For many years, I made a sincere effort to give everyone a fair shake. Just because someone associated with toxic people, I didn't automatically write them off. 1/10
But there comes a time, as we realise the impact that those toxic connections have on a much broader range of interactions, when we have to say, "Sorry... your association with toxic individuals is unacceptable and an indication of your tacit approval of their behaviour. 2/10
It's time for us to part company."
And I get it... There have been times when I tried to "tolerate" someone's behaviour, to maintain cordial business relationships myself.
But here's the thing... 3/10
🔥 Your on-going association with someone who is attacking members of our community without provocation, is endorsing their behaviour. 4/10
🔥 Endorsing someone who regularly takes advantage of others, for their personal financial benefit, and then stabs those who helped them in the back after their usefulness no longer remains viable is a tacit endorsement of that behaviour. 5/10
🔥 Remaining silent, when such persons attack others, conduct themselves in unethical ways, and continue to sow seeds of division in an already fragmented community is complicity in those attacks. 6/10
And it reflects directly on you and your practice... Even when you think your own integrity will speak for itself (it does... it tells us that you're willing to look the other way for a buck). 7/10
What's more, if you think that not calling such vile and reprehensible people out for the damage they cause would provoke the ire of sacrosanct "elders" of our traditions, then you're not only ethically bankrupt... you're a coward. 8/10
That said, I will no longer, in good conscience, continue to promote those friends who haven't quite learned their lesson, when they agree to line the pockets of such individuals, by participating in their events... 9/10
Toxicity and bad behaviour... even when it comes packaged in decent production value... is not acceptable. #ItsAnOmen#GoHexYourself 10/10