vaccination is stimulus: yes.
the paper is built around the axiom of rapid vaccination of the vulnerable and everybody else.
is this realistic? prove it!
head of Swiss vaccination commission, Christoph Berger, expects herd immunity in 5-10 YEARS. nzz.ch/schweiz/kurzin…
A. cantons HIDE vaccination data
B. anecdotal evidence show there is hesitance among the general population and nurses
C. low temperature logistics are complicated
D. elderly vaccination is complicated due to consent requirements from legal guardians nzz.ch/zuerich/corona…
4/n why not mention natural immunity?
We have over 500'000 cases and probably 3x more infections = 17% of population
Virus does not care how antibodies and T cells were acquired
Antibody tests have synergies with vaccinations
Only non-exposed need vaccination @davidstadelmann
5/n collapse of the health care system. NO evidence for that.
measures were tightened on January 18th again.
Hospitalizations and deaths are down 70% and 50% since mid November with milder measures. no data to advocate for more now. B117 was present in October.
6/n costs of excess mortality are calculated using life expectancy values for the avg 84 (M) and 87 (F) year old. specificities of elderly care are not taken into account at all. we briefed the task force about this in June 2020. frailty > comorbidities
the majority of solutions proposed in the paper are not new. TTIS, masks etc.
they just hope implementation timing and coordination become better (earlier) and execution more efficient. Why would it? No answer.
Politics by its very nature is REactive, not proactive.
if you overload bureaucracies with tasks, NO task will be executed well and ALL effects will diminish.
focus on a few important tasks. less is more.
understand entropy, it's principles apply to governments and populations.
2a/n nursing homes make up roughly ~1% of the overall population.
It MUST be possible to focus resources on this tiny population minority and achieve better outcomes.
We have 100'000 beds in Switzerland = 1.2% of population. Death share >>50%
1/25 nursing homes make up ~50% of Covid19 deaths but just ~1% of the population all over the Western world. we are proposing an INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH to improve outcomes and understanding. a thread with questions and sources @LTCcovid@AdelinaCoHe@keiserolivia@samiahurst
2/n Terminology: why are we using "nursing home" instead of "long term care facility" in this thread. we are using NH as a synonym for LTCF in because 1. it is better understood by laypersons and 2. it is shorter. In some visualizations shown below the French acronym is EMS.
3a/n Nursing home residents make up ~1% of the overall population? yes, look at bed capacities published by WHO and national/local governments. in many countries it is even less gateway.euro.who.int/en/indicators/…