@NJMudHus Pakistan’s four large provinces even now when they are border to border attached can’t communicate with each other in one language, hate each other then how could Bengalis who were miles away be loyal to Pakistan.fundamental problem with Pakistan is that it’s a feudal union 1/2
@NJMudHus Of Provinces who are United forcefully by a hyper army. Army itself is a feudal entity. Unless this union is heart to heart at the level of common man of these Provinces, Pakistan still faces threat of more division. It’s time to end feudalism, empowering common man by -2
@NJMudHus Giving them land rights if they r Mazareh, eg SMQ needs to give away land to his slaves, likes of him in Sindh KP & Baloch need to do same Once they r no longer slaves, then can make their living frm their own land & can get education without influence of their landlords then —3
@NJMudHus only they can vote ppl in or out! Vote ki Izzat will be established. Army will be more diverse coming from all these provinces at grass root level. There will be prosperity which leads to communication between states and bonding for one common goal as a nation —4
@NJMudHus That’s how this Pakistani nation can evolve It will take time but unless activists Politicians don’t take feudalism head on this country will be divided for sure. Activists should stand with poor Mazareh because most Piliticians won’t Nawaz sharif once tried this in Sindh —5
@NJMudHus Do we see these Balochi Sardars, Sindhi Vaderas, Khans of KP or Ch of Punjab giving away land to poor that they got from British? No don’t think so! Many South Indian states, land was given back to common man as soon as British left ..test case Kerala a prosperous state -6
@NJMudHus Politicians, activists, students & educated ppl need to come together & start a movement 2 liberate these slaves in Pakistan from their masters such as SMQ etc Army has land too and hence those slaves it’s time to liberate them Pakistani ppl r slaves & slaves can’t be a nation -7
@NJMudHus Just like union of these feudals & army can’t make one nation likewise these slaves can’t make a nation. Vote can’t get respect. And this situation will only get worse leading to more martial laws & then separations like Bengal into Bangladesh ..end