I want to talk about a very particular type of Crip Tax. For a more comprehensive idea of the extra costs with being disabled, check out @Imani_Barbarin’s hashtag #TheCostOfBeingDisabled!
Let’s start off with asset caps. Many disabled people live with an asset cap, meaning they cannot own or make a certain amount of money. The most common limit is assets over $2,000.
But it’s also just more expensive for disabled people to exist. Our $2,000 doesn’t mean as much as your $2,000
Why? The most obvious reason is increased medical bills, and insurance not covering things like $800 wheelchairs that people need to navigate the world.
the name's kayle. i'm 23. i'm disabled and chronically ill. i got my bachelors degree in 2018 in some major called "Media, Society, and the Arts." my senior thesis was titled "Disability in the Age of Technocracy."
i will be getting my masters degree in december 2020 (if the world doesn't end by then) in Disability Studies. what is this, you ask? well, it's a lot of things. it studies disability from an interdisciplinary perspective.
it's the study of disability history, sociology, theory, demographics, law and policy, media, art, literature, everything.
having gone to art school, i appreciate that. but i've become especially interested in law & policy as i go through my studies