:45pm (CET), so the typesetter did an amazing job.
17/ Again, this is just my humble analysis of this process that I am willing to share, and I am also willing to discuss my findings critically.
18/ Theoretically speaking, the reference to the WHO document could have been modified during the typesetter's "query process", expanding the time-window by some hours.
19/ Nonetheless, the observed and reconstructed peer-review process shows - to put it mildly - considerable irregularities. Every peer-review process leads to anonymous review reports. I would be very interested to see what they state @Eurosurveillanc.
20/ And even a possible "extraordinary importance" (which was not a factor back in January 2020) is no reason to rush through the process that quickly. The publication could also have been made available as a pre-print document while undergoing a thorough peer-review process.
21/ All things considered, transparency is required in this critical case. And again: it is discourteous to shoot the messenger when criticism would be better addressed to the parties involved in these obvious irregularities.
This gentleman, for instance, provides excellent examples for destructive criticism (i.e. ad hominem only!).
Hallo @deVSNU - ik hoor graag wat jullie van deze thread vinden (vooral ivm Mevr. Koopmans). Alle 5 principes (Eerlijkheid, Zorgvuldigheid, Transparantie, Onafhankelijkheid en Verantwoordelijkheid) werden geschonden. Graag DM naar mij.
@pjvanerp @deVSNU En 2 keer “accept” is best zeldzaam. Nog nooit (!!!) meegemaakt. Het argument dat de paper “perfect” is geldt ook niet. Drosten heeft later toegegeven dat zijn eigen paper gebrekkig is en "replaced" moet worden.
1/ Ever wondered how “THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED” became code for silencing dissent, destroying careers, and pushing fear down our throats?
A THREAD 🧵 on how COVID pulled back the curtain on academia’s corruption, and why there’s still hope for real truth-seekers. ⬇️
2/ From the early days, anyone questioning lockdowns or mandates was canceled. Prestigious journals gave figures like @PeterHotez a platform to vilify critics. Meanwhile, dissenting papers—no matter how valid—were systematically buried.
3/ Entire careers ended. Researchers like me, who warned of collateral damage lost grants, jobs, and reputations. The price for speaking up was literally academic exile. All to maintain a neat little narrative that ended up costing tens of millions more lives than it saved.
1/ 🇧🇷🚨 Lula’s socialist government tried to STEAL a productive farm from a family in Brazil. But they weren’t expecting one thing: public outrage.
What happened next is a lesson in how communists operate—and how they can be stopped. Let me explain.
2/ The Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) isn’t about helping the poor. It’s a radical leftist militia that invades private property, squats on land, and forces redistribution. It’s a carbon copy of how communists seized land in Venezuela and Cuba. And it’s Lula and his Workers’ Party (PT) who supports them.
3/ In 2010, Lula signed a decree to expropriate the Bettim family’s farm. Why? Because MST wants land, and Lula delivers. It didn’t matter that the family had worked this land for over 60 years. It didn’t matter that it was full of crops and cattle. The state decided it no longer belonged to them.
1/ Ever wonder why doctors know almost NOTHING about nutrition, herbs, the importance of sunshine, or holistic healing? Because one man, John D. Rockefeller, decided that only patented, oil-based drugs should exist. And he made it happen.
Here’s how: 🧵👇
2/ In the early 1900s, half of U.S. doctors practiced holistic medicine—using knowledge from Native Americans, herbalists, and European traditions. But Rockefeller, America’s first billionaire, saw a huge problem: you can’t patent natural cures.
3/ Around the same time, scientists discovered petrochemicals—chemicals derived from oil that could be used to make synthetic drugs. Rockefeller saw an opportunity: monopolize medicine just like he monopolized oil. Profit was the only goal.
🚨 JUST IN—Another conspiracy theory is coming true: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory; it’s happening in real time!
#1 The Israeli Defense Minister is now dictating to Spain and Ireland that they must take in displaced Gazans. Who is Israel to tell sovereign nations who they must accept?
#2 While Israel defends its ethnostate, it pushes mass migration onto Europe.
Remember how we were mocked for saying how mass migration was used to dilute and replace European populations? Well, here it is… straight from the mouths of Israeli officials.
This mRNA and mask pusher is a liar and a coward. Not only did @DrNeilStone lie about the efficacy of vitamin D, but he also blocked me so I can’t reply to his deceitful post.
The fact is that vitamin D is highly effective, but many studies are flawed due to the following serious biases:
1. It takes months to raise vitamin D blood serum levels with conventional supplementation, which is why many studies fail to show an effect. However, treatments using the directly bioavailable calcifediol would yield completely different results—but for some reason, scientists refuse to use it.
2. Almost all studies define vitamin D sufficiency at 20 or 30 ng/mL, which is absurd. The minimum healthy level should be at least 50 ng/mL (see next post).
3. Many studies use insufficient doses (e.g., 400-800 IU/day), which barely move the needle on blood serum levels.
4. Some studies don’t measure participants’ initial vitamin D levels. Without knowing who was already deficient, studies may dilute real effects by including non-deficient subjects.
5. Vitamin D metabolism depends on cofactors like magnesium, vitamin K2, zinc, and boron. Despite this, most studies ignore these cofactors, leading to weaker or misleading results.
Also, during the plandemic, nearly everyone who died from the so-called deadly virus had vitamin D blood levels below 10 ng/mL. Literally nobody with adequate vitamin D levels died from it.
This MD should have his license revoked for spreading dangerous lies.