The Puritan Legislature (of Virginia) surrendered to (friendly) Cromwellian troops in March 1651/1652 - date ambiguity because the calendar year started Mar25
The Monarchist Executive retired to 'resist' on behalf of Charles II, successfully returning to power in 1660.
Neither side was later proud of all that happened in the 1650s -- the Puritans because they eventually lost, and the Cavaliers because they *eventually* lost and the Whig Interpretation of History edited their wins out.
Here's the book on the _Puritan Republic_ (of Mass), the history of which you were never taught:
The current SCOTUS theory of sovereignty is probably best described (as you might guess) as 'governmental sovereignty' vs 'popular sovereignty' (or state sovereignty, which is ambiguous under the 1789 Constitution -- leading to a great deal of subsequent conflict)
In this formalist view, which I do not suport, the USG is sovereign *over* the people, and as sovereign, can make new constitutions (novellae, in Justinian's Latin phrase...) *for* the People.
This is, in the end, a theory of Imperium, only not Constantine's *Christian* Imperium
Censorship is a form of Ignoratio Elenchi -- it frames the public argument so that facts and evidence are ignored, and the argument of one's dialectical opponent (in a debate) is suppressed and ignored.
It is a form of Willful Ignorance -- what Nicholas of Cusa called ...
Let me make my case that 'USG is now illegitimate' short and sweet.
The marks of sovereignty are, traditionally, 'the power of life and death' -- for example, to conscript citizens to defend the Common Good and send them off to die in wars, to execute criminals...
... and secondly, the magisterial right of command (imperium) -- to lay down (constitute, as in constitutions), the legal framework, i.e. to legislate and to execute that legislation.
These are called, in Western Civilisation, 'The Two Swords of the King'...
When the Sovereign People lose the right to declare and prosecute wars -- and they have, by losing the power to elect Congress -- they have lost DOMINION.
When they have lost the power for states to sue each other in SCOTUS, and propose constitutional amendments and pass them --
A historical comparison is in order (another thread). In the 1650s, America participated in the English Civil War -- yes we did. New England was a Puritan haven so not much happened there. Maryland and Virginia were split, and both sides fought a war...
In the first American Revolution the (future) Whigs arrived on ships, and declared a Republic. They were fought by Monarchists. The monarchists eventually won (in 1660) and the Republican traitors were hanged in the Old Dominion (Virginia)
That was the first 'Convention Parliament' in England (1660).
The second was the Glorious Revolution of 1688/1689, and the Convention Parliament that 'invited' William of Orange to be Monarch -- including of the Dominion of New England, which now wished to be free of Tory Rule.