🔞 blindly; wangxian thread au

wwx and lwj have been in a secret relationship for quite some time but they're still inexperienced teens exploring their own sexualities so one day, when wwx asks to suck lwj off, the latter can't help but hesitate.
lwj can't bear to refuse wwx anything, but he's a little older and he knows better than to give what his best friend wants right away, so he agrees to it as long as wei ying does exactly as he says.
"wei ying, do you trust me?" he asks.

"blindly." wwx replies in a heartbeat. 

"then close your eyes for me."
"lan zhan, let me blow you." 

lwj freezes, eyebrows unraveling and out of habit, he looks around to make sure no else heard wei ying but the coast is clear and he knows that — the jiang family had gone out to dinner earlier but wwx chose not to go because he was feeling unwell.
which was obviously a lie. wwx was unlikely to get sick much less refuse to go out with his siblings, even madam yu would be in a good mood when they're eating out!

it was nothing but an excuse to spend some more /alone/ time with lan zhan.
ever since they started “hooking up” both boys had become experts in telling white lies here and there so they could get some private time. it’s not like lwj encourages lying, but he couldn’t help it. for wei ying, he’d do anything, even if it means going against his own family.
what started with a stolen kiss at a sleepover in jiang yanli’s boyfriend’s house, was getting out of hand. 

lwj recalls that day perfectly. him and wwx, both overcome by insomnia, had snuck out of their rooms, careful not to wake jiang wanyin and nie huaisang respectively.
wei ying usually didn’t go to bed before 1 a.m. but jiang yanli told them to so they could be up early next day and he always listened to his older sister. lwj /did/ go to bed at 9 p.m. normally but he was having trouble falling asleep after going through the events of last day.
wwx being all touchy with him, dragging him around, asking for piggybacks and hugs and challenging him to swimming matches in jin zixuan’s olympic pool. 

it was dumb, really. why was he so affected by it if wei ying used to do that all the time when they were children?
except they’re not kids anymore. they’re fifteen and full of hormones.

lwj hated how he couldn’t be a normal teenager and get turned on flipping through porn magazines with beautiful women on it but instead, the way his best friend laughs is what makes his ears turn red.
so really, he just wanted to get some fresh air — maybe knock himself unconscious, possibly suffer from amnesia and get rid of all those intrusive thoughts. he wasn’t expecting to run into wwx at the gates to the jins garden but luck was not on his side that day.
or maybe it /was/ because wwx’s eyes sparkled and he invited lwj to a walk outside since they both couldn’t sleep.

and lwj doesn’t know what did it for him. if it was the way wei ying stole a flower from the garden and put it behind lwj’s ear saying it made him look pretty…
if it was the way his whole face lit up when lwj did the same with a red rose, or how wei ying laughed and spun around the place like he belonged among the flowers, but his self-control could only take so much and for a minute it felt like they were the only people on the world.
🔞 TW// non-consensual kissing
one minute wwx was telling him about some prank he planned to play on jiang wanyin once they got back to their rooms and the next lwj was pushing him against the nearest tree, locking their lips together, eyes shut tightly, refusing to acknowledge what he’d just done.
wwx struggled at first but lwj was too afraid to see his reaction so he held both of wei ying’s wrists, pressing them against the tree and swiped his tongue on his bottom lip, licking into his mouth. god, the way wei ying shuddered under his touch was going to drive him insane.
breathing heavily and unable to push lwj away, he stopped moving, whimpering at being kissed so roughly, but returning the kiss as best as he could. 

eventually, lwj bit down on his bottom lip and pulled away, out of breath. that’s when it dawned on him.

/what have i done?/
horrified and furious at himself, he let wei ying go and took a step back when a hand gripped his arm firmly and wwx, barely able to stand as his legs felt like jelly, glared at him.

/where do you think you’re going?/ he seemed to be saying.
lwj swallowed and turned around, ready to kneel and apologize. he knew he’d crossed the line and wei ying probably hated him now and even worse, he had no excuse other than “you looked gorgeous under the moonlight and I felt this strange urge to kiss the hell out of you.”
but when wwx managed to get a hold of himself, his hand traveled through lwj’s arm down to his fingers and he pulled him close, a smirk playing on his swollen lips. it was lwj’s turn to be surprised.

“thought I was the only one feeling like this.” wwx said and kissed him again.
they made out until lwj's watch warned them that it was past 2 a.m. and they decided to go back inside. between memories of stolen kisses and heated gazes, lwj climbed his bed and slept soundly, not even letting himself wonder if that could happen again. 

but it did.
wei ying didn't say anything about their first kisses or the attraction they both must have been feeling. instead, whenever they were alone he pushed lwj inside the nearest room/bush/any place they could hide themselves in and kissed him until they were out of breath.
// OH GOD i forgot to change one thing and simply tweeted it straight from the drafts but they're supposed to be seventeen, not fifteen here!! sorry, my bad! //
in the beginning, lwj was confused. he didn't know what wei ying was thinking. he was still coming to terms with the fact that he didn't like girls but wwx /did/ so why did he keep kissing and clinging onto lwj at every opportunity?
one thing was certain: they were like magnets, hopelessly attracted to each other. but did it go further than that? could lwj allow himself to hope? 

after all, the jiangs and the lans were some of the most powerful families in china. lotus pier was famous for its restaurants.
although wei ying couldn't cook to save his life, yanli was responsible for creating one of their best dishes: lotus pork rib soup. she was next in line to pass on their business, it was important for them. 

lwj's family sucked at cooking but they were disciplined and polite.
his uncle was the principal of gusu school — one of their best, responsible for teaching teens and turning them into respectable young men. wwx, jc and jyl frequented it since they were kids. that's how he met lwj. 

and of course, homosexuality was still frowned upon in asia.
knowing all that, a relationship between two males from both families sounds risky at best case scenario and worst, impossible. 

either way, being aware or not of each others intentions or how far they wanted to take it, whatever they were doing had to remain a secret.
obviously it became harder to hide when lwj got drunk on his 18th birthday and confessed his feelings for wei ying when his best friend was helping him up the stairs of his own house.

it was the least romantic confession? yes and lan zhan is /not/ proud of it.
but it didn't matter because wei ying had tears on his eyes when, after lwj sobered up, he said he felt the same and wanted to be lan zhan's boyfriend, regardless of what their families might think. lwj had been afraid but the thought of wei ying being /his/ won his fear.
it's been only one year since their first kiss and as of now, they've never crossed /that/ line. sure their making out sessions were escalating and every clash of tongues left them feeling hot and bothered — and maybe lwj popped a boner once but he never said anything about it!
they never even brechead the subject sex, so lwj was doing his best to restrain his desires because they're both inexperienced, wwx even more than him in theory.

sure, he likes leaving hickeys all over wei ying's skin and he's been on lwj's lap on more than one occasion...
but what about it? they're horny and they're in love!

so lwj has every right to be surprised by that sudden request.

"mn?" he inquires, playing dumb "what did wei ying say?"

wwx is having none of it and sighs. he knows lwj is holding back, but he also knows how to rile him up.
"I said I want to blow you, you know? suck your dick and maybe even let you fuck my mouth while I'm at it?"

lwj's eyes widen and he leans back, staring at wei ying as though he's saying—

"you think I'm spouting nonsense, don't you? I'm not, lan zhan! I know how to do it!"
lwj raises an eyebrow at that and wwx huffs, clearly frustrated. "lan zhan!"

"I didn't say anything." lwj counters, amused at the way wei ying rolls his eyes.

"but you were /thinking/ it!" he pouts but suddenly the corners of his mouth quirk upwards and he smiles slyly.
"lan zhan..." he scooches closer, cornering lwj on the couch. then batting his eyelashes, he lies his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "I know I joke about a lot of things, but you're the one I love the most and I want you. You want me too, right? we can learn together!"
lwj slowly raises his arm, wrapping it around wei ying's waist. "mn. I love you too." he says, playing with the hem of wwx's hoodie. "I want you." he admits, his skin buzzing with something he's been trying to hide for so long.

wwx presses himself against the side of lwj's body.
he looks at lwj with hopeful eyes and one of his hands slowly settles on lan zhan's leg, squeezing, "then, you'll let me do it, ok? you know better than me so you can just guide me and if I suck at it let me know!"

lwj nods. in the end he can't refuse wei ying over anything.
"ok." he says, then before wwx can get down on his knees, "but I have one condition."

they share a glance and wei ying sees something he hadn't noticed before — lan zhan's golden eyes are sharp and dark. he feels naked under his gaze.
he knew his boyfriend lusted after him but to actually be the target of such a stare makes shivers go down his spine.

suddenly he doesn't give a fuck to what lan zhan's terms even are. he'd do anything to have a taste of something he's only seen on his dreams. it's worth it.
not bothering to reply, wwx climbs on lwj's lap and wraps his arms around his neck, pressing his lips against lan zhan's.

it starts as a tender kiss so they savor the moment. wei ying's hands brush through lwj's hair and lan zhan starts lifting wwx's hoodie to touch his back.
wwx parts his lips and lwj follows suit, deepening the kiss and swallowing the moan wei ying lets out when he bites down on his lip roughly like he did on their first kiss. wwx grinds on his lap and lwj claws at his warm skin, pulling away to kiss down to wwx's jawline.
they're panting and wwx grabs onto his black locks tightly, throwing his head back as lwj grazes his teeth next to wei ying's collarbone, sucking onto his skin. wwx sighs with each bite, his heart racing and he feels lwj's dick hardening under him, increasing his own arousal.
he's almost in a daze when lwj pushes him away, so he struggles to catch his breath, blinking at him. he looks urgent and disheveled so wei ying complies, getting up. did he do something wrong? was he—

then lwj lifts wwx up into his arms and carries him to his bedroom.
he leaves wei ying seated on the bed and locks the door — they're alone and the jiangs aren't supposed to come home until much later but it doesn't hurt to be cautious. wwx stares as lwj comes closer and bends down to kiss him again, but this one ends sooner.
lwj pulls away and wordlessly, takes off his shoes and undoes his belt, letting his pants fall to the floor. wwx swallows, watching lan zhan strip down to his underwear and it suddenly dawns on him what's about to happen.

his first blow job. lan zhan will let him suck his dick.
eagerly, he awaits for the one condition lwj mentioned earlier but when his boyfriend speaks again, his tone is demanding, "kneel."

wwx feels his own dick twitch at the command but promptly gets down on his knees. lwj nods in silent approval of his obedience.
he pulls on the hem of his underwear but noticing wwx's big doe eyes on him — or the way his cock is marked by the fabric — and arches an eyebrow, "wei ying, come closer."

wwx does, uncertain, his knees wobbling as he crawls forward until he's on the middle of lwj's thighs.
"close your eyes and open your mouth." lwj says and wwx takes a deep breath, nodding. he can hear some movement and then feels lwj's hand blocking his vision, his long fingers holding onto each side of wwx's head and bringing his face forward.
wwx feels excited when he realizes lan zhan is actually tilting his head down. he knows none of the porn he watched on nie huaisang's borrowed laptop could have prepared him for the real thing but at least he has an idea of what's gonna happen.
lwj pulls his hand back slowly and so delicately wei ying can't help but feel safe. his determination increases, lwj is doing his best to make him feel comfortable so he might as well return the favor. he's gonna be really good for lan zhan!
he hears shuffling on the bed as lwj gets rid of his last piece of clothing, freeing his cock. he keeps his eyes shut because lan zhan hasn't told him to open them yet and he doesn't want to disobey him and accidentally break one of his terms.
a good decision indeed because as soon as lwj throws away his underwear wwx parts his lips to feel the taste of lan zhan's pre-cum for a few seconds, his own dick hardening inside his pants.

unfortunately, it's only some seconds because before he can do more, lwj stops him.
"lan zhan—" he whines.

"no need to hurry." lan zhan says, "go at your own pace." he reminds him in a grave tone.

wei ying sighs but bites back a complaint because he's afraid his voice will sound hoarse and weak. lwj doesn't need to know wwx's hard even though he's untouched.
// don't know if anyone's reading but I'll finish this tomorrow night after classes, not feeling on the mood to write rn, see ya 🖤 //
though lwj probably already knows as he says "you asked me to guide you. wei ying, do you trust me?"

"blindly." wwx opens his eyes and answers in a heartbeat. lwj's breath hitch and he looks caught off guard. wei ying knows why. it's the reason why he chose that specific word.
to trust blindly means to put faith in someone without regard to demonstrate reliability or trustworthiness. it's the strongest kind of trust.

once, lwj told wwx about it after seeing the expression on a book he read, and wei ying — his boyfriend, his best friend — said he
trusted lwj exactly like that. he knew lan zhan best and would always believe in him and what he says. lwj doesn't lie to him and deep down, wei ying knew he never would and lan zhan understood tight away, for he felt the same.
now, hearing it again in such an intimate moment gives lwj the courage he still lacked to go further.

he says "then, close your eyes." wwx does so he adds, "and do not move." wwx nods, holding onto lwj's thighs and breathing through his nose, relaxing. lwj hums, pleased.
"stick your tongue out." he says calmly and wwx parts his lips, letting his tongue out completely. lwj guides his dick all the way to his mouth and lets wwx lick it from top to bottom, sighing in relief. but when wei ying attempts to sink it into his mouth he pushes him away.
"be patient." he orders and ignores the way wwx lips droop into a cute pout. instead lwj starts stroking himself, hands groping up and down his length, using precome as lube as wet sounds fill the silence of wei ying's bedroom. it's deliciously obscene.
suddenly, the thought of lwj touching himself on the same room wwx has done it before, imagining how it'd feel to have his boyfriend's hands around his cock instead, is too much to bear and when lwj lets out a low moan, wei ying whimpers, almost begging to taste lan zhan again.
thank heavens his sweet lan zhan is a good man and actually takes pity on wwx crouching in front of his legs, so turned on it hurts. he speeds up his movements and guides his cock to wei ying's mouth again, letting him suck the tip between his lips. they both moan.
wwx runs his tongue down lwj's length again, leaving kisses and putting half of it inside his mouth. he can't see the expression lwj is wearing rn but the sounds, the breathing and the way his dick reacts to each touch is enough incentive for wei ying. he becomes greedier.
letting go of one of lan zhan's thighs, he cups his balls and squeezes, caressing them as he sucks his cock, timing both actions with the way lwj still strokes himself, slowing down as to not come early. wei ying realizes lan zhan wants him to go as fast as he wants and softens.
"ah— lan zhan," he says after moving his mouth away to lick precum from his cock again, moaning shamelessly. "lan zhan, you taste so good, would love to feel all of you, not just inside my mouth..."

lan zhan groans and his hands dig into wwx's scalp, tugging at his hair.
"wei ying—" he says and his voice echoes a warning. he wangs wwx to stop. wwx grins, puts his dick back into his mouth, all the way down to his throat and sucks it until he's close to choking — thanks to his gag reflex. lwj's legs shake under his palm "wei ying..." he says again.
"mn?" wwx says, cock halfway down his oral cavity.

"don't tease." lwj warns. he's already having a hard time staying still as wei ying plays with him freely.

wwx pulls back to answer and spit drips from his chin. lwj swallows but can't force himself to look away. "what?"
"you're so hard, lan zhan and yet you're not doing anything to me! I'm at your mercy, gege! don't you want to teach your wei ying? will you just let me do whatever I want to you? should I take this as an incentive to bite down on your cock or fuck my mouth on it, if you don't?"
// alright! hate to leave it a cliffhanger but I have classes so I'm stopping here for now! hope you're liking it and in case you just got here, here's the first tweet, see you later 🖤 //
lwj likes to think of himself as a patient man. he buried his inner desires for wwx deep inside his being so that his boyfriend wouldn't feel uncomfortable. he was more than happy with affectionate hugs, cuddles and when they had the time, making out sessions.
he'd be ok with anything wwx was willing to give him and he wasn't even planning to take their relationship to the next level now. in fact, he wanted wei ying to do as he pleased but he could only take so much! he's practically begging to be manhandled at this point!
"wei ying!" he grunts and tightens his hold on wwx's hair, delighted at the way the other whines in sharp pain. his hips buckle and his cock grazes the side of wei ying's face, who's eyes are still closed. at least he hasn't broken that rule yet.

wwx presses his lips together.
he refuses to say anything, slowly dropping his mouth over lan zhan's cock and oh— did lwj grow bigger? it's not as easy to have his whole mouth around it. wwx can only imagine how he looks right now, on his knees mouth slack, his boyfriend's dick halfway through his throat.
but if lan zhan is so hard the he must be liking this. he likes being provoked? wei ying pulls back, breathing against his lenght and spreading kisses down to his balls. his hands pinch the side of lwj's thigh and he smiles mischievously.

"lan zhan, let me open my eyes."
lwj freezes, so he keeps going "i want to see how well you fuck my mouth, want to see how big you are. you want that too, right?"

silence. lwj releases his hold on wwx's dark strands and in a moment of horror, wwx wonders if he pushed too far and now lwj is putting an end to it.
he opens his mouth to apologize when lwj hums, "mn. wei ying can open his eyes now."

wwx's heart races and he cracks one eye open, searching for any kind of discomfort on lwj's expression. there's none so he opens the other one, blinking in order to get used to the light again.
the first thing he sees is lan zhan's dick and oh— oh, he's big indeed. bigger than wwx thought. his mouth waters at the sight, his imagination had nothing on it. he draws in a breath and licks his lips, suddenly nervous. it feels more... exciting now that he can see everything.
then lwj, amused now that the tables have turned and wwx is the one in awe, smirks and strokes his dick, breaking the trance wwx seemed to be under.

"what were you saying?" he asks, picking up the pace.

"f-fuck—" wwx stutters then swallows and opens his mouth wide, "do it."
lwj arches an eyebrow so he says it again, "do it, lan zhan!"

lwj does except he's not in a hurry, in fact he's slower than before. he touches himself as he guides his cock back to wwx's mouth and lets a single drop of precome fall on his tongue. wwx swallows it immediately.
lwj does it again, but lets wwx lick the head, pulling away before he can enclose his mouth around his length. at first wwx thought lan zhan was teasing, but now he knows he's trying to get his boyfriend used to it. if lwj will eventually give it to him, he can only wait.
they soon find a rythm; wwx kisses, licks, sucks lan zhan's dick until precome is dripping from his mouth. lwj groans each time wei ying's head bobs a little deeper. gag reflex? don't know her. wwx is eager to swallow every inch of lwj's cock, let it touch the back of his throat.
when his pants become too tight he lowers a hand to grope his own erection, but lwj grabs his wrist and rocks his hips, finally thrusting inside his mouth. wwx's heart races and he moans around lwj's cock and opens up for more, lets lan zhan fuck his mouth as he wants.
lwj's cock slides in and out between his lips and each time wwx whines, clawing at lan zhan's thighs for more. he never knew sucking a dick could feel so good, he wants lwj to use him, won't even ask to be touched. the expression on lwj's face isn't as obvious as his, but
lan zhan's bangs stick to his forehead soaked in sweat and his chest rises and falls quickly with each thrust, teeth clenching and golden eyes focused on wwx's face like he wants to commit everything to memory. wwx thinks he does, lan zhan has always been one to cherish intimacy.
and right now, with his boyfriend's cock down his throat nothing has ever felt so intimate. lan zhan is filling him up, letting wei ying taste him, and loving him openly, letting his desires her take over; he couldn't ask for more.

"lan— er— gege—" wwx hums, lips tingling.
that does it. lwj's dick twitches and he blinks, pulling away. wwx's eyes widen and he almost bites the tip before the warmth leaves his mouth. lwj doesn't look him in the eye but his ears are bright red and his orbs dart around the room slowly, like he's looking for something.
then all of a sudden he rises to his feet and wwx panicks, grabbing onto his leg with both arms, holding him in place, "lan zhan! you meanie! would you really leave me like that? er-gege you fucked me, now take responsibility!"

"wei ying," lwj's voice sounds pained. "let go."
"i won't!" wwx pouts, visibly upset. he's still hard and his boyfriend won't even go all the way? "if you don't wanna do it anymore, just say so! don't just leave!"

lwj is quiet for a moment then, "i don't want to." he's having trouble finding the right words, "but i can't."
"can't what?" wwx's eyebrows are furrowed, "fuck me?"

lwj closes his eyes and swallows, calmly explains, "i can't come" but before wwx can feel like /he's/ the problem, he adds, "inside your mouth. it is your first time."

wwx flushes crimson and smiles, rubbing his cheek on
lan zhan's leg, trailing kisses up to his knees. "ah lan zhan, lan zhan, just come already! i wanna feel your taste! i'll keep my mouth open and won't waste a single drop, how about it?"

lwj's grip has weakened around his cock so it drips again when wwx says that, "wei ying..."
wwx notices he can't refuse anymore and promptly lets go of him to kneel between his legs again. lwj stares as he sinks his mouth down his cock, bobbing his head up and down. lwj still looks a little hesitant, like he's trying to hold back so wwx nods and stops his movements.
he grabs both of lan zhan's hands and lets his fingers dig into his scalp before deepthroating him. only then does he feel a tug on his hair and lwj finally throws caution out the window, letting out a loud groan and pushing his cock in, so deep wwx feels his eyes well up.
it doesn't take long for lan zhan to come, and true to his promise, wwx lets him fuck his mouth through his climax, swallowing lwj's precome until the only thing he can taste is him, addicted to the feeling of his mouth being filled — so good he comes in his pants, untouched.
when lwj pulls out they're both panting. wwx's hair is messy, his face is red and his lips are swollen. lwj's eyes are still dark with lust as he bends down to press his lips against wei ying's in a filthy, hungry kiss and wwx feels high from his orgasm but returns it fully.
their tongues meet and clash, mingling as their lips collide over and over again before they're breathless, pulling back to look at each other. lwj smiles, his expression is softening and his thumb caresses wwx's cheek. he pecks his lips once, then his nose and his forehead.
wwx blushes and wraps his arms around lan zhan's torso, keeping him close. lwj puts an arm under his legs and lifts him up, carrying him to bed and wwx sighs in relief. kneeling for so long was exhausting but when he remembers the arousal from before, he knows he'd do it again.
lwj doesn't lie down, he goes to the bathroom and brings back a wet towel, takes off wwx's pants and cleans him up. wwx yawns and hugs the pillow, waiting for him to return. he feels drowsy and wants nothing more than to drift into sleep in lwj's arms but he has something to say.
lan zhan lays his head on wwx's pillow and pulls the covers over them, the heat from their intimate moment is gone and the room is getting cold. he has his pants back on and wwx knows it's because his family will be coming home soon but he can't help but feel disappointed.
"wei ying?" lwj's hands are running through his hair and oh— not good, he'll really fall asleep at this rate. it has to be now.

"lan zhan," wwx says, his hands finding their way to lwj's shirt, lifting it up just barely so he can feel lwj's skin under his fingers. "thank you."
lwj freezes but wwx adds, "i've always wondered how it must feel to make love to you. it was better than i thought! we can do it again later, right?"

wwx is staring at him so lwj nods, "mn."

"good! sex is cool." wwx blurts out, snorting soon after. his eyelids are heavy.
"lan zhan, i'll take a nap now, ok? wake me up when my siblings come home." he says, scooching closer until his head is tucked against lan zhan's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"wei ying?" lwj whispers but wwx already has his eyes closed and just hums. "that was a blowjob."
wwx nods, unsure what he means. lwj keeps going, "there is more to sex. i did not fuck you today."

"ok." wwx says, nuzzling his face on lan zhan's neck... until he processes lwj's words, "wait what?"

his eyes are wide open as he raises his head. lwj's are closed, "lan zhan?"
"mn?" lwj's expression is peaceful, his arm around wwx's waist, not noticing how his boyfriend is in a major gay panic next to him.

"what do you mean there's more to sex?" wwx asks, flustered and clueless.

lwj takes no pity on him, "sleep, wei ying. i will wake you up."
"but— but lan zhan..." wwx complains but gets no sympathy so he lies back down, pouting, closing his eyes.

lwj smiles and kisses his lips, then shakes his head before wei ying can ask again, "next time i will fuck you properly." he says before returning to his position.
wwx feels heat pooling on his belly and blinks at him in shock, "lan zhan, how can you say that and expect me to sleep now? so shameless!"

lwj says nothing, even pretends to sleep! "lan zhan!" wwx shakes him by the shoulders but lwj pulls him up, holding him tightly.
"sleep well, wei ying." he says, a smirk tugging his lips upwards, completely ignoring the mortified look on the now aroused and curious wwx in his arms, who in fact ends up sleeping reluctantly.

next time, huh? he should probably ask to borrow huaisang's books later...
so this is the end of my first nsfw fic (for real, never posted anything like this before!) idk if it sucks but i tried my best and i'm glad it's finished! thank you to those who read, commented and hyped me up! i love y'all! here's the first tweet 🔞🖤

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— fluff, amizade, romance
— songxiao
— cql/mdzs canon
— antes do xxc perder a visão e dar tudo errado
🔗 link para a fic no wattpad: wattpad.com/story/25721929…
Read 38 tweets
2 Feb
told my mom i was mad about how people couldn't understand binghe got thrown off a cliff by the love of his life and thought she wasn't listening but then she asked me WHO was his love and i was like "uhhhh you want to know?" and she was like "yeah, who is it?" and i oop-
listen she used to be homophobic and i never explicitly told her i read BLs so i tried to stall but ended up saying "...his master" and waited for the rampage that never came??? she just said "he doesn't like girls?" and i said "he used to but here's the thing-" then told her
the whole plot, how binghe used to have a harem but sqq who was the villain became the closest person to him because he was the first to believe in him and she didn't freak out, no scolding, no homophobic remarks, nothing, she just listened??? i'm so happy????
Read 4 tweets

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