But PROmate is also a New workflow, wich could be adjusted for many infectious diseases. Aids, Ebola, etc.
Having Quick and most importantly secure pcr for all kind of diseases would be some breakthrough !
Knowing theyre able to create it for covid should indicate us its only a Matter of Time for the rest of the catalogue.
This is something i would call a game changer !
I have no doubts, promate will be very appreciated by nhs staff, and phase2 IS a Matter of Time too.
Promate is just a part of whats coming soon.
The rt-lamp is coming too.
In medical settings, or else, this will be a great add to the portfolio.
Having accurate results in ~20min, would simplify the work in urgency settings, airports, dental services and much more.
The antibody LFT is arriving too.
Why now ? Because the needs of the market for such a product are just beginning. It is with the vaccine rollout that this test have all his meaning.
Just look At the incoming tenders in UK !
- sequencing is expensive & Time consuming
- not all countries have the money and the infrastructures for sequencing
- countries are asking for New tests detecting speficly the variants
Having a test that gives you an answer in a few hours is game changing
#ncyt has now a well build foundation #novacyt keeps innovating needed products
#alnov has a great future in front of them, and as GM told us, this is just the beginning
They are working hard, and the results are easy to see
➡️qu'un contrat avec les maisons de soins va arriver
➡️Que le contrat avec le NHS va entrer en phase 2
Promate et NPT :
Nouveau réactifs :
- utilisation simplifiée
- moins de réactifs nécessaires et lyophilisés
- réduction de la durée d'un test
- inactivation virale : moins de protections nécessaires
➡️ Faciliter l'utilisation des Qs dans les petits hôpitaux et ehpads
A tous ceux qui croient que les tests sont finis, que ncyt retourne a la cave, que cette entreprise ne vaut rien, que le covid, c'est le passé, que les vaccins arrivent
Réveillez vous
Les vaccins ne sont pas prêts
Les tests dureront
Ncyt innove sans cesse
Acquisition of IT-IS International Ltd by #novacyt
Everybody knows now that #ncyt has buyed it-is, developer of the MyGo Pro (Q32) and MyGo Mini (q16) among other patented instruments and products.
We also all know the contract #ncyt just signed with the UK DHSC for the supply, in a first phase, of 300 Q32, and a possible second phase of 700 of those instruments.
We are also selling Q16 and Q32 through our distributors worldwide.
It-is is not just those two instruments.
It's also technologies :
- multichannel spectrometer
- data analysis algorithms
- graphical user interfaces
- pcr analysis algorithms
- mass spectrometry analysis
- Thermaxis® technology
- etc