"It is not enough for Joe Biden to just undo what Donald Trump did. He should prioritize human rights so that whoever comes after him cannot destroy everything." - @KenRoth to Michał Kokot for @gazeta_wyborcza.
“This has been the darkest period for human rights in China since the 1989 massacre that ended the Tiananmen Square democracy movement.” - @hrw World Report in the @guardian
People frustrated with the negative sides of Twitter sometimes ask me what they can do about it. Here's a thread with some ideas.
Whether you have 100 followers or a million, you can do something to help… 📢
1) Don't share the ugly stuff, not even to expose its ugliness, if it’s just powerless fools looking for attention. (If you just can’t help yourself, use a screenshot, never a link or RT.)
Do expose the ugly stuff from elected officials and others with power. Frame your tweets to be clear you are calling it out. And use a screenshot, not a link or RT, so you don’t send them any clicks of encouragement.
And I say that as someone who was very pleased to see her actions in 2015, when she fought for allowing some 1 million desperate refugees into Germany.
And yes, I also realise that both of those actions - supporting Hungary's extremist dictatorship and welcoming refugees - may possibly stem from the same exact political leaning: the urge to meet the demands of German businesses for cheap labour.
I was worried it might be a new committee or an advisory group, but a task force... Wow! That really shows they mean business now! This isn't a way for the EPP to continue supporting the dictatorship it helped take hold in EU member Hungary. No, not at all. A task force, people!
People, people... Why isn't this sinking in? It's a task force! A TASK FORCE! This is HUUUUUGE!
In recent days, I've been in touch with some Trump supporters I know in the US. Not anyone you would have heard of, just regular middle class whites, mostly in the northeast.
I've tried to maintain contact & just listen over the years, so I understand their thinking. 1/
This was the first time all of them literally screamed at me.
They're not upset at last week's mob riot; they're hoping for more of it. 2/
Some even talked about killing specific politicians. I'm not worried these people will be on the news one day, because they have neither the means nor the physical ability to do it. Still, they're very keen to see it happen. 3/