New questionnaire is much longer. Like 20 min vs. old 12 min. People drop off as the survey goes on. Here's what nonresponse %'s are, by section, in week 12 vs. week 13.
Questions on food used to come 4th, after demographics, employment + spending. 4% nonresponse rate then.
Now food Q's come 6th, behind new sections on benefits and trips. 13% nonresponse rate now.
Week 9 of the @uscensusbureau’s Household Pulse data released today! Continued thanks for their tireless work.
#FoodInsecurity top line #’s are back up this week. Estimates still below their peaks, but this week wiped out all the statistical progress made over past weeks.
Remember: Household Pulse asks a/b food SUFFICIENCY, incl. do we have enough food but not types we want, or sometimes/often not enough food. Asks a/b last 7 days.
44% report they are food insufficient; 52% among those w/kids.
I transform data from insufficiency to #FoodInsecurity using the CPS. Usually, a smaller share of those not having “food types wanted” turn out to be food insecure, and (of course) a higher share that “often” or “sometimes” don’t have enough food are.