(THREAD) Media has yet to look into what holds the evangelicals to Trump. A catalyst in the evangelical caucus are several prophecies of Kim Clement that began to identify Trump as POTUS in 2007. This thread unpacks the correlation. I hope you'll read on and RETWEET.
1/ The Kim Clement prophecies have further cemented tribalism between evangelicals and Trump. Many evangelicals desire Kim Clement's prophecies to come to fruition at all costs. However, what may seem like a prophetic completion may be a calculated strategic power grab for
2/ evangelical loyalty. Below are the chronological dates of events that tie in Kim Clement, Paula White, Trump, and the pattern of unsubstantiated voter fraud claims.
1987- Trump first expressed interest in publicly running for president.
3/ The 1990s- Kim Clement and Paula White's ministerial relationship allegedly dated back to the 90s. In an interview between Paula White and Kim Clement in 2005. Paula White states to Kim Clement “We go way back.”
2000- Trump was a short-lived candidate of the Reform Party.
4/ 2002-Trump had been courting conservative groups and called Paula White to establish a relationship.
2004- Trump considered entering the Republican contest.
2005- Kim Clement met with Paula White on her show and solidified their relationship to go “way back.”
5/ 2006-Paula White bought a 3.5-million-dollar condo in Trump Tower.
2007- February 10-Kim Clément’s first prophesies states that there will be a praying president.
2007- Trump publicly praised Paula White’s inspirational-living book, You’re All That.
6/ 2007 April 4- Kim Clement prophesy Trump will be president and that Bill Gates to open up the “financial realm for the church.”
2008 April 29- Trump appeared on Paula White’s television show.
7/ 2011 March- Trump had emerged as a favorite in conservative circles for promoting the “birther” conspiracy theory (Obama not a citizen of the United States)
8/ 2011- Trump considered running for President. Trump asked Paula White to gather ministers. Trump asked Paula White what she thought of the timing. Paula White stated “I said, ‘I don’t think it’s the time,’” she remembers. “He said, ‘I don’t either.’”
9/ 2012- Trump made a more serious bid for the Republicans.
10/ 2012 November 7- Trump's first allegations of voter fraud in Obama v. Romney and attempt to incite Insurrection 2012. “We can’t let this happen. We should MARCH ON WASHINGTON and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!”
11/ “FIGHT LIKE HELL and stop this great and disgusting injustice.” “We should have a REVOLUTION in this country!”
2013 April 20 - Kim Clement's prophecy “Donald” is an influencer and will win the election.
12/ 2014 October 31- Trump claims illegal immigrants voted for Obama
“Crazy - Election officials saying that there is nothing stopping illegal immigrants from voting,”
2016 February 3- Lost Iowa Primary to Ted “Ted Cruz STOLE Iowa!"
13/ “Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified.” "Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he stole it," "That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated.”
14/ 2017 January 20- Paula White delivered the invocation at the inauguration.
2019 November 1- Paul White assumes White House role.
15/ 2020- Unsubstantial number of claims of massive wide voter fraud that resulted in an insurrection.
16/ We now know that Trump is willing to conspire with individuals and offer compensation in foreign countries such as Italy and ex-government officials to further advance his claims of voter fraud.
17/ If Trump is willing to engage in a conspiracy with government officials then why would he not do the same with the American evangelical caucus?