Most Hindus don’t understand this (Sikhs do even less).
Neither Sanatan nor Sikhi is “monotheistic.” Monotheism is an ideology of supremacy, the elevation of a petty tribal god to the pretense of the Universal. It is ignorant tribalism universalized.
हिंदी में “”मॉनॉथीइज़म “ का अनुवाद है एक ईश्वरबाद। यह ईसाई धारा पर आधारित ग़लत अनुवाद है। ईश्वर तो एक ही है, इसमें विवाद क्या। मॉनॉथीइज़म का अनुवाद होना चाहिए “एक दैविकता”। एक ही देव है। लेकिन ऐसा कोई देव नहीं है केवल राक्षस वृत्ति है, हरिणयकश्यप जैसी।
A cow is more real than the imaginary "creator god." Kinder too. Definitely gentler and more worthy of respect than the cruel, vindictive, jealous and insecure imaginary "creator" throwing people into "hell."
Lol, your fantasy "creator" can't throw anyone into hell. Eternal hell and heaven (with whiskey and sex with "virgins") are useful for motivating barbaric male armies but little else. I don't worry about Allah, but his "believers" who create hell on earth.
Oh yes, CAPITAL LETTERS. You've made me a BELIEVER. How could I doubt your CREATOR. 😏
Wake up from these childish ideas of some "god" tormenting you hell and in heaven. Your mind does that here and now. Don't waste your life in silly rules and fears.
The "Allah" who had a "last prophet" certainly doesn't exist. It comes from a very limited sense of time. Why would this "Allah" stop sending prophets? There are certainly plenty of confused Muslims fighting each other today, they could use another one.
And as far as slavery goes, this "last prophet for all times" names 70 acts that are sinful, but not enslaving other human beings. In fact, Islamic countries were last to outlaw slavery, that too under pressure from the West.
Lol, why did Allah send such a confusing "last message" that innumerable sects fight over interpreting it correctly,. Shouldn't you ask for a new prophet to fix that?
Lol, really? Then why would there be so many schools of Islamic jurisprudence and so many contradictory fatwas and mullahs fighting each other. ("Music is haram", "music is not haram" ...)
I'm glad you agree that I'm representing your ideology accurately. This thread was actually for moronic Hindus who don't get that intolerance is inherent in your ideology and think that singing "Ishwar allah tere naam" will fix it. But others jumped in.
"Worship" is an Abrahamic concept "Pooja" (पूजा) is not worship. It means to revere and respect, to pay attention to. We even do "shastra pooja", pooja of our tools.
In Abrahamism "worship" is reserved for the "true god", otherwise it is "shirk."
Lol "na tasya pratima asti" means, of which there is no image. Like saying "love is inexpressible." That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with expressing love. Quite different from the psychotic "I'll roast you in hell if you try to make an image."
It is not "33 million gods." It is about 33 types of energies, but let that be.
The world is diverse. Is there only one type of flower or fruit or tree? Diversity is joyous, natural. Why would the Universal Consciousness not express in many Divine forms?
Learn to think for yourself. Don't have to keep repeating with the Maulvis say, keep trying to fit everything to justify one "Holy Book." Set aside the dogmas drilled into you and you'll realize what I'm saying is simple and natural. 😌 Like diversity is.
You need to sharpen on your understanding more than one primitive "creator" god. Do you know what "Advaita" means? And who is this "creator." What does "he" create, out of what?
That happens only in fantasy or kiddie magic shows. Nothing is created out of nothing. Think scientifically, not from a fantasy of an imaginary "being." What did this "Allah" create the world out of, and what is the need for a "creator" at all?
If the creator just popped up why can't the universe just pop up too? 😏 The creator has to be an incredibly complex being no, to create the universe. How did "he" just pop up? And if "he" did why not the universe.
The universe could also always exist, doesn't need to be "created." No "supreme being" to create things by magic is needed. And where does this "supreme being" live btw, can we spot him with a telescope?
When is this “Judgment Day” when Allah will sort people into heaven-hell and Earth will be destroyed (is it only Earth or the entire universe, did Allah tell?) So many poor sods are rotting in graves waiting for this, at least share the date.
These are Christian/Abrahamic theological descriptions, they have nothing to do with Indic thought. Rather we need to use our terminology to explain them. Monotheism/polytheism are both nonsensical.
Oh I’m not worried . But shouldn’t you be worried?
Sounds like a scam where you pay now and the delivery doesn’t even have a date. If a company did this they’d be sued for deceptive marketing. But calli it “religion” and scare people to “believe.”
Arre bhai, on that date, on that date kar rahe ho, date to bata do.
You spend your whole life following minute rules all in preparation for "judgement day" but you don't even have a date for it? I'd be pretty worried that it's a scam if I were you.
No, it just means that you are uncomfortable with infinity. This is why it took hundreds of years before Arabs and Europeans could understand the mathematics of zero and infinity from India. Still don't quite get it.
Lol, there is nothing to challenge in that claim. It is simply an assumption. The universe can be infinite. No "first cause" is needed. The Nasidaya sukta is much more elegant.
This making "Allah/God" logically contingent is cognitively uninteresting.
There is much to be grateful for, to our parents, to the Universe. But I don’t need to believe in this wrathful Allah and a 7th century Holy Book for that.
Making the story of one tribe to the “universal god” for all people is the issue.
If you admit of translatability it is not a problem. Problem comes from exclusivism. For me it can be Rama for you Allah. When you seek to impose one set of rules, one prophet, that is the problem.
Tulsidas has a long discourse on that. Ram is a name for the Universal Consciousness and also of the one who was born and died. One who was born and died embodies the Universal as an avatar.
But if Allah is not a specific god Indian Muslims can use the word “Bhagwan”, no?
Religious imperialism of monotheism. Christians use the strategy of "inculturation" to appropriate native symbols in India e.g.. But the Islamists who claim "Allah is simply Arabic for God" would block its use for non-Muslims. Monopoly power struggles.
Funny thread. Accuses me of ad hominems, when I didn't attack anyone personally, only the concepts of monotheism. However he starts his entire thread with an ad hominem.🤣 One can't really think for oneself when one twists into pretzels defending a dogma.
Found this wonderful article by Prof. Ravi Ravindra who had originally coined the term "my-theism" for monotheism. The problem with monotheism is the claim of the "monopoly on truth" which each monotheism has, denying others their own path and experience.
Each monotheism is a "truth claim" combined with a "god claim." Of course, each of the truth claims contradicts the other. Islam contradicts Christianity and its claim of Jesus as "Son of God" and "Savior", Christianity rejects Islam's claim it is "God's revelation" and so on.
Each truth claim is: 1. Monopolistic. One and only one can be true. 2. With divine sanction, so human beings have no ability to change it. 3. Totalitarian. It seeks to subordinate all aspects of individual life to this truth claim.
This creates "camp followers" not seekers.
Similarly each "god claim" is exclusive.
Each "god" has a particular history. In Judaism he has a "Chosen People", in Christianity he has an "Only Begotten Son" and in Islam the "Last Prophet." But every people from the Egyptians to the Mayans had their own "god story."
Every tribe, every people have their own story with a "creation myth." This does not create conflict.
Conflict arises in Monotheism because the history and story of one people is *universalized*. So the history and belief of one people is made into the history of all people.
Conflict arises when the idea of a "chosen people" is made into a universal truth claim, when the history of one people is to become "the" god of all peoples. When the prophet of one people becomes the "last prophet" for all people and so on. This is why monotheism="my-theism."
Thus "My god " = "THE god."
As Ravindra says: "no other religious notion has had a more pernicious consequence in creating bigotry and fanaticism than monotheism. Monotheism has resulted everywhere in “my-theism,” leading to warfare against other people’s religious forms.
Communism takes the template of monotheism and extends it to materialism. The history of Europe becomes the history of the world. European Orientalist history becomes universal "historical materialism." All nations are a pale variation of that story.
There are other kinds of violence in the world but the primary factor of *religious* violence is Abrahamic monotheism. Also seeds racism, colonialism, Eurocentrism, totalitarianism and terrorism.
It is characterized by "monopolistic truth claims" which deny the "other."
"Bigotry" defined: "obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief or opinion; prejudice against people on the basis of their membership of a particular group."
Monotheism creates "obstinate attachment to belief" and prejudice against "unbelievers."
Monotheism elevates the history of one people as "the history", and one tribal god as "the god."
Al-lah was likely the designation for Hubal, one of the gods of main gods of the Quraysh tribe to which Muhammad belonged.
"Allah is a god originating in polytheism."
This is why both Allah and Jehovah rail about "having no other gods beside me." Not because they are Nirguna Brahman or the "Creator" but because they are demi-gods engaged in competitive tribal fights where one "god" triumphs and declares "He" is Supreme.
The starting point is making one of the pantheon, Hubal in Islam and Yahweh in Judaism as "first" among gods, which later is turned into the "only" god. Jehovah (Yahweh) and Hubal (Al-lah) become "the one" as a political struggle.
So these tribals gods, Al-lah (Hubal) and Jehovah, get "monotheized" as "the only god" and "the creator" as part of a political rhetoric.
Even if one admits of a "creator" concept, .that this "Allah" or "Jehovah" is *that* "creator" is merely a rhetorical and political claim.
This is why there is so much angst in this "monotheism" about "thou shalt not have other gods", and "ascribing partners to Allah" being the worst sin. Precisely because these are *not* the Universal, but represent the power struggle for dominance of "a god" in a tribal society.
If you're able to follow the thread, you already are. 😏 You've been conned.
So this whole debate of monotheism vs polytheism is an "intercommunity discourse" within the Israelites serving a particular psycho-political need. This gets extended in Christianity and Islam. It has no reality as such, but for the horror of religious imperialism it unleashed.
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How @theliverdr pushes ideologically motivated garbage.
In a long post he claims that “science says” Giloy caused liver toxicity; in the same post he dismisses a study on Ashwagandha as garbage.
For the case against Giloy his reference is the propaganda rag, @thewire_in! 😏
The Wire article further references an “observational study” which has a total sample size of 6 people!
No doubt this study is conducted by other Liver doctors trained in allopathy alone; and specifically targeting Giloy “twigs.”
Other than the limited sample size, the AYUSH response states that it is very easy to confuse Giloy with a similar, but toxic, plant; the “scientific” study didn’t actually even check if the correct plant was used.
So this 6-person study with any randomized control or double-blind test, where motivated researchers isolate a perhaps pre-determined conclusion is called “science.” Now let’s see what this doctor calls “underpowered garbage” which was “never done methodically.”
Europeans, particularly Germans, were so desperate for an “Aryan” identity based on Hindu texts because they had very little history or identity of their own.
The Germanic tribes were barbarians with little durable language or culture. To lay claim to Sanskrit and related knowledge allows them to attach to a glorious history.
The Germans weren't successors of Rome. The Italians had history, the Greeks had history, even the British could harken to a Celtic history, what did the Germans have?
This is how they became "Aryan" laying claiming to Sanskrit and Indo-European origins.
Some direct excerpts from the translation of "al-jabr" by Mohammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, from which the term Algebra comes.
Note this translation is from 1831. After 1857 British and Western scholarship started denigrating Indian knowledge as an explicit policy.
Firstly, the translator Frederic Rosen makes explicit that Al Khwarizmi did not invent Algebra, and that this was "well-established" in scholarship, but that he was the "first Mohammedan" to write upon it. 2/
That Al Khwarizmi did not invent Algebra is attested by many, and even by the Al Khwarizmi himself in the preface where he states that the Caliph Al Mamun, encouraged him to write a popular work on the topic, implying that there were existing works he would use. Which were these?
Translator himself concludes that "at least part of the information is drawn from an Indian Source", based on his knowledge alone.
Many "modern" medicine are also extracts of herbs. But the pharma industry relies on dismissing the original because it can't be patented and yields much less profit.
And they'll attack scientific studies which don't fit their prejudice and pocketbook.
Here is an example of @theliverdr misleads and misreads even their own research in even simple things like whether drinking more water is helpful for health.
With his initial list of "debunking" why drinking water doesn't help, he cites the following article: