1. Junos Genius is an amazing, stupendous, fantastic resource. USE THIS!! create an account, scroll down to Juniper Open Learning, & select JNCIA-Junos (or whichever cert track in which you're interested)[cloud.contentraven.com/junosgenius/lo…]
At the time of this thread, once you finish all the videos & practice test(s), there will be a voucher test. If you pass the voucher test, you'll receive a voucher for 75% off any Associate Level exam. Again, USE JUNOS GENIUS!! Watch all the vids, take all the practice tests.
2. The "Day One: Beginner's Guide to Learning Junos" book. It's easy to read and is a very nice complement to Junos Genius. I highly recommend. [juniper.net/documentation/…]
3. If you're familiar with Cisco IOS, "Junos for IOS Engineers" is another option for you. (click the link & scroll down until you see the book). There are a bunch of Day One books, I've already read 2, so much information!!!
4. Juniper vLabs!!!!
Don't have any physical equipment?? No problem!! Use vLabs for practice!!!
Definitely watch the video on the home page before you get started; it's a good introduction to vlabs & how to use it. Super highly recommend vLabs.
5. Here's some random youtube videos that I really liked:
6. If you've followed me long enough you already know about @JBizzle703. Follow him. He has all 6 JNCIA certs, he's always trying to help new folks get into networking or security, and he creates Juniper related videos also. Here's 1:
As promised, here's my thread of resources for learning Linux (Linux/bash/command line). Every resource I used was free 😀
(I just wanted to learn linux for fun since i kept hearing about it; the LPI Linux Essentials exam was the right exam for me)
1) My #1 favorite was the Linux courses on @CiscoNetAcad site. I did NDG Linux Unhatched (beginner) then NDG Linux Essentials (intermediate) netacad.com/courses/os-it
START HERE!! I CANT RECOMMEND THESE 2 COURSES ENOUGH. create an account and get to learning. IT'S EASYYYYYY!!
Those 2 courses ALONE will teach you a lot. but when learning something new or studying for a cert/exam, it's best to use multiple resources. 2) youtube. these folks have "linux for beginners" type playlists: thenewboston, Guru99, FactorPad, theurbanpenguin, & tutoriaLinux