Alexander B. Howard Profile picture
Jan 6, 2021 70 tweets 38 min read Read on X
Today, the President of the United States kept telling
absurd lies & refused to concede.
He incited acts of domestic terrorism.
Members of the @Cabinet should be quietly considering the 25th Amendment.
The House should open an impeachment inquiry, @RepJerryNadler @SpeakerPelosi
An inquiry is not a conviction.

It is the first, necessary step for Congress to hold a corrupt President willing to lie & incite his partisans to overturn an election accountable.

He incited a mob towards an insurrection that breached the @USCapitol, disrupting a Joint Session.

"With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, [Trump] has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must…impeach him, & the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, …bar him from ever again serving in public office." ?…
"If senators could not see it a year ago, when the violence he incited was visited upon the most vulnerable, perhaps they have seen it today, as the violence arrived at their doorstep."– @YAppelbaum "The president must be impeached."

Over to you, @RepJerryNadler
"Congress should convene immediately and impeach this president for the second time. Given the threat he poses, Mr. Trump cannot be allowed to serve out the remainder of his term. He has demonstrated that he is unfit to do so."– @Sifill_LDF…
FYI: @propublica makes the statements of Members of Congress searchable at @PP_Represent.

For instance:



#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachTrumpNow………

The proportional response to inciting a violent insurrection in which a mob engaged in planned acts of domestic terrrorism — in this case, storming the @USCapitol & disrupting a joint session of Congress with the intent to overturn a presidential election — is removal from office
There is a long history of demagogues inciting crowds to mob violence that goes back millennia globally, from riots to lynching.

Inciting seditous violence isn’t new.

Populism, corruption, & violent rhetoric were central to the fall of the Roman Republic…

In 134 BC, Tiberius Gracchus, an elected tribune of the people, proposed a land reform bill that would benefit poorer & middle-class Romans: a populist reform.

Gracchus brought his law before the Plebeian Assembly, however, without the thumbs-up of the Senate.

He broke a norm.
And when a fellow tribune, Marcus Octavius, threatened to veto this bill – which was his right under Roman law – Tiberius Gracchus changed the rules to have Octavius stripped of office. Gracchus' power, as a populist tribune of the plebs, then…
Gracchus, a war hero, had a talent for populist rhetoric that inflamed the passions of supporters, who began following him around Rome in a kind of personal militia.
A mob.
And when Gracchus stood for election again, Senators, fearing a tyrant, beat him & his supporters to death.
Mob violence & domestic terrorism have always plagued our union, from slavery to white Americans using lynchings to terrorize Black people:
to the Tulsa Race Massacre:

In many cases, mobs were aided & abetted by law……
The restoral of the @TheJusticeDept as a powerful force for upholding @CivilRights & fighting far-right extremism is crucial in 2021.

The way for Congress to keep our Republic, now, is to respond proportionately to a corrupt demagogue inciting seditious violence, & remove him.
Today, @LeaderHoyer will request Unanimous Consent to bring up a @RepRaskin resolution that calls on this @VP to convene the @Cabinet to activate the 25th Amendment.
If @Mike_Pence does not, @SpeakerPelosi said impeachment goes to the House floor Wednesday…
In some ways, Trump is our era’s Gracchus. (He’s no war hero.)
US Senators will not beat him & his supporters to death, as the Romans did, but they can & should impeach & remove a would-be tyrant who disinformed Americans & incited an armed insurrection to overthrow this Republic
Democrats introduced an article of impeachment against President Trump for inciting a mob that attacked @USCapitol.
Republicans objected to a resolution calling on @VP @Mike_Pence to strip @POTUS of power under the 25th Amendment;will get full vote Tuesday…

Dear @SenatorCollins,
You write that President Trump incited “insurrectionists” who stormed the Capitol:

Does doing your constitutional duty include holding a POTUS to account for inciting a mob to seditious violence?

Will you vote to impeach this time?…

On January 6, President Trump incited seditious violence against @Mike_Pence, livid after @VP made it clear he'd uphold the Constitution instead of being loyal to Trump, & never called him while insurrectionists chanted about hanging him.
Has "no regrets":…
Today, the @NYTimes reported @SenateMajLdr @McConnellPress has told associates he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses:
Left unsaid & unknown: Whether he & @SenJohnThune will whip @SenateGOP to convict him for inciting an…
The US House began debate on a resolution calling on @VP @Mike_Pence to strip @POTUS Trump of his powers using the 25th Amendment. @RepMGS gave the opening statement.
Votes expected ~7:30pm ET.
Live on @cspan: & public media stations around our union.…

This @VP told @SpeakerPelosi “I do not believe that such a course of action is in the best interest of our Nation or consistent with our Constitution,” regarding the power & responsibility the 25th Amendment gives him:
Is impeachment merited, @Mike_Pence?…

#HR24, sponsored by @RepCicilline, has 217 sponsors:
The House has the votes to impeach, & will.
@RepLizCheney @RepKinzinger & more join them.
TBD: How history views 139 Republicans voting against accepting the results of the election after a failed putsch…
The materials in support of impeachment that the @HouseJudiciary staff prepared for @RepJerryNadler document a pattern of corrupt behavior over months – following years of corruption – & clear intent to overturn the election, culminating in a failed putsch…

The House of Representatives has voted to impeach President Donald J. Trump for inciting insurrection against the government of the USA.

Democratic: 221 yea
Republican: 10 yea, 197 nea
2 votes left to count.

5 no votes, though?…
OK, 232-197 it is.

The House has impeached President Trump an unprecedented second time in US history for “inciting violence” against the U.S. government.…
"The President "shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."

A POTUS can't self-pardon or lie his way out if convicted.

@TheJusticeDept should regard Trump as a flight…
21 days later, @Twitter & @Facebook has held the @POTUS45 more accountable for spreading lies, attempting a self coup, & inciting an insurrection against the US government: than the Senate has.

Censure isn’t commensurate with Trump’s…
On February 2, US House Impeachment Managers filed a trial memorandum that laid out the case for the conviction of former @potus45 for “incitement of insurrection against the Republic he swore to protect.”…

The @potus45’s lawyers responded to the trial brief by denying the facts of the case.

Today, @RepRaskin sent a letter requesting Trump “provide testimony under oath, either before or during the Senate impeachment trial, about his conduct on January 6.”…

The First Amendment gives a President freedom to speak, but not from the consequences of that speech. @POTUS45 abused his powers of office to incite a violent insurrection against another branch of US government with the intent to halt a constitutional process transferring power.
President Trump’s lawyer responded to @RepRaskin today, falsely claiming the trial was unconstitutional & calling the House’s request for sworn testimony a PR “stunt.”
The Senate must not make the error Mueller did, nor tolerate denials of its authority.
Subpoena Trump to testify Image
“any official accused of inciting armed violence against the government of the United States should welcome the chance to testify openly & honestly—that is, if the official had a defense.” —@RepRaskin…
“We will prove at trial that President Trump’s conduct was indefensible. His immediate refusal to testify speaks volumes & plainly establishes an adverse inference supporting his guilt." — @RepRaskin Image
“People who stage, support, or incite violent attacks on the federal government — whether they’re American citizens, members of Congress or the @POTUS45 himself — should be held accountable.” @jbf1755
Sanction seditious violence, or the risk of more grows…

“we’ll never move forward by ignoring what happened or refusing to hold accountable those responsible”-@RepKinzinger If we do not apply grim lessons from the history of Japan & Germany last century, we will repeat them this…
The US Senate has begun the second impeachment trial of @potus45.

@SenatorLeahy, President pro tempore of the Senate, is presiding.

He sent his colleagues a letter about how he will conduct the proceedings, & his office tweeted it.

It is a profoundly *collegial* document. Image
“Trump was initially pleased to see a halt in the counting of the electoral college votes”

Panicked lawmakers were unable to reach him, as he was
“voraciously consuming the events on TV, enjoying the spectacle & encouraged to see his supporters fighting”…

Admirably clear, direct arguments by impeachment managers @RepRaskin @RepCicilline & @RepJoeNeguse following a video that established the context of the case.

Trump was impeached by the House for inciting insurrection against the US.
There is no “January exception” for sedition.
“the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol would likely have not occurred if not for Trump’s explicit & tacit encouragement”
a Big Lie, amplified by social media, GOP elites, & far-right media, incited radicalized partisans to seditious mob violence.…
“All the evidence points to the conclusion not just that Trump recklessly whipped up a mob that went on to storm @USCapitol, but that he wanted that mob to succeed in finding & attacking those who stood in the way of his return to the presidency”-@ryangrim…
After a deal not to call witnesses (which may well likely look ill-considered in retrospect, as more information comes out) the impeachment trial is now moving to closing arguments.

@RepRaskin speaking now.…
If you make yourself a sheep, the wolves will eat you."-@RepRaskin
The wolves are in the pen.
The foxes are in the henhouse.
The hyenas are laughing in the barn.

Not holding a President who pursued a self coup accountable & incited a failed putsch invites more seditious violence
Closing arguments of the House Managers, restating the case.
1) disinformed Americans about a “big lie” for months
2) invited supporters to DC
3) roused crowd to action with a speech & fascist propaganda

He incited his partisans to commit acts of seditious mob violence Image
Unanswered questions remain:
•actions at Pentagon:

•Roger Stone’s role:

He was behind “Stop the Steal”:
& organized 2000 “Brooks Brothers Riot” in Florida:

Mobs to halt vote counts……

That’s it for closing arguments.
The facts show @POTUS45 incited mob to seditious violence to overturn the results of an election, & failed to respond & order aid when his partisans breached @uscapitol & threatened Congress.

Now the Senate has begun the vote to convict or acquit
Senator Cassidy & Senator Collins voted that Trump was guilty.
Senator Marshall & Senator Murkoswki voted guilty.
Senator Risch & Senator Romney voted guilty
With @marcorubio’s vote, that’s 34 votes of not guilty.

It has not been gaveled yet, but the Senate has voted to acquit @potus45 of inciting an insurrection, 38 days after he incited an insurrection that drove them out of a joint season to count electoral votes.
In the end, the vote is 57-43, with just 7 Republicans voting to hold @potus45 accountable for months of sedition & lies.

Trump has been acquitted of the charge in said article.

It was closer than some expected, but close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, & nuclear war.
“While the final vote did not lead to a conviction, the substance of the charge is not in dispute.”—@potus

“This sad chapter in our history has reminded us that democracy is fragile.”

“…each of us has a duty…to defend the truth & to defeat the lies.”…

“There is no question that @POTUS45 is practically & morally responsible for provoking” (AKA inciting the insurrection on January 6, said @LeaderMcConnell “President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office”…

“If confirmed, I will supervise the prosecution of white supremacists and others who stormed the Capitol on January 6.”—Judge Merrick Garland…

123 days ago, former President Trump & Members of Congress incited seditious mob violence to stop the counting of electoral votes based upon a Big Lie about a stolen election. His partisans then attacked the US Capitol & federal officers:
An active duty @USMC  commissioned officer stationed at @MCB_Quantico “was arrested in Virginia & charged with crimes related to the breach of the US Capitol on January 6”—@TheJusticeDept
Major Warnagiris is charged with assaulting federal police officers…

January 6 “was a violent effort to interfere with & prevent the constitutional order of installing a new president.”-@MittRomney
“As such, it was an insurrection against the Constitution that resulted in severe property damage, severe injuries & death”…
“A Florida man* pleaded guilty today to crimes related to the breach of the US Capitol on Jan. 6 which disrupted a joint session of the US Congress in the process of ascertaining & counting the electoral votes”-@TheJusticeDept
The US House Oversight Committee hearing on unexplained delays & unanswered questions about the January 6 insurrection at US Capitol has begun:

@RepMaloney was admirably direct: President Trump was attempting to instigate a…
Chair Maloney said the acting commander of the @CapitolPolice, who was scheduled today: will testify on July 21, & the Cmttee will interview @MarkMeadows about @WhiteHouse45 pressuring @TheJusticeDept to investigate baseless claims:……
Side note: I'd think the @DeptOfDefense budget would provide for modern video conferencing gear & a robust connection.
And yet, a @USArmy general sounds like he's on a bad ham radio connection testifying to the US House.

Congress should invest more in distributed participation.
The @nytimes reports @January6thCmte investigators are looking into whether a range of crimes were committed, including wire fraud & whether @potus45 & his allies obstructed Congress by trying to stop the certification of electoral votes…
Keep track of the signal in the noise. A federal judge laid out: “what depositions have now told us about the actions of @potus45 in the days before January 6, & explains what those actions mean”-@HC_Richardson
Illegality, & a coup…

Judge: @POTUS45, with the help of his lawyer, ‘more likely than not’ violated two federal criminal laws in a desperate effort to keep himself illegally in power.”@gtconway3d
“no matter at what level”-Monaco

Read @emptywheel, folks.……

“Since the @January6thCmte committee is focused on the attack on the Capitol, we’re not sure what Kushner will be able to provide.”-@PunchbowlNews,

I wonder why PunchBowl is unaware of the failed auto coup & seditious conspiracy to overturn the election for months beforehand.
“In recent months, prosecutors have been asking questions about key players in the earlier demonstration — among them, Roger J. Stone Jr. & Jacob Engels — in an effort to determine whether the tactics used in Florida were also used at the Capitol.”…
Today, @TheJusticeDept indicted @potus45 Trump for conspiracy to defraud the USA, conspiracy obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction, & conspiracy against rights.

Trump lied, attempted an auto coup, & incited seditious mob violence to retain power.…
@TheJusticeDept @POTUS45 Today, @realDonaldTrump was arrested in Georgia after being indicted on racketeering & conspiracy charges after his attempts to unlawfully overturn the results of the 2020 election.
Fulton County Jail has disclosed the first (post) presidential mug shot.…

@TheJusticeDept @POTUS45 @realDonaldTrump “Every time Trump lionizes…January 6th rioters, he is helping [@TheJusticeDept] build its case. These statements by @POTUS45 may…help show the jury … that Trump had the requisite criminal intent in the actions he took to overturn a democratic election.”…
In the USA, no human is above the law. Trump is not immune from prosecution for crimes he committed during his service.

US COURT FOR DC: “For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen @realDonaldTrump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant. But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as @POTUS45 no longer protects him against this prosecution.”…Image
Convicted felon Donald Trump met privately with lawmakers in DC for the first time after attempting an autocoup & inciting an insurrection. He was welcomed by politicians who participated in his conspiracy, now wish to retain power, or fear the consequences of rebuking him.

@AP #FactCheck: By inciting an insurrection with debunked lies & conspiracies about election fraud & refusing to concede, Trump broke our tradition of peaceful transfer of power by summoning his partisans & sparking seditious mob violence.

He’s now running for re-election to escape accountability from indictments by @TheJusticeDept for conspiring to defraud the USA & retaining classified public records.Image

• • •

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Aug 26, 2024
Cold take: The arrest of Pavel Durov is not a global threat to freedom of expression, but rather a threat to executives of tech companies who behave with impunity when a platform they operate is abused by organized criminals or corrupt politicians.…
This is not the “end of global social media,” as @semaforben suggested, but it may be the beginning of the end of impunity for tech billionaires who behave as if they are beyond the reach of accountability for harms that their unregulated platforms cause offline.
“We have spent many hours at 404 Media discussing amongst ourselves why there is so much crime on @Telegram itself and why Telegram has continued to let blatant criminal organizations operate on its platform in open, unencrypted channels. The only theory that makes any sense thus far is that the company sees itself as operating entirely outside the law.”…
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Jan 5, 2024
Transparency & accountability have not been a priority for a @WhiteHouse that briefs on background & relegates open government to a compliance exercise.

I remain hopeful @POTUS & @VP will see the value in investing in a bulwark against authoritarianism:…
Opacity atop secrecy: @politico granted US officials anonymity to say @DeptofDefense did not tell @POTUS @JakeSullivan46 & NSC aides @SecDef was hospitalized for 3 days,
Austin recognized he “could have done better job” informing the public.

404 #OpenGov…

@politico @DeptofDefense @POTUS @JakeSullivan46 @SecDef Official opacity: @Axios granted the @WhiteHouse anonymity to claim that President Biden & Austin had “a warm conversation” & that @POTUS “has full confidence in @SecDef & is “ looking forward to him being back at the Pentagon.”


Read 5 tweets
Jun 4, 2023
I heard a thunderclap in DC on a sunny day.
It appears it was a sonic boom from @DeptofDefense fighters scrambled from Andrews @airforce Base to intercept an unresponsive Cessna that overflew DC.

@FAANews (via @PenguinSix) confirmed a crash in SW Virginia.

@NTSB to investigate. Image
This is the least useful PSA I’ve encountered in some time, @AlertDC — could you please investigate and then elaborate when you confirm what has happened, @DC_HSEMA @SafeDC ?
I take it back, @AlertDC: it was useful to hear that “there is no great at this time,” but being aware of reports of a loud “boom” doesn’t add much context for millions of people wondering what we heard.

If you know there was a sonic boom from scrambled fighters, please say so. Image
Read 6 tweets
May 23, 2023
I’m at the historic @WarnerTheater in DC to bear witness what @PowerUSAID invited all Americans to learn about this morning:
How Ukraine is delivering services online in a democracy at war with @USAID.
@karaswisher live now:
19M Ukrainians using DIAA now ImageImageImage
As @karaswisher said, there has a been backpack against disruptive technologies like the Internet, smartphones, & social media.
We now worry about AI.
But all governments must harness these technologies to provide critical info & deliver services to networked publics, everywhere. Image
Today, @PowerUSAID says delivering services showed how “robust & secure digital public infrastructure” enabled Ukrainians to access services in a war while minimizing corruption.
She says @USAID supported in e-gov in Ukraine since 2016. “
The result: “Government in a smartphone.” ImageImage
Read 15 tweets
May 8, 2023
The @opengovpart launched its new strategy & encouraged people to engage multistakeholder fora about it.

The USA never established such a forum, & @WhiteHouse has declined to restore @OpenGov44 & lead a U.S. government revival of #OpenGov domestically: Image
As with #SunshineWeek, this @WhiteHouse is not hosting any public events for #OpenGovWeek, despite the US government being elected to @opengovpart leadership:… & the void in public updates on US commitments. @POTUS isn’t leading by the power of our example. Image
Ongoing efforts to improve public participation in rulemaking at @WhiteHouse OIRA are a ray of sunshine:… as are efforts across agencies, from @USNatArchives to @CommerceGov.
This #OpenGovWeek, this @POTUS should be building on @OpenGov44, not ignoring it.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 28, 2023
Despite @WhiteHouse45:… & @WhiteHouse acting "contrary to process":
in the last 2 cycles – which @OGP_IRM didn't sanction – folks voted to add the US to @OpenGovPart steering committee?
NB: #OpenGov 404:
I find it encouraging to see @USAID @StateDRL rejoining international open government circles.
It’s discouraging @OpenGovPart @OGP_IRM have said so little about @WhiteHouse45 @WhiteHouse acting contrary to process after @POTUS45 made a mockery of the US being in “good standing.”
In 2022, @WHOSTP didn’t reference @opengovpart or past US #OpenGov commitments in its press release…
In 2023, @opengov44 is history:
& @WhiteHouse never delivered any self-assessments for the 3rd & 4th plans:…
Read 4 tweets

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