justice for amber heard Profile picture
Jan 23, 2021 93 tweets 60 min read Read on X

#justiceforamberheard #johnnydeppisanabuser Image
- the 1st incident, wino forever, early 2013.

#justiceforamberheard ImageImage
- the 2nd incindent, disco blo*dbath, March 8 2013. ImageImage
- the 3rd incident, the painting, March 22 2013. ImageImageImage
- the 3rd incident, the painting, March 22 2013

Mr Depp's team submitted pictures with WRONG metadata! ImageImageImageImage
Text messages between Mr Depp and Paul Bettany:

''Johnny Depp shaves Amber Heard's beaver'' (4th June);

''Let's dr*wn her before b*rn her. I'll f*ck her b*rnt corpse afterwards to make sure she's de*d'' (11 June).

#justiceforamberheard #JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImage
unsent Amber Heard's email, part 1. ImageImageImageImage
unsent Amber Heard's email, part 2. Image
- the 4th incident, Boston – LA flight, 24 May 2014.

the 4th picture - Amber Heard's text messsage to Johnny Depp after Boston incident:

''I am scared Johnny, so scared, I watch as this thing(the monster) steals my life out from under me.''

#justiceforamberheard ImageImageImageImage
- the 4th incident, Boston – LA flight, 24 May 2014.

Johnny Depp's text messages to Amber Heard: ''Of course, I'm sorry, But I will never do it again.''

Stephen Deuters text messages to AH: He was appalled. When I told him he kicked you, he cried.

#JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImageImage
- the 4th incident, Boston – LA flight, 24 May 2014.

Animal in pain.

-the 4th incident

SD those text messages are fake. Later, it was just a playful kick.

Meanwhile: “TMG is informed and believes that Depp knew full well that the text messages were genuine, but pressured and berated his assistant to falsely challenge the texts publicly.” ImageImage
- the 4th incident, Boston – LA flight, 24 May 2014.

JD text message to Patty Lee: ''I f*cked up and drank and got shitty. Was so disappointed in myself.'' Image
- the 4th incident, Boston,LA flight, 24 May 2014.

JD: I remember everything, I didn't have any blackouts, I took only my medication and drink a little bit.

A few minutes later: I have only some memories of the flight. Powders, champagne, whiskey and vodka, yes to all of that. ImageImageImageImage
- the 5th incident, Bahamas, August 2014. ImageImageImage
- the 5th incident, Bahamas, August 2014.

JD supporters: She withhold meds from him! She should have at least called someone and make sure!!

Actually, AH followed Lloyd's instructions, and actually texted her about this.

#JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImageImageImage
- the 5th incident, Bahamas, August 2014.

JD to AH's mum: ''Never a second has gone by that she didn't look out for me or have eyes on me to make sure that I was okay. I would not be alive. It was Amber and Amber only who got me through it.''

#justiceforamberheard Image
17 December 2014.

JD to AH: ''I couldn't be more sorry for, yet again, ruining your day”; Rage was never the answer to any equation or occasion”; “I’m a f*cking savage...Gotta lose that....Gonna lose that!! The Devil is All Around, right...??'' Image
- the 6th incident, Tokyo, January 2015. Image
- the 7th incident, Australia, March 2015. ImageImageImageImage
- the 7th incident, Australia, March 2015.

Kevin Murphy: JD destroyed AH's closet.

Jerry Judge: He has wrecked the place. ImageImage
- the 7th incident, Australia, March 2015.

JD ADMITS writing on the mirror with his injured finger.

JD: I believe Call Carly Simon was written after I had left the house.
Wass: The black paint seems to cover the words Call.
JD: I don't remember. (lmao)

#JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImage
- the 7th incident, Australia, March 2015.

AH: I was slipping everywhere, slipping on the glass.

Raquel Pennington: I saw the cuts on both arms and legs. ImageImageImageImage
- the 7th incident, Australia, March 2015.

JD: she threw the bottle at me, it EXPLODED when it hit my finger.
Wass: Yet you had no glass splintering on your hand.
JD: i don't know. Image
JD about his finger:

(smirk)I had to protect her.She smashed(smirk)she threw a vodka bottle at me(smile). Dealing with insanity of having my finger chopped off(laughing)by this woman I was married to.

And yet you say she's a liar because she smirked once.
- the 7th incident, Australia, March 2015.

JD told the hospital, Dr Kipper, his sister and Paul Bettany: I cut the top off my finger.

+ the 2nd pic is my fav!

#JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImageImageImage
- the 7th incident, Australia, March 2015.

About the burn on his cheek:

JD had a history of self harming. Image
Instead of finding him excuses for his behaviour and actions, ask him to seek some help and go to the rehab.

#justiceforamberheard #JohnnyDeppisawifebeater

- the 8th incident Staircase incident, March 2015.

AH: That was the ONLY time I ever hit him. ImageImageImage
- the 8th incident, Staircase, March 2015.

The picture was taken on March 23, 2015 when this incident happened, not after her birthday in 2016 as Sean Bett stated in his witness statement. His team ONCE AGAIN submitted picture with WRONG metadata!

#JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImageImageImage
- the 9th incident, Malaysia train, August 2015;
- the 10th incident, Los Angeles, November 2015.

#justiceforamberheard #JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImageImage
- the 11th incident, Los Angeles, December 2015.

AH to Jodi: I had an accident tonight. I am really bruised and might have a black eye or two, same with my nose.

AH to RP: I just gave you a little knock(JD says to AH).

RP: She had a swollen nose, an injury to her lip. ImageImageImageImage
- the 11th incident, Los Angeles, December 2015.

Melanie Inglessis did her make up, she was her stylist, not Samantha McMillen.

#justiceforamberheard #JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImageImageImage
- the 11th incident, Los Angeles, December 2015.

btw those pictures have correct metadata! ImageImageImageImage
- the 11th incident, Los Angeles, December 2015.

Wass: you headbutted Mr Heard?
JD: No, ma'am.

#JohnnyDeppisawifebeater #justiceforamberheard Image
- the 11th incident, Los Angeles, December 2015.

After listening to the audio: I did it accidentally! No way I broke her nose!
Wass: Why didn't you mention about it in your witness statement?
JD: I didn't write it, my lawyers did.

#JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImage
- the 11th incident, Los Angeles, December 2015.

the damages: ImageImageImageImage
- the 11th incident, Los Angeles, December 2015.

JD apologized to AH's dad. Image
- the 12th incident, Birthday party, April 2016. ImageImageImageImage
- the 12th incident, Birthday party, April 2016.

Kristina Sexton: ''I did experience that arguing in my presence.'' ImageImage
- the 12th incident, Birthday party, April 2016.

about the poo, lmao.

JD didn't accuse AH in leaving poo on the bad.

#JohnnyDeppisawifebeater #justiceforamberheard ImageImageImageImage
- the 13th incident, Los Angeles, 21 May 2016. ImageImageImage
- the 13th incident, Los Angeles, 21 May 2016.

Josh Drew stated that he saw the damages and saw the bruises on AH. ImageImageImageImage
- the 13th incident, Los Angeles, 21 May 2016.

Josh Drew showed the apartment to the police and showed the damages. ImageImage
- the 13th incident, Los Angeles, 21 May 2016.

RP saw the damages and the red mark on AH's face. ImageImage
- the 13th incident, Los Angeles, 21 May 2016.

iO Tillett Wright heard the fight over the phone and called the police. ImageImageImageImage
- the 13th incident, Los Angeles, 21 May 2016. ImageImageImageImage
- The Hicksville incident, June 2013.

Kristina Sexton: The trailer was trashed.
Also KS talked to the woman. ''The woman confirmed what happened saying: yeah he grabbed my wrist and he hurt me.''

The second part of this incident is confidential. ImageImageImage
- The Hicksville incident, June 2013.

JD referred to AH as a lesbian camp counsellor. ImageImage
Southern gentleman, JD, calling his ex and the mother of his children: ''She is not a pain in the ass, like the French ex albatross.''

#JohnnyDeppisawifebeater Image
after the the 3rd incident, 22 March, 2013.

AH to JD's sister Christi Debrowski: ''I can't reason with him or calm him down, I can't avoid it. He finds something to jump on and then uses it as an excuse to dose himself up.''

#justiceforamberheard #JohnnyDeppisawifebeater Image
after the the 3rd incident, 22 March, 2013.

AH to her mom: Dealing with Johnny's spiral. It's terrible mom.

Her mom to AH: Get away - go somewhere else.

Christi Dembrowski to AH: sometimes conversations can seem like confrontations. Image
- the 2nd incindent, disco blo*dbath, March 8 2013.

AH to her mom: From 2 weeks ago today.(AH sent it on March 23, 2013). ImageImage
- the 7th incident, Australia, March 2015.

JD said he didn't tell anyone about his finger because he was protecting her but he had no problem calling his gf c*nt, full of shit, about how he feels etc, literally rage is pouring out of him. Image
after the 7th incident, Australia, March 2015.

JD calling himself cannibal c*nt and goddam devil. ImageImage
- the 13th incident, Los Angeles, 21 May 2016.

AH to Kevin Murphy(about the poo): How could you say that? I never said anything like that to you. And you know it.

#justiceforamberheard ImageImage
- the 13th incident, Los Angeles, 21 May 2016.

JD said he was in the apartment for no more than 30 minutes, however the cctv footage shows otherwise. He arrived at 19:02 and left at 20:29. Another lie.

#JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImageImage
- the 13th incident, Los Angeles, 21 May 2016.

- the 13th incident, Los Angeles, 21 May 2016.

- the 9th incident, Malaysia train, August 2015;

How can you even consider every JD's evidence ''solid'' after hearing this audio, after seeing that Waldman sent a picture of JD with a bruise to Bett(saying it was taken on AH birthday), after reading that JD witness statement was written by his lawyers.

Laura Divenere about Waldman: I felt pressured.

He wrote her declaration!

Waldman' letter to LD:

#justiceforamberheard #JohnnyDeppisawifebeater ImageImageImage
Waldman sent a picture of a bruised Depp! Image
Police: We were there 30-60 minutes. We didn't see any bruises on AH. There was no damage.

Actualy, they were there 15 minutes. They didn't remember anything about how JD and AH, however remember seeing no bruises and the place was trashed.

#justiceforamberheard ImageImageImageImage
Wass: are you dependent on the JD brand for your future income?
Stephen Deuters: Yes.

#justiceforamberheard ImageImage
Wass: Are you sure there were no scratches on her arms?
Malcolm Connoly: I am absolutely sure.
Wass: Jerry Judge said AH had scratches on her arms.
MC: I seen her from the distance.

#justiceforamberheard ImageImage
AH was smart enough to plan the hoax, however dumb enough to point to her ''no bruised'' face to people.

#justiceforamberheard ImageImage
JD's supporters: AH abused Tasya.

Meanwhile Tasya Van Ree: Amber was wrongfully accused. We shared 5 wonderful years together and remain close to this day.

#justiceforamberheard Image
JD's supporters: AH abused her sister.

Meanwhile Whitney: looking for injuries there were not there.

#justiceforamberheard ImageImage
JD's supporters: AH had an affair with Elon Musk.

Meanwhile: Elon Musk denied it.


JD's supporters: AH stole Kate James's rape story.

Meanwhile Kate James: I have not seen any AH's confidentional statements.

#justiceforamberheard Image
Ellen Barkin(ex JD's gf): He threw a bottle at me. JD became jealous, controlling, angry and damanding.

#johnnydeppisawifebeater ImageImageImage
Former JD's manager: JD never listened to anyone.

JD was ready to change his ways, but always went back to uncontrolled spending.

We warned him about signing the pre-nup, however JD dropped it and married AH w/o the pre-nup.

JD spent 30k on wines.

#johnnydeppisawifebeater ImageImageImageImage
JD: Will you squat in the front of the door a giant coil of dookie so AH steps in it and thinks it's one of the dogs, it'll be funny!

#johnnyturd i guess ImageImage
Johnny Depp's history of violence.

#johnnydeppisawifebeater ImageImage
JD to Paul Bettany: I am an insane person and not so fair-headed after too much of the drink.

JD says himself that when he is drunk he is totally a different person.

#johnnydeppisawifebeater Image
Lily Rose about AH: You've been a better dad to Jack and I since she has been around and she was helping with the alcohol problem. You've been so much better since she's been around.

#justiceforamberheard Image
After May 2016.

JD: She is begging for total global humiliation. She's gonna get it.

JD: I want her replaced on that WB film.

#johnnydeppisawifebeater ImageImage
AH: If I wanted the world to believe I had an injury, why wouldn't it be consistent?

think about this!


Travis McGivern in his statement: When Lloyd and I entered his residence AH and JD were having a verbal argument.

TM in court: When Lloyd and I entered the building AH was at the ground floor.

So now AH can teleport? cool. Another ''reliable'' witness.

#justiceforamberheard ImageImage
Wass:You threw the phone at AH face and it made contact with the right side of her face?
#JohnnyDepp :Not correct.

Also JD to AH's mom: I was facing away from her to walk away and lobbed it over my shoulder,I had no idea that she woudn't just catch it.

#johnnydeppisawifebeater ImageImageImage
Kate James: I have not spoken to Mr Depp in many years.

Wass: here's the text messages between jd and kj dated 13th August 2016 about them planning to fix Amber's flabby *ss.

Kate James: I forgot, I apologize.

#JohnnyDeppIsAnAbuser ImageImageImage

• • •

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Aug 29, 2021
Johnny Depp once said, a thread:
Johnny Depp said: "Roman(Polanski) is not a predator. He's 75 or 76 years old. He has got two beautiful kids, he has got a wife that he has been with for a long long time. He is not out on the street."
Johnny Depp said: "You want her so much, you d*ke b*tch, you want to be her man now, you can f*cking have her." Image
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