♦️See what a day was like at Joe Biden's inauguration‼️
♦️A recording that was broadcast‼️
♦️And now look at what the day really was like on the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration‼️👀👇
♦️And now look at what the day really was like on the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration‼️👀👇
♦️Без икаковог разлога су ме трајно избрисали са Фејсбука‼️
♦️Ваш Фејсбук налог је онемогућен пошто није у складу са нашим Стандардима заједнице. Ова одлука је неопозива‼️
♦️” Отворено писмо Марку Цукенбергу “
♦️Ситићи ће и тебе нека "бака Цока" ја ти кажем говно једно мало‼️💣
1⃣♦️Toma Nikolic told the Chinese Prime Minister - Yellow people will drink water from the Morava⁉️And it was funny to us‼️All that remains is for Toma to return the money he owes me‼️The clairvoyant Toma👀👇