1. The Revolution: US is in 5th generation unrestricted warfare. Kinetic 3rd & 4th gen beats it
Radar tracking shows @POTUS evacuated D.C. aboard his “Nightwatch” advanced airborne command post, arriving @ Air Force Global Strike Command near Abilene,TX whitehouse.gov/wp-content/upl…
2. The White House publicly released the National Strategy For Planetary Protection on 4 January.
Preparations began in Dec-2020 after the CCP warned they were planning a rapid expansion of their “weather modification” efforts. whitehouse.gov/wp-content/upl…
3. Then flew their largest Y-20 military transporter cargo plane into the Arctic Circle. It landed in the Spratly Islands on Dec 25 , but did not load or unload cargo. Thereafter the Arctic Circle was hit with a sudden stratospheric warming event...
that split the polar vortex into two, the consequences of which will shatter the winter weather patterns over both North America & Northern Europe
Unrestricted Warfare
The polar vortex is splitting in two, which may lead to weeks of wild winter weather a.msn.com/04/en-us/BB1cu…
5. Events kept from the people as propaganda media pummels @POTUS over the protest turned deadly by ANTIFA's false flag at the Capitol
Jan 5th, US Atny Durham received a secret memorandum from @POTUS targeting Antifa who led the “false flag” the next day. whitehouse.gov/briefings-stat…
5th Generation Unrestricted Warfare: Let There be Light! @ReckoningTruth
@POTUS’s victory isn’t assured, but he has 12 more days, to carry out an epic counterattack against those who rigged the elections, staged the “siege” on the capitol building, and plan to tear down our constitutional republic.
It's a war against Evil philosophy. Your AR won’t save you
No one above is going to save you. We must stand as soul creations made in the image of God, united. Not a collective. We all stand together, alone.
Unrestricted Warfare: Counter Insurgency - The Insurrection Act
According to Monkey Werx Overwatch Says the Insurrection Act Has Been Signed
Trump’s personal Twitter account had 88 million followers. It has been silenced, and social-media platforms’ influence on online discourse is clear. wsj.com/articles/twitt…
5th Gen Unrestricted Warfare: See POTUS communications here:
1. The 45th President of the United States of America. #MAGA
The Capital attack was @SpeakerPelosi's last Wrap Up Smear. She's done. She, Biden's Roberts Obama Bush Cheney Romney Pence Mitch Schumer Schiff & ...will face military tribunals
Every American deserves to have their voices heard in a respectful & peaceful way. That is your 1st Amendment right. Efforts to censor, cancel & blacklist fellow citizens are wrong & they are dangerous' @POTUS
Unrestricted Warfare. Jeffrey Prather verifies video evidence of John Sullivan changing 'uniforms' during his covert Capital operation including the "official murder of Ashli Babbit.
Sullivan was also implicated in a 'set up murder' in Utah.
FBI arrest New Jersey man who saw fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt
Thomas Baranyi, 28, was charged with disorderly conduct & released. Filmed where Ashli was shot, he got blood on his hand, then went back to looking @ his phone. Later he gave an interview nydailynews.com/news/politics/…
Unrestricted Warfare: Counter Espionage
BREAKING: Project Veritas: Twitter Insider Records CEO Jack Dorsey Talking Trump and Laying Out Roadmap For Future Political Censorship thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/breaki…
Brilliant, lucid & dreamy. Heart felt, the 1st Lady could turn the tide of negative emotions & align our senses to face the unhappy truths. In the throes of this cosmic catastrophe, it could be the spiritual Inflection Point needed to regain a human future
Unrestricted Warfare: The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed - Biko
The Great Reset; you'll own nothing & you will like it.
HUGE! Brother of Arrested Antifa-BLM Activist John Sullivan Turned Him In! -- Says His Brother Was "Somehow in Charge" of US Capitol Riots (VIDEO) thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/huge-b…
BOOM: Judiciary Committee Releases Transcripts of Interviews Conducted During Oversight of Crossfire Hurricane Investigation
Be passionate in everything you do, but violence is never the answer… In all circumstances I ask for all Americans...to focus on what unites us, to rise above what divides us, to always choose love over hatred, peace over violence & others before yourself ugetube.com/watch/melania-…
DNI Ratcliffe Releases Report Showing China Interfered with the 2020 Election and CIA Management Pressured Analysts Not to Report It thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/breaki…
Unrestricted Warfare: False Flag Operations
Meet some of the field marshals and crucial players in the true, wholly staged, "siege" on the capital.
Left-wing insurrectionists John Sullivan participated in summer riots. Online & camera he bragged abt infiltrating Trump's Jan 6 peaceful protest, turning it violent. Worse, he walked Ashli to & filmed her shooting.
Capitol Siege, Ihor Kolomoiskyi's Ukrainian Media Embedded With Azov battalion, Militants
Russian speaking revolutionaries in America are Ukrainian ultra-nationalist, Pravy Sektor criminals brought in by Obama-Biden to shore up Antifa-BLM violence! creativedestructionmedia.com/investigations…
Unrestricted Warfare: Foreign interference in a peaceful demonstration & in our election. This Agent provocateur misinfo. operation painted a CANVAS of violent seditious Trump supporters.
This was not their first Color Revolution. Rinse and repeat
The same Ukrainians ran operations in Libya, Syria, Sudan and Yemen.
Biden is appointing a Blackberry, or encrypted phone, carrying Cabinet to accommodate covert "dark" operations. Trump, cut off Pentagon funds for CIA covert ops.
Told in 2010's "Argentina: A Cautionary Tale" it's a template of the least principled people on Earth w/ the corpse of the British Empire running coups WW
Insurrection Coup: The Real Enemies Within
Tulsi Gabbard Says Adam Schiff And John Brennan Are More Dangerous Than False Flag Mob At The Capitol (VIDEO) thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/tulsi-…
"Capitol Siege" Ukrainian Maiden terrorist Max Yarosh of Kolomoisky's Pravy Sector was at the gate on Jan 6th. Did he direct operations to secure their/ @SpeakerPelosi server used for dark ops & the drugs for weapons trade?
Unrestricted Warfare: A 5 year Information Operation to bring down the Republic
2011 Ukraine, 2016 efforts shifted to the US. Day one over 60,000 dedicated professionals & volunteers took the Russia, Russia, Russia story & superimposed it on the election georgeeliason.medium.com/obamas-coup-ag…
Unrestricted Warfare: Buy the ticket, take the ride
Nancy Pelosi's son in law & Pravy Sektor; truth about the "Siege On The Capital"
We honor the Capital Police officers who "Committed Suicide" & Officer Brian D. Sicknick; RIP
Years looking @ Clockwork Orange in Strong Cities you know what George Floyd & Horns in Congress is. Indy filmmaker Jade Sacker. com filmed John Sullivan @ the Cap, for a docmtry abt John & bro. All Fact Checkers deny she's with CNN en-volve.com/2021/01/15/bre…
Sacker said, "you were right, we did it"(breach the Capital). Sullivan responds, "dude, I told you". Here the CNN celebrated "Indy Journo" cutout Sullivan films the murder of Ashli. 1st he convinces the police to step aside, directing others forward. 8:00
Unrestricted Warfare: 1999 Kosovo
Encrypted comms used between Gen David Petraeus & the Mujaheddin in Kosovo marks the flight of the arrow to this moment in America. Convicting Trump could mark the launch of the Insurrection Act against Citizen Patriots
Sad, the Republic is no more & the FBI is not Law Enforcement; it usurps, controls and manages criminal activity bigleaguepolitics.com/court-docs-sho…
Unrestricted War: FBI TERROR PLOT
Both Groups Charged with Conspiracy to Storm the Capitol Were Led by FBI
Said in the past,most all right-wing groups are effectively penetrated and manipulated by the FBI/CIA/whatever alphabet agency you can think of. investmentwatchblog.com/both-groups-ch…
Unrestricted Warfare: America, THINK
Your Republic Has Been Destroyed By Criminal Traitors.
Listen as the Citizens Public Servants laugh off proper legal procedure, and more. Videos: brighteon.com/e0312154-8848-…
PELOSI'S FAULT: Speaker Pelosi told Sgt. at Arms to Deny National Guard at Capitol Due to Optics - Left Building Unprotected then Lied About it- MUST RESIGN! thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/pelosi…
Unrestricted Warfare:
1. Get the real story of Jan. 6th. Everyone is doing documentaries now saying Ukrainian Antifa was there. Webb had a dozen people on the ground including himself. amazon.com/dp/B08XNXWH4S/…
"Wray Says No Evidence Antifa, Left Wing Groups Played a Role in Jan 6 Capitol Riot" -VIDEO
Wray also denied $2 Billion in damage his ANTIFA & BLM Storm Troopers did for Opportunity Zone development last summer thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/wray-s…
Unrestricted Warfare: One Eyed Wray
Instead of pursuing criminal Traitors Wray @ FBI launched the JTTF to terrorize the Am. people.
Trump confirms that Pelosi, McConnell were in on the Capitol riots as “incitement” narrative gets completely debunked deepstate.news/2021-03-02-pel…
Criminals We Face: Thug Life
FBI Director, Covers Up the False Flag narrative about Officer Brian Sicknick's death.
LONG PLANNED; it's a criminal lie to justify labeling lawful Patriots as terrorist & launch his Joint Terrorist Task Force against them.
FBI Director Wray, testified to the Senate, that there was no evidence of ANTIFA at the Capital on Jan 6th.
"NOT MAKING HEADLINES: Antifa Members Caught with Gun at Jan 6th Protests, Arrested then Released -- SOMEONE NOTIFY CROOKED CHRIS WRAY" thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/not-ma…
Payback for America's Deep State - Comrad Biden's Masters - STEALING SYRIA'S natural resources
But that's OK, because Assad & Putin are the bad guys. It's a metaphor for the Covid Disaster Capitalism Riots In America. We're just to stupid to understand zerohedge.com/geopolitical/p…
Unrestricted Warfare: The Cloward-Piven War On You
In a classical Sabbatean inversion of reality it cost every taxpayer $17,000 to prop up Obamcare & bail out broke Sanctuary Cities for a kick back of $1,400 in blood money. 1. washingtonexaminer.com/washington-sec…
Because Josh suffers PTSD from being blown up in Iraq serving his country & doesn’t take his meds & owns fire arms, they feel it’s a volatile combination & see no reasonable scenario for granting bail
Unrestricted Warfare: 1st Rule of War, Know You're In One
Biden's a puppet to Fascist+Communist=Globalist Forces that took the election & are weakening all pillars of society thru crime & medical tyranny. "FBI doesn't solve crime it manages crime" - video pscp.tv/w/cxZ5yzFheWpW…
👆Wray's Crime Making FBI
As reported the FBI no longer investigates, but infiltrates & controls crime. The agent who "investigated" the FAUX Whitmer kidnapping worked w/ inside agents & informants. He was promoted to national "MAGA Terror" investigations revolver.news/2021/03/fbis-r…
Unrestricted War On America is War On Humanity. Mass migration is a weapon of war.
Biden's Boarder is controlled by Transnational Cartels Trafficking Drugs Weapons & Human SLAVERY
Covid positive people are flooding over while you're masked & locked down
Unrestricted Warfare: The Great Reset
Klaus Schwab Is The Great Barker Of The Fourth Reich
Sir Klaus Martin Schwab, KCMG (British Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael & St George. He Founded & is the only chairman of the World Economic Forum aim4truth.org/2021/03/16/kla…
There is No Coronavirus Pandemic
There is Only The Great Reset.
The White House at ANTIFA.com Wishes You a Happy Masked Easter!
Klaus Schwab's family were NAZI collaborators & Klaus, a half Jew with mommy issues, is a front man for the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society - REAL WHITE SUPREMACIST - who created Hitler & Lenin genociding millions! unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/invest…
After China’s top Diplomat berated Biden’s Sec of State for US suppressing other nations, he posted: “One of my #WomenOfCourage is @madeleine Albright" who's called the “Butcher of Iraq” for starving 500K Iraqi children, 800K dead in Rwanda, 300K East Timor, & 500K in Yugoslavia
Unrestricted Warfare: War On You & Your Children
"Sex Offender Encounters by Border Patrol Reach A Five Year High" - Leaked Document to Project Veritas VIDEO
Unrestricted Warfare: The media pushes division, hate and Smith-Mundt Information Operations; PsyOps, so the people are constantly at war with themselves.
Attention diverted, Transnational Corporations & Globalist have a specific plan; you're not in it.
Karma? It's significant that Putin & Merkel agree the mysterious deaths of close Prince Charles socialist-globalist allies Sir Richard Sutton & Petr Kellner are not coincidental, because it strongly suggests they're targeted killings; a message to advocates of “The Great Reset”
Putin warned these dangerous idiots at the World Economic Forum that the path they’re walking on is exactly like the one used in the 1930s, that predictably led to World War II.
Predictions are not Sage like. Simply reading their manuals & white papers tells of their plans & deceptions, unfolding before our eyes.
Cosmic balance demands they tell us what they’re doing.
PsyOps & fear trick us into accepting it.
War On You 2021: What the world's experiencing is a manmade EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT via a series of ongoing bioterrorists acts perpetrated by a genocidal conspiracy of state actors, corporate entities, NGOs, secret societies & terror organizations like NATO themillenniumreport.com/2021/04/the-co…
U.S. is 'conducting biological warfare & terror using genetic engineering technology,' 'Many countries are gravely concerned about bio-labs built by the U.S. both within its borders & overseas.'
Unrestricted Warfare: Recently, the US & NATO significantly stepped up biological research in many countries across the world. The U.S. is developing individual action plans for each country based on national biological programmes, primarily military ones sputniknews.com/military/20210…
As reported, the January 6th Insurrection was a False Flag, Color Revolution Coup
US Government Seizes $90,000 From John Sullivan BLM-Antifa Organizer Who Sold Footage of Capitol Riot and Ashley Babbitts execution to CNN.
Klaus Schwab's Great Reset is meant to collapse the economy
Now, are you going to be able to un-see this insanity, erase it from your mind & go back pretending everything’s going to be fine? Or, are you going to start fighting back before it’s too late? pjmedia.com/victordavishan…
Unrestricted 5th Generation War: Gutted From Within
Aft Clinton, Biden & ret. NATO Generals sold off billions in F-35 tech development the fix is in
As F-35 problems pile up, Lockheed Martin sends exec on course to deconstruct his ‘white male privilege’ rt.com/usa/524904-loc…
Mechanized Warfares Libyan Testing Ground
1 undocs.org/S/2021/229
A UN Security Council Letter from a Panel of Experts on Libya report fighters in Libya were “hunted down” by “lethal autonomous weapons systems”, drones, which seek out & attack targets
2 rt.com/news/525111-li…
The Federal Bureau of INSTIGATION
1. FBI Operatives 'Unindicted Co-Conspirators', In the Jan. 6 Capitol 'insurrection,' & the kidnapping plot against MI Governor Whitmer zerohedge.com/political/fbi-…
Unrestricted Warfare; #WarOnYou is manifesting “Mass Formation Psychosis” making way for the "Great Reset" to bankrupt our economy, end America's National Sovereignty and make Chattel of us all.
Stakeholder Capitalism is Environmental, Social, & (Corporate) Governance. Do as we say or be canceled.
Directed Capitalism is Fascism.
W. Va choose not to do business with a company that's directly opposed to the interests of the state & its people.
The Biden Files: on the grift
Like the Clinton's, Peter Schweitzer exposes the Biden's for the grifters they are.
As IP pointed out b4 the selection, they're on the take from the top of the CCP's Intelligence agency; Building Back Better.
Unrestricted Information Warfare: What's next?
False Flags.
Unrestricted Charade:
Stockman Says "This Goes Way Beyond Wag-The-Dog 2.0" As Ukraine Pushes Back Against American Hawks zerohedge.com/geopolitical/s…
Blackwater Is in Donbass with the Azov Battalion @RealGeorgeWebb1@SchwabMeNoMore
On top of US-NATO investments in Ukraine, there's a $10 billion plan being implemented by Erik Prince who supplies mercenaries to the CIA, Pentagon & State for covert ops.
"Why would the World Economic Forum come out in support of Critical Race Theory? Because they... want to divide our society with this Marxist Theory or any other tool they can use to break the world & seize power"
“The main task of our decision was to preserve & protect these lives"
There you go: Responsibility to Protect (R2P), a concept invented by the Americans to launch wars, used by Russia for preventing one. zerohedge.com/geopolitical/e…
Unrestricted Warfare: Sanctioned Oil Scams Go Public
Russian oil isn't sanctioned, but nobody wants it. -CNN
Marc Rich spins; RESET, what was black market, is in the open under corp. control
Putin laughed at the “Great Reset”, a planned society through AI, robots & the merger of man & machine; policies driving the middle class to extinction over the COVID-19 pandemic will increase social and political unrest zerohedge.com/geopolitical/g…
The Great Reset: What Every Smart American Know's
Biden wouldn't be the illegitimate president without the plandemic's mail in & electronic voting charade.
Like Florida's DeSantis, true leaders will tell him, force is not power, & he can get bent! zerohedge.com/covid-19/biden…
The GME fireworks are about the illegal float folks. I was shocked (not really) to hear @themarketswork speak of naked shorts as normal. For years I've written of the "normal" open criminality of WS & DC.
Naked shorting is the illegal practice of short selling shares that have not been affirmatively determined to exist. Ordinarily, traders must borrow a stock or determine it can be borrowed before they sell it short. investopedia.com/articles/optio…
👆Small fish aren't supposed to eat big fish, so billionaire hedge fund owners reached out to powerful friends for help. @RealGeorgeWebb1
"The Silver Stealers"; The Pilgrims, "A Secret Society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world."
- Cecil Rhodes silverstealers.net/tss.html
”Face it, Joe Biden should be ousted, tarred and feathered, and sent packing off to his masters in the Illuminati.
Avenging angels have no tolerance toward demons, be clear about that.
The Kingdom of God is built on the faith and action of martyrs and heroes."
"Our battles today are against formidable diabolic foes who illegally took control of the While House. These minions of Satan will soon launch a full-scale assault on churches, begun with the COVID shutdown, and as they've already done to the public schools. "
"The Peace of Westphalia, which partially ended the wars of religion in 1648 has by now collapsed and with it the European Union, because that pact of convenience was in essence an unprincipled compromise with a flagrantly sinful Vatican authority."
The Pandemic Charade: The Lock Down is the Great Reset To Destroy Local Economies. And it's based on a lie.
A Portuguese appeals court has ruled that PCR tests are unreliable and that it is unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test. greatgameindia.com/portuguese-cou…
2 Top Canadian Pathologist Tells Alberta Govt COVID Is "The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public" thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/top-ca…
👆A short wake up thread about the WAR ON YOU. For God's sake Rise Up.
When you see an ad from Amazon or some other big corporation talking about how "we are all in this together", keep in mind that they are literally laughing at you. - @greg_price11