Further reflections & learning points from last nights expert panel discussion:
Withdrawal from psychotropic medications is a multifaceted, complex process - never do so cold turkey & try your utmost to find a dr to work with you with an open, flexible, slow tapering approach
‘Discontinuation syndrome’ was a term coined by pharmaceutical companies in an effort to address (cover over) the issue of withdrawal effects & dependency forming nature that antidepressants can have in up to 50% of people.
3/ Social prescribing is a very valid alternative to prescribing an antidepressant and is gaining momentum in the UK.
Gardening, outdoor or social activities can renew self esteem & lift low mood.
Informed consent means educating people regarding a range of alternatives.
4/ Good family/ social support can be really important including family members education themselves about withdrawal e.g. Surviving antidepressants (@Altostrata ), CEPUK.org or @_innercompass
5/ Reading the success stories on surviving antidepressants website can be really encouraging & provide guidance & emotional support in the process
6/ For GPs & Psychiatrists:
It is important to be available for those struggling through withdrawal, to have a flexible approach with a strong therapeutic alliance, with both patient and prescriber harnessing the ability to tolerate uncertainty