Stephen McIntyre Profile picture
Jan 20, 2021 86 tweets 28 min read Read on X
Solomon has published two new documents, only one of which is listed on his Dig Here page…. and is rehash of notes released by Grassley in Dec. See my thread here

Some new info in other doc…
2/ Solomon said that the 302 of the Steele October 2017 is the "first" declassified document. Solomon told Lou Dobbs yesterday that he would be up all night with the releases. Morning has come and thus far. the 302 is the ONLY declassification. Image
3/ most of the content of the 302 was already known from the (redacted) SIA notes on the Steele Oct 2017 interview which were published in December 2020 and slightly, and mostly irrelevantly, less redacted in this version.
4/ the October 2017 Steele 302 is relevant, but mostly shows the uselessness of FBI questioning and their total and incompentent subject matter knowledge. In particular, they didn't challenge - or even ask Steele about inconsistencies between Danchenko interview and dossier.
5/ we still haven't seen ANYTHING on, for example, Steele's original Oct 2016 interview with FBI, Danchenko's two subsequent interviews with FBI, the intel memos on Danchenko interview, attribution of DNC hack to Russia, on and on..
6/ if we don't see anything more, Trump's declassification is as fraudulent as his pardon list. Either he capitulated out of fear of the Senate vote on impeachment or he's the useless fraud that his opponents have portrayed.
7/ '@jsolomonReports Is That All There Is?

Looks like John Solomon's kraken was another fraud.
8/ without ANY enthusiasm, I'm going through the 302 vs the previously released Agent Notes to see if anything new and/or left out in 302. First two paragraphs more or less correspond. Image
9/ Steele wanted to be sure that information from his Oct 2017 interview would go "straight to Mueller", not just FBI. SIA Auten and SSA [Woodbery] (my interpolation - Woodbery was SSA in London who was ALAT, also pal of Strzok, former CoS for Priestap) re-assured them. Image
10/ this is interesting: Steele was concerned about inclusion of their (fraudulent) material in the ICA - an issue that was FAR more important than the Carter Page FISA issue which Gonna Graham promoted as big issue to distract attention and gaslight. Image
11/ Steele (and Burrows) rightly regarded use of Steele dossier in ICA (and immediate illegal leak to media to undermine incoming Trump administration) as an important issue and raised it repeatedly - a big point OMITTED from 302.
12/ statement that Steele and Burrows regarded Trump as their "main opponent" ought to have raised FARA issues, but didn't. This statement in 302 has raised eyebrows, but was already known from Dec 2020 release. Image
13/ next few points in 302 track Auten's notes (slight change in order). Confirms that Danchenko had been source of prior reports (some of which we've seen from State Dept productions. They are porn for intel agencies - fantasies that fulfil intel agency desire.) Image
14/ I'm skipping one paragraph before coming back to it for reasons that will become clear. Steele hadn't heard of Page, Cohen, Papadop; had been working on Manafort. Had heard of Tillerson - redacted in 302, but not in Auten's notes. Image
15/ Auten's redacted notes conspicuously did not contain ANY mention of Sergei Millian, who was framed by Steele and/or Danchenko. But Millian is known to have been mentioned by Steele to FBI and appears (my interpolation below) to be mentioned in 302 paragraph, redacted in Auten Image
16/ a note on this interpolation and Steele's lie to FBI. The redaction in first line in 14 characters with 7-character surname. We KNOW that Danchenko told FBI that he heard Ritz Carlton rumor from Ivan Vorontsov, but couldn't confirm it. Image
17/ Both Ivan Vorontsov and Sergei Millian are 14 characters. But surname (5th line) is 7 characters, excluding Vorontsov. We KNOW that Steele had (falsely) named Millian as source in 2016. W
18/ We also KNOW that Danchenko had not heard of Millian in June 2016, attempted to initiate contact by email on July 21 (while Millian in Asia), that Danchenko NEVER met Millian and told this to FBI.
19/ nonetheless, FBI, a year later, sat like doorknobs while Steele once again (falsely) told them that Millian had been source for Ritz Carlton story which Danchenko attributed as unconfirmed from Vorontsov. This was low-hanging fruit on which FBI ought to have challenged Steele
20/ but the doorknobs let Steele continue unchallenged. As detectives, more like Ace Ventura than Colombo. Without Ace Ventura's acumen.
21/ Steele was then asked about his validation. He claimed to know the "current positions" of PSS' "sub-soubsources". No details here. Galkina, the most important sub-subsource, was then in Cyprus as an unemployed former employee of a webserver company in a bitter custody dispute Image
22/ did FBI doorknobs inquire as to how Galkina in Cyprus was privy to Putin's innermost secrets that had eluded CIA for years? More likely, Steele dangled big names, all real people but not actual sources. As Yuri Shvets pointed out within days of Steele dossier publication.
23/ Steele (falsely) told FBI that he "confirmed" Danchenko's reporting through "other sources". Zero evidence of that for Steele dossier. Who "confirmed" the collusion allegation? Nobody. Who confirmed Sechin-Page meeting. Nobody. Image
24/ next, Steele rambled that Orbis had four discrete networks. New agent assigned to Russia. A source whose description is unaccountably redacted in 302, but who is described in notes as looking at Rybololvev (discussed later in 302.) Prob funded by Dan Jones' Dem oligarchs. Image
25/ this next is outrageous. Steele, trying to coax PSS, said Danchenko "coming along with idea of talking to" Mueller but wasnt there yet. Compare to Mueller intimidation of witnesses in Trump orbit.

Dig-here: looks like Mueller lawyers NEVER interviewed Danchenko (or Steele). Image
26/ next, the publicized story about Fiona Hill having introduced Danchenko to Steele ~2011. I deduced this from the Danchenko interview last summer, so this ought not to be regarded as "news", tho confirmation is welcome. Image
27/ next, a redacted and tantalizing paragraph to do with Ukraine. "someone who was Ukrainian could possibly have the type of access his source has".

What does this mean? Why is it redacted? Looks very suspicious. Image
28/ next some chitchat about Danchenko's travel experience while spying in Russia irrelevant to main Russiagate issues. Image
29/ Steele said that they "destroyed materials for legal reasons". What was legal reason? Looks more like bigger obstruction of justice than any of Mueller's actual charges. Image
30/ Steele also told FBI that he took three trips [to US] in 2016. We KNOW that Steele met Perkins Coie on Jul 29, Yahoo and others on Sep 23 and Kavalec et al on Oct 11. He told FBI that he "talked with his subsource" on these trips.
31/ it seems obvious that Steele met with Danchenko while he was in US as Danchenko lived in northern Virginia, but FBI didn't ask Danchenko about his meetings with Steele in US, even tho it pertained to their purported espionage on Trump in US (not just "Russia").
32/ for example, Steele's explosive and mendacious Report 95 must have been written on or about Jul 27-28, just prior to his Jul 29 meeting with Perkins Coie. How exactly and when did Danchenko convey information from "Millian" to Steele? FBI doorknobs didn't ask.
33/ continuing. Steele told FBI Orbis had obtained audio of conversation between Danchenko & [Olga Galkina] regarding (false) information re Cohen meeting in Prague. Steele said they didn't have original audio "in original form", but had transcription. Galkina maybe "coming in". Image
34/ Horowitz report indicated that Galkina had been interviewed in August 2017 - prior to Steele interview, but we havent seen Galkina interview. FBI doesn't seem to have asked Steele to provide Galkina transcript.
35/ Steele told FBI that Danchenko sub-sources had "serious access to named people REDACTED tight circles". Uh, huh. Vorontsov. Galkina who did PR for webserver in Cyprus. Did either of them really have "serious access"? Pretty questionable. Image
36/ next, an unredacted paragraph discussing Orbis' prior involvement with Manafort. This was litigation against Manafort by Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch who had helped FBI in Levinson case. Steele's story on start of relationship with Fusion is a bit different than Simpson Image
37/ Steele is known to have gone to Cyprus around July 6-13, 2016 - after meeting Gaeta in London. Steele reported being briefed about Rubolovlev. Redaction can be infilled as "early July". Not related to dossier. Image
38/ this next is important. Almost totally redacted in both Auten notes and 302. But it contains important admission by Steele to FBI that he and Danchenko were carrying out espionage in US ("bit of work in the United States"). As we know, it involved "Millian". Image
39/ beneath the redactions, there appear to be a couple of important lies. Steele says that PSS "was introduced REDACTED", that the PSS "met REDACTED" and PSS "and [Millian] discussed REDACTED". We KNOW that Danchenko and Millian NEVER met. This is all false information.
40/ that Danchenko never met Danchenko was KNOWN to FBI since January 2017 interview in which Auten participated. So FBI KNEW that these statements by Steele were untrue but FBI Ace Venturas didn't confront Steele on falsehoods.
41/ Steele further embellished his false claims about Danchenko meetings with Millian by claiming that he had seen "some documentation" and that REDACTED wasn't "notional". Outrageous that loser Trump failed to unredact this important material.
42/ Steele then drew a diagram of the sub-source network, said to have been attached to the 302. Diagram was withheld by bureaucrats, as petty defiance. Image
43/ Steele's description of sources on Carter Page contained false information. Existence of supposed Sechin meeting came from RBC reporter Lyudmila Podobedova, but on Diveykin came from Galkina. For details, check tweets by FN and myself in late July. FBI didnt challenge "error" Image
44/ also, and this is important: while Danchenko network gave (false) information on existence of meetings, the vivid details in Steele dossier about the "meetings" are wildly embellished from Danchenko's account. E.g implausible 19.5% brokerage fee.
45/ my own surmise is that Steele (or someone in his office) constructed a fantasy on sparse framework of (untrue) information from Danchenko. The embellishments were known to FBI but it did not require an accounting from Steele for embellishments.
46/ continuing this thread: FBI asked about reporting about Oleg Govurun, which Steele ascribed to redacted subsource. Image
47. Govurun was mentioned in Steele #112 as a supposed bagman in St Petersburg between Alfa bank and Putin. Alfa Bank officials Aven and Fridman sued Steele for libel. Image
48/ Danchenko touched on Report #112 only in passing but comment interesting: he said that topic "hearkens back" to his time at Brookings with Clifford Gaddy (and Fiona Hill). In both interviews (Danchenko, Steele), FBI immediately segued to new topic. Image
49/ they segued to brief discussion of reporting about Peskov. In context, that had little to nothing to do with collusion allegations and was little more than background chickenfeed into which the big allegations were dropped. Name redacted in both. Image
50/ in Danchenko interview, source relating to Peskov was SOURCE 3, who we've identified as Olga Galkina, then recently working in PR in Cyprus for a webserver company. Image
51/ character count in Steele 302 doesn't match to Galkina in any way that I can thus far figure out. Steele's practice appears to have been to claim that known and important people were his sub-sources (as opposed to Galkina and Vorontsov.) Image
52/ then some discussion about Steele's decision to talk to Mother Jones. He said that Fusion pressured Steele to do so. Steele's regret was that the fallout disrupted his ability to feed information into FBI. Image
53/ something interesting: Ohr knew abt Steele's Oct 2017 meeting with Steele, who had "reached out" to both Ohr and Simpson about PSS. Up to May 2017, Ohr had immediately notified FBI of his contacts with Steele. These 302s STOP on May 16, 2017. At start of Mueller investigation Image
54/ Ohr and Steele had talk on Aug 7, 2017 and again on Sep 9, 2017, a week before Steele's 2nd interview with FBI. Did Ohr memorialize these two calls for FBI and Mueller? If not, why not? ImageImage
55/ next, they return to question of whether PSS Danchenko will choose to honor the Special Counsel with his presence. Other people were given subpoenas or jackboots at dawn. But Danchenko seems to have had choice. In the end, Mueller doesn't appear to have interviewed PSS. Image
56/ next they discuss PSS' "tradecraft", with Steele emphasizing supposed precautions. However, Danchenko's "tradecraft" included open line cell phone conversation with Galkina in mid-July while he was at a public swimming pool. Probably Volta or Francis pools in Georgetown. ImageImageImage
57/ Seems hard to believe that Danchenko and/or Galkina wouldn't be persons of interest to both western and Russian intelligence. Or that unencrypted international cell phone calls weren't intercepted. GCHQ has huge collection center in Cyprus where Galkina was located.
58/ FBI and Steele then return to Fiona Hill. Steele said that he contacted Hill in Feb 2017 after Danchenko went to ground and surmised that Hill "guesses" that Danchenko was involved in dossier. Then a redacted comment about Danchenko in context of Hill and Brookings. Image
59/ FBI had doubled back to Fiona Hill. Now they doubled back to validation of PSS and possibility that PSS is under "control" of some other agency. Steele says not, though he "cannot guarantee" that subsources "aren't under control". Image
60/ next paragraph almost totally/totally redacted in both 302 and notes. Means that it's prob interesting. What is it? Something about sharing "election-related reports". Involving someone that he "knew from his previous career" who has 11 letters in names (12 with space). Image
61/ There's a very delicious candidate, who fits both on character count and as someone Steele knew from previous career: Pablo Miller, who came into public view at time of Skripal poisoning. Would be very big deal if Miller placed with Steele in 302.… Image
62/ next 302 para: Steele says that he is "hesitant" about sharing information with CIA, NSA and a redacted entity, supposedly because of concern over security (while supposedly having no such concern about leaky FBI). Sounds more like flattery. Corresponding Auten note redacted. Image
63/ something else interesting that emerges from this seemingly pedantic cross-comparison of Auten notes and final 302. The next paragraph of Auten notes has NO corresponding entry in 302 - unlike everything or almost everything so far. Take a look and I'll comment more. Image
64/ the information left out by Auten and FBI pertains to a report by Steele's new Psub on SBU's report on Manafort. The new PSS says that information provided by Ukrainian SBU to FBI about Manafort being a Russian agent, being run by FSB, has been "doctored" by Kyiv !! Image
65/ Steele's new agent says that the information was doctored by Kyiv to "justify surveillance" of Manafort. Steele endorsed the new P-sub and anticipated having further information on the Ukrainian fraud in the following week. Image
66/ this replaces a tweet that I sent out a couple of minutes ago. While there is no corresponding entry in this part of the 302, I double checked the balance of 302 (about half way through) and there is an entry that corresponds to some of this material. I'll comment then.
67/ next, FBI asks about Danchenko's "physical security". Discussion is redacted. Why? Danchenko lived in northern Virginia. Why would he be at risk? Or, at least, at any more risk of random murder than Seth Rich or any other Washingtonian? /sarc/ Image
68/ next, they discussed PSS' contact with "Russian establishments". Auten notes are totally redacted; in 302, Steele mentions something "strange, but nothing alarming". Also discusses something to do with Kalugin. Image
69/ Mikhail Kalugin, a Russian diplomat located in Washington in 2016, had cameo appearance in Steele dossier (Report 111, Sept 14, 2016). His (apparently routine) transfer home was portrayed in Steele/Danchenko intel porn as fallout from DNC hack. Image
70/ Danchenko was asked about Kalugin in Jan 2017 interview - Kalugin's name was redacted but is identifiable in section shown below. Image
71/ FBI asked Steele whether Danchenko had been approached by journalists. Steele said yes, and that this had spooked Danchenko, causing him to go to ground. (To my recollection, it's not established that Danchenko told Steele that he'd been interviewed by FBI.) Image
72/ previously, Danchenko told FBI that, as of Jan 25, 2017, he had been approached by two journals, but neither seems to have suspected his secret identity as PSS. (Danchenko frequently made public comments on Russia affairs.) Image
73/ returning to Steele 302 thread: FBI asked Steele whether sub-sources aware that their information used in dossier. To interpret Steele answer, keep in mind that Millian never met or provided info to Danchenko whereas Galkina and Danchenko were long-time friends since Perm and Image
74/ reference to Gubarev is to story in Report 166 about Alexei Gubarev and Webzilla - who had been Galkina's employer in 2016 and with whom Galkina was in bitter dispute. After FN identified Galkina as Source 3, multiple articles:…… Image
75/ Danchenko had also been asked about Gubarev-Webzilla story, a topic on which FBI seem to have examined Danchenko and Steele more thoroughly than the actual collusion allegations. Gubarev-Webzilla story is subject of libel cases in both UK and US. ImageImage
76/ Steele then segued to then recent death of Oleg Erovinkin. This is interesting segment given subsequent intel pornography as Erovinkin was not PSS or sub-source. Steele told FBI that he "does not believe" that Erovinkin was a subsource. Image
77/ Erovinkin, then 61 years old, had died on Dec 26, 2016 of a heart attack in his car. He was a former FSB agent who was then working for Sechin's Rosneft.… Image
78/ shortly after publication of Steele dossier on Jan 10, 2017, the Telegraph… archive published intel porno fantasy purporting to link Erovinkin death to Steele dossier.
79/ they cited an intel pornographer in Bulgaria, who stated that Putin had Steele dossier "on his desk" at the time of Erovinkin's death and implied that Erovinkin had been arkancided on Putin's personal instruction. Image
80/ this fantasy continued to be promulgated by Fusion GPS lawyer in 2018… - it was, needless to say, a convenient excuse to avoid answering questions about fabrication of collusion allegations in US and/or UK. Image
81/ story continued to feed intel fantasies by US media.… It was all, of course, untrue.
82/ given importance of this story, one would have expected Mueller to have determined that Erovinkin was not an actual sub-source, but Mueller thugs ignored this important and relevant allegation, while pursuing minute details of Manafort taxes and Skadden Arps report on Ukraine
83/ next FBI discussed info security with Steele, who told them that sensitive documents were kept offline. Steele also told FBI that all documents re dossier had been destroyed "for legal reasons" and inconsistently claimed to have docs on some meetings. FBI didn't pin down Image
84/ as first day wound down, FBI asked Steele about potential "dangles" - which caused Steele to bring up Cody Shearer, which they discussed the next day. (I'll pick this up later on. I personally think that Cody Shearer unimportant to dossier and wildly overstated by proponents) Image
85/ in last item in Auten notes, Steele claims dirt from Kazakhstand and Cyprus within "remit of Special Counsel", but looking for money ("how much support can be expected going forward"). No corresponding entry in 302 here. No Auten notes for Steele's 2nd day, only 302. Image
86/ this ends long thread on first day of Steele Oct 2017 interview. For second day (documented thus far only by the 302) see here

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Aug 7
as readers are aware, @walkafyre has a long-term project of decoding the Mueller investigation through the laborious project of identifying the interviewees underneath the redactions. Some of the identifications are so ingenious that it's fun. Yesterday was an interesting example, which I'll narrate since it's interesting. (There are many other equally interesting examples.) It is the identification of the interviewee of Bates number B2997, interviewed on Aug 15, 2018 (302 filed on Dec 17, 2018). The 302 was published in volume 11 (page 92) - online at walkafyre's website here:

The 302 has 6 pages. The last 4 pages are totally redacted of information. All identifying information has been redacted from the first two pages except for the presence of Mueller attorney Aaron Zelinsky. Take a look.

And yet from this meagre information, walkafyre has made a firm identification of the interviewee.

It doesn't seem possible, does it. But I've reviewed the backup and it works. I'll…Image
first step. The 302s are in non-proportional font (Courier) and characters can be counted. Last name has 8 characters and praenomen has 9-10 characters.

second step. B2995 previously identified as Ali, Hesham and B3005 previously identified as Bartholomew, Vanessa. 302s are //locally// in alpha order, thus pinning surname to alpha range Ali to Bar.

third step. the interviewee (LN8) interacts with a LN9 frequently.

fourth. the interview was in summer 2018 with Zelinsky in attendance. This indicates that interview was connected to Roger Stone.

fifth, LN9 has given money to "the ___". Probably "the PAC". Public data on Roger Stone's PAC shows that the largest contributor (by far) was John Powers Middleton (9-character last name.)

So the interviewee is a LN8 in alpha range Ali-Bar with some sort of regular connection to Middleton. Walkafyre had this figured out a long time ago, but was…Image
a few days ago, @walkafyre took a look at documents related to a sordid lawsuit between Middleton and Roy Lee, an estranged associate. Case number shown below. One of the motions demanded deposition of "Alex Anderson", a Middleton employee. Alexander Anderson had previously made a deposition in support of Middleton.
As a coup de grace, one of the production requests in the pleadings was for "all communications related to Middleton's relationship with Roger Stone".
The redacted interviewee the August 15, 2018 grand jury notice was convincingly Middleton's employee Alexander Anderson.Image
Read 15 tweets
Jun 8
in 2019 and 2020, there was a huge amount of interest in the Strzok-Page texts, but almost no attention was paid to the fact that the texts had been heavily "curated" before reaching the public and that some key topics were missing.

One of the key topics that was missing from the Strzok-Page texts (as curated) was any mention of the interview of Steele's Primary Sub-Source in late January 2017. Given that the FBI had insisted on inclusion of Steele dossier allegations in the Intelligence Community Assessment dated January 6, 2017, this was a central FBI issue at the time and the lack of any reference in the Strzok-Page texts as originally presented is noteworthy.

Readers may recall that the very first tranche of Strzok-Page texts, released in Feb 2018, contained a long gap from mid-December 2017 to mid-May 2018 - from the ICA to appointment of Mueller. This is the very period in which the Crossfire investigation metastasized into the lawfare that undermined the incoming administration. The fact that this period was separately missing from both Strzok and Lisa Page has never been adequately explained. As an aside, it seems odd that the FBI can retrieve emails and texts from targets, but not from their own employees.

Subsequently, a tranche of texts from the missing period was released, but these were also heavily curated and contained no texts that relate to the Primary Subsource.

However, from an an exhibit in the Flynn case , we //KNOW// that, in the late evening of January 13, 2017, Strzok and Page texted about the Primary Subsource, less than two weeks prior to the interview (which began on January 24, 2017). The message wasn't interpretable in real time, but we (Hans Mahncke) were subsequently able to connect it to the Danchenko interview via the reference to the "Womble" law firm, with which Danchenko's lawyer, Mark Schamel, was then associated. We also learned that Schamel was friends with and namedropped Lisa Monaco.

But other than this single excerpt from the Flynn exhibits, I haven't located anything in any of the other Strzok texts than can be plausibly connected to the critical interviews of the Primary Subsource.

I think that there are some Strzok emails from Jan 19 and Jan 22, 2017 that may refer to the pending Primary Subsource interview, that I'll discuss next.

One useful thing that the Weaponization Committee could do would be to publish a complete and unexpurgated set of Strzok-Page texts. Given the interest created by the highly expurgated version, one wonders what an expurgated and unbowdlerized version might…Image
In the volume of Strzok emails released on October 31, 2019, there was an almost entirely redacted thread dated January 19 and January 22, 2017, a couple of days before the Primary Subsource interview on January 24, 2017, which look to me like they have a good chance of relating to the PSS interview.

The thread began with an email from FBI Office of General Council (OGC) - Sally Anne Moyer or Kevin Clinesmith - to Strzok and a CD subordinate, with a very short subject line.

We know that the PSS interview was lawyered up and carried out under a sweetheart queen-for-a-day deal that was usually only available to highly placed Democrats (Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills etc.) So involvement of OGC in negotiation of the PSS interview is expected.Image
at 6:47 pm on Thursday, Jan 19, 2017, Strzok's CD subordinate wrote back that "here's what we have to decide ASAP". The issue is totally redacted, naturally. (This is one day before inauguration.) Image
Read 12 tweets
May 12
in April 2022, Mark Steyn, on his GB News show
commented on recently released UK COVID data, claiming "the third booster shots so zealously promoted by the British state, and its groupthink media has failed, and in fact exposed you to significantly greater risk of infection, hospitalization and death."
Steyn showed images of five tables from official statistical publications to support his claims.
In April 2023, Ofcom, which, in addition to its ordinary regulatory role, had taken a special interest in vaccine advocacy, ruled that Steyn's "presentation of UK Health Security Agency data
and their use to draw conclusions materially misled the audience. In breach of Rule 2.2 of the Broadcasting Code" - a very damaging finding that Steyn has appealed.

I haven't followed this case. However, as it happens, I had taken an interest in UK COVID data about 3 months earlier, as it was one of the few jurisdictions that published case and hospitalization rates by vaccination status.

Also, to refresh readers on the contemporary context, early 2022 was the period in which COVID lockdowns and overall alarm began to decline.

At the time, I observed that the UK data showed that the case rate for triple vax was //higher// than among unvax. Three months later, Steyn (as discussed below) made a similar claim, for which he was censured.

Although the UK authorities conspicuously refrained from including this result in their summary or conclusions, they were obviously aware of the conundrum, since their publication included a curious disclaimer by UK authorities that actual case data "should not be used" to estimate vaccine effectiveness. I pointed this odd disclaimer out in this earlier thread, also noting that health authorities in Ontario and elsewhere had previously used such data to promote vaccine uptake and that the reasoning behind this disclaimer needed to be closely examined and parsed.

All of these issues turned up later in the Ofcom decision re Steyn.

Ofcom ruled that Steyn's presentation was "materially misleading" because
(1) he failed to take account of "fundamental biases" in age structure of vax and unvax groups i.e. unvax group was skewed younger, vax group skewed older; and
(2) he failed to include the disclaimer that "This raw data should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness as the data does not take into account inherent biases present such as differences in risk, behaviour and testing in the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations”……
in this thread, I'll re-examine Steyn's analysis. I've transcribed all the numbers in the tables and done further calculations to check his claims.

First, case rates. Steyn first showed an important table showing the population by 5-year age group and vax status, observing that the total population of triply vax (boosted) was approximately equal to the population of unboosted, observing that this facilitated comparison. Steyn: "Let's take a look at this, as you can see from a pool of 63 million down at the bottom there, 63 million, there are 32 million who are triple vaccinated. That leaves just under 31 million, who are either double single or unvaccinated. So we have two groups of similar size, 31, 32 million. So it's relatively easy to weigh the merits of the third shot upon Group A versus group B."

He then showed a table of cases by age group and vax status, pointing out that the total number of boosted cases was approximately double the number of unboosted cases: "So the triple vaccinated in March were responsible for just over a million COVID cases and everybody else 475,000 COVID cases. So the triple vaccinated are contracting COVID at approximately twice the rate of the double, single and unvaccinated. Got that? If you get the booster shot, you've got twice as high a chance of getting the COVID. In the United Kingdom, there's twice as many people with the third booster shot who got the COVID, as the people who never had the booster shot."Image
Ofcom purported to rebut Steyn's analysis as shown in excerpt below. They observed that proportion of unvax in younger age groups was much higher than in older age groups and that the "simple comparison between the two groups made by Mark Steyn failed to take into account these inherent biases".

However, Ofcom failed to show that there would be a different outcome in the more complex analysis in which age groups were allowed for.

As it turns out, in regard to case rates, Steyn's conclusions, if anything, under-stated the phenomenon, as shown next.Image
Read 11 tweets
Apr 19
here is a thread from 2023 in which Eric Ciaramella's "yikes" is placed in a more detailed context.

In this thread, I suggested that the linkage was connected to Jan 21, 2016 meeting of Ukrainian prosecutors with State Dept officials, noting that Jamie Gusack (reporting to Bridget Brink) had distributing the first demand for Shokin's head (Nov 22 TPs)Image
as pointed out in that thread, Gusack (State Dept) had been coordinating with Ciaramella (NSC) prior to arrival of Ukr prosecutors in Jan 2016, referring to Shokin replacement.

State Dept cited "diamond prosecutors case" as big deal. But what happened to it next? A long story. Image
Bridget Brink, Jamie Gusack's boss, reported to Victoria Nuland. Brink was appointed Ambassador to Ukraine in April 2022. Unanimous approval by Senate in early days of war at the exact time that US and UK were sabotaging the peace deal negotiated in Istanbul Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 17
as observed yesterday, , after 2014 US coup, the tsunami of billion dollar US/IMF loans was associated with unprecedented embezzlement by Ukr oligarchs thru corrupt Ukr banking system. Rescues of failed banks (mostly unnoticed in west) were markers
in today's thread, I'll provide a short bibliography of articles (mostly Ukrainian language via google translate) on the Ukr banking corruption crisis that began and exploded after the 2014 US coup, while Biden, Blinken, Nuland et al were running Ukraine
once one searches specifically for the topic, there are interesting references, but the topic has received essentially next to zero coverage in the west. I'll take myself as an example. Despite following Ukr affairs quite closely, my prior knowledge was three vignettes.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 16
May 25, 2021: US DOJ announced indictment & arrest of Austrian banker Peter Weinzierl

Mar 13, 2024: we learn that Alexander Smirnov was an FBI informant against Weinzierl and had lured Weinzierl to UK on behalf of FBI for arrest…

the DOJ charges against Austrian banker Weinzierl, filed during first six months of Biden admin, pertained to allegations that payments made via Meinl Bank in Austria by Brazilian construction company Odebrecht were connected to evasion of taxes in Brazil. Image
if the concern of US DOJ and FBI with administration of Brazilian tax collection seems somewhat quirky, there may be an ulterior motive: Meinl Bank had a central role in the looting of Ukrainian banks during the 2014-2016 Biden administration of Ukraine. Image
Read 11 tweets

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