When you read the fine print of the farm laws-you realise the loopholes and gaps in these reforms. There are three mistakes in the approach here : 1. Not doing a focused parliamentary debate - an issue that affects 65% of country’s labour force, 3-4% of its GDP merited that 1/5
2. When farmers from some states supported and from some opposed the Govt should have realised that it was passing an ad hoc reform without understanding that you can’t apply rules of grains to pulses and those of pulses to fruits and vegetables. 2/5
3. In a democracy to pass reforms without public debate is hazardous & unnecessary. The process takes time but not doing it paralyses the functioning of it. The 1991 reforms were given much room for debate. Those who opposed it eventually became its ambassadors & benefited 3/5
4.Agriculture is not an industry. It’s a culture. A way of life. No question that reforms are needed in creating better access to market but some parts of these new laws give no recourse to civil courts to farmers in case of disputes & give immunity to Govt for future failure 4/5
Since there was an overwhelming demand for me to be specific & share what changes are warranted in the Farm reforms I am putting this thread out. I will be objective & share what works & what doesn’t. I agree that we need agri reforms but these loopholes need to be addressed. 1/n
I would like to begin with The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act 2020. Guidelines for Farming Agreement. The link to the full text is given below 2/n
Section 1 Farming Agreement - lays clearly and simply the need and purpose of an agreement between farmer/FPO and buyer and the relevant act that governs it. But calls the buyer a “Sponsor”. This is surprisingly not so in the act but in this guideline buyer becomes a sponsor 2/n