In 2015 a prominent Republican said this of Trump:
"In the 1840’s the 'Know Nothings' emerged as a political movement, scapegoating Irish and German immigrants for the problems of the nation...
2/ "...They were obsessively anti-Catholic, so much so that when the Pope sent marble for the building of the Washington Monument, they smashed it to pieces and helped delay its construction for 35 years...
3/ "...These people built nothing, created nothing. They existed to cast blame and tear down certain institutions. To give outlet to anger. Donald Trump is the modern-day incarnation of the know-nothing movement."
4/ That Republican? Texas Gov. Rick Perry who went on to become Secretary of Energy for Trump.
Hice was re-elected on the same day on the same GA ballot using the same methods and standards. It would really prove his intellectual consistency on this issue if he were to resign and demand a new election.
.@BenSasse: "Today, the United States Capitol — the world’s greatest symbol of self-government — was ransacked while the leader of the free world cowered behind his keyboard — tweeting against his Vice President for fulfilling the duties of his oath to the Constitution."
2/ “...Lies have consequences. This violence was the inevitable and ugly outcome of the President’s addiction to constantly stoking division...
3/“...Americans are better than this: Americans aren’t nihilists. Americans aren’t arsonists. Americans aren’t French revolutionaries taking to the barricades...
Portman: “... after two months of recounts and legal challenges, not a single state recount changed a result and, of the dozens of lawsuits filed, not one found evidence of fraud or irregularities widespread enough to change the result of the election...
2/“... This was the finding of numerous Republican-appointed judges and the Trump Administration’s own Department of Justice. Every state has now weighed in and certified its electoral slate based on its vote and the process set out in the Constitution....
3/“... Over the course of my public service career I have taken the same oath on numerous occasions, swearing to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States...
Statement by John C. Danforth (U.S. Senator, R-MO, 1976-1995) Concerning Challenges to the Votes of the Electoral College
“Citing my support for Josh Hawley's campaigns, a number of people have asked me to comment on his decision to challenge votes of the electoral college...
2/ “...Lending credence to Trump's false claim that the election was stolen is a highly destructive attack on our constitutional government. It is the opposite of conservative; it is radical....
3/“... As one friend asked me, ‘What are my grandchildren to think of America if they are told that elections are fraudulent?’At a time of extreme polarization the populist strategy is to drive America even farther apart by promoting conspiracy theories and stoking grievances...