Dis 🎀3/4 SLOTS OPEN🎀 Profile picture
Feb 5, 2021 61 tweets 11 min read Read on X
Bakufem!deku A/B/O au where A!Baku is a researcher/explorer and finds feral O!Deku living alone in the woods. She walks on all fours, her fingers end in long, deadly claws, she‘s covered in dirt and blood and will try to kill anyone who gets too close.
Bakugou has never been more attracted to an omega before.

The head researcher thinks she might be the missing link between modern, civilized humans and their more animalistic ancestors, but Baku just wants to see her go feral again.
There were stories of omegas going feral before, but there’s never been a documented case like Deku’s, as Katsuki calls her. The rest of the team calls her Izuku. Either way, Baku’s halfway to smitten with her, especially when one of the other alpha-
-researchers tries to get too close (presumably to assert his dominance over her and subdue her) only to have his hand nearly bitten off by the feral omega. Bakugou couldn’t feel sorry for the bastard, who’s hand was so badly injured that he had to be sent home.
Deku stalks their campsite throughout the day, peeking out from the foliage before ducking away and quietly running off. Her green hair certainly did well to camouflage her, but the real gems were when night fell. Katsuki had awoken with the need to take a piss, and-
-when he stepped outside, shuffling sleepily to the tree line to piss, he quite literally nearly stepped right on top of her. She let out a strangled shriek before swiping her claws at him and running away at an inhuman speed into the woods.
Even though it left him with deep slashes that required stitches from their team’s medic, he just wanted to know more about her.

TBC?? If you’d like more, here’s my kofi uwu

Katsuki spends the rest of the expedition studying and trying to communicate with Deku, eventually coaxing her into coming into their camp at night. It took a while, and it resulted in his gaining lots of new scars, but it was all worth it. It was funny to see her crawl around-
-on all fours, keeping close to the sides of tents and places where she would escape. She also kept close to Katsuki’s feet, growling and hissing at anyone who dared get too close to him.

He knew he gained her trust when she started bringing him fish and rabbits.
She’d place them in his lap and look at him expectantly. He wasn’t about to eat it raw, so he introduced her to the concept of fire and cooking her food. She cocked her head in confusion when he presented her with the now cooked fish, she had to watch him eat it first before-
-she took a tentative nibble, then promptly devoured the thing whole, bones and all. She usually only came to see him at night, when most of the others were asleep, and started bringing lots of animals for him to cook. He then slowly introduced her to spices then-
-other things, like language, clothes, and asking for things instead of stealing from everyone. She was clearly intelligent and curious, which probably explained all the scars on her body. She resisted clothes for a long time, but did accept very loose, shapeless dresses that-
-hung off of her lithe, muscular body and was quickly covered in dirt and riddled with tears, but it was a good start.
It was strange to interact with her due to her feral nature. The expedition team was a mix of Alphas, Betas and Omegas, but she didn’t even acknowledge anyone’s secondary gender, she mistrusted them all equally. She was far from any other omega they had ever met, because-
-she was as aggressive as any alpha their society had raised. She didn’t hesitate to maul anyone who got too close, and soon became /very/ territorial over Katsuki. She soon began sneaking into his tent at night, even lingering during the day and refusing to leave his side.
One night he woke up to see her staring down at him in his sleep. The dark slits of her pupils were a stark contrast to her glowing emerald irises. He jerked in surprise at her presence but then quickly calmed down.

“You,” she said, using one of her clawed fingers-
-to point between his eyes before pointing the finger at herself. “Mine.”

Katsuki was perfectly fine with that.

“Okay,” he smiled at her, though he was surprised when she curled up next to him, balled up like a cat, and settled into him, immediately falling asleep.
He was surprised, as he’d never seen her let her guard down before, but he supposed that made sense, considering she declared him are hers. Did that mean he had a mate now? Well, technically no since they hadn’t claimed one another, but whatever. He fell asleep with-
-a smile on his face, listening to the sound of Deku’s purring.
When Katsuki and the rest of the team return home with their findings, Deku is an instant sensation. No one can make heads or tails of the feral omega, who is unlike anything they’ve ever seen. They all watch as she clings possessively to Katsuki, snarling at anyone, regardless-
-of secondary gender, who gets too close. She’s always hugging his arm to her chest and rubbing her cheeks all over him, covering him in her thick, foresty scent.

Katsuki’s main concern at the moment is getting her toilet trained.
Even as she gets proper clothes and a better grasp on language, she’s still brash and growls at everyone, but she’s stopped biting people ass much, and instead just aggressively hisses at them and vigorously scents her mate.
Katsuki has been quite the bachelor before he left, so coming back with a mate on his arm is a shock to everyone. His former flings tried to get his attention, but Deku would attack if they hung around too long Katsuki had to stop her with barely restrained amusement.
/Everybody/ knows when they become official mates because Katsuki shows up to work the next day absolutely /covered/ in bite marks, scratches, and he looks exhausted as all hell. He also walked with a limp for a while and passed out at his desk for a good few hours, but-
-they just leave the poor alpha be.

Katsuki rarely has people over, on account of the fact that Deku is /very territorial:/ but also because she likes to climb the walls and ceilings, hiding on top of bookcases and inside chandeliers, like a fucking goblin.
When Katsuki’s parents come to meet her, she initially very suspicious of them. It wasn’t unusual, she was suspicious of everyone, but his Alpha mother was tickled to death by her.

They tried to convince the pair to have a proper wedding, more for the chance to party and-
-celebrate than anything else, which led Katsuki having to explain what a wedding was to Deku, who was displeased by the idea of having to wear fancy clothes and be around /people/ but then Mitsuki introduced her to /sweets/
Mitsuki gave her some chocolate (Katsuki never kept any sweets in the house because he didn’t like them) and Izuku pupils dilated from slits to orbs so wide that they almost eclipsed her green irises. She proceeded to gobble up all the candy Mitsuki had on her, which-
-wasn’t much, and after learning that you weren’t supposed to eat the wrapper, she whimpered and begged for more.

“If you have a wedding,” Mitsuki smiled as Deku practically bounced in her seat, “you can have all the sweets you want.”

So that’s how they had a wedding.
Deku’s dress was simple, but she let Mitsuki do her hair (after being bribed with sweets of course) and had it styled in a decent updo. His parents also managed to convince her to let them invite a lot of guests, telling her that with more guests, she’d get more sweets.
She said yes. Katsuki rolled his eyes at how easily his mate was bribed with candy, but it was pretty cute seeing her run around excitedly when she got some, and she’d wiggle happily in her seat as she ate them.
They were married soon enough, and throughout the ceremony, all Deku could do was stare at the ceremonial rings, still so fascinated by shiny things (he just hoped that she didn’t steal them both and stash them away in her hoard in the attic.)
Anyways, the ceremony went off pretty uneventfully, the real even was the party afterwards.

They didn’t have a best man speech, or any touching words from his parents, the giant cake was brought out and Deku nearly threw herself at it. Then a food fight broke out.
It was uncivilized, unbecoming, and a total mess. Katsuki had never had so much fun before.

Deku are so much cake that she got sick, and Katsuki had to explain to her about how eating too many sweets would do that. She looked utterly heartbroken, then asked him why the-
-sweets would do that to her, and he just laughed. Either way, she was too sick to do much on their wedding night, which was actually rather nice. She just curled up against him, her cheek squished against his chest as drool dripped from her open mouth.
When they finally have pups, Katsuki is a mix of proud, excited, and terrified out of his fucking mind. Of course he’s over the moon over having pupped his mate, but he’s worried about how he’s going to be as a father. He had heard horror stories of how-
-feral and unpredictable omegas can be during their pregnancies, but he was surprised when Deku turned out to be rather docile. She’d just spend most of her day sleeping and eating. Everyone walked on eggshells around her, but Katsuki had a fucking ball just-
-walk up to her and scoop her up, playing with her hair and pinching her cheeks all he wanted. As she got closer to her due date, she got a little crankier, but that was only because she couldn’t move that much. As a result, she spent most of her final trimester-
-hiding away in her extravagant nest. Her nest was in their bedroom, which was on the top floor of their Victorian home, and as the months went on, she began to restrict access to first their bedroom, then the hallway, and eventually the entire floor. None of the-
-maid servants were brave enough to cross the pregnant, feral omega.

As the due date drew closer, Katsuki felt himself begin to panic. He had no idea how’d she react to being taken to the hospital with a bunch of nurses and doctors touching her and their pup.
Hell, he hadn’t even taken her to a doctor’s appointment, and he had no idea how many pups they were expecting. Katsuki had been tasked with setting up a nursery in the room next to their own, alone. Since, no one else was allowed upstairs anymore.
He was blind sided when he woke up one morning to see Deku with two, chubby, whispy haired pups. One was wrapped against her chest, easily nursing on one of her swollen breasts, while she held the other one close and groomed them with her tongue, purring up a storm.
Katsuki scrambled over to her, his entire body shaking as he was on the verge of sobbing. Deku looked up at him with a smile.

“Mate. Look, pups,” she nodded at him, pushing the pup in her arms to his chest. He scrambled to support the child, his hands shaking-
-as he held the warm, chubby, tiny, perfect little life. He gently cradled the child in his arms, a pleased noise leaving his throat without his permission. Deku laughed at him, clearly amused with his behavior, before she began to let out gentle chuffs. The twins-
-both let out little chuffs in response.

Katsuki started crying.
They named the pups, both girls, Mio and Misaki. They were nearly identical, except that Mio had more freckles. When Katsuki’s parents came over to meet them, they remarked about how good they were.

“You were a fucking hellion!” his mother laughed at him.
One thing that always gave him a heart attack was when Deku would climb with the twins strapped to her body. And not with any sort of harness, she’d just wrap them up in a blanket or stuff them in her clothes and climb around like normal.
He nearly passed out when he saw Deku sitting in one of the chandeliers with the twins in tow. She didn’t seem to understand why he was freaking out, sitting in the dangling chandelier almost 80 feet off the ground like it was nothing, because of course.
When he wasn’t on the brink of passing out from anxiety to his pups’ safety, it was funny to see her scruffing them with her teeth, carrying them from one place to another in her mouth. He was a tad concerned that their pups would be confused, being raised by-
-a feral omega in a proper society. Of course, they were babies, so he didn’t have to worry much quite yet, but still. They followed after their mother’s footsteps, in which they would climb up the walls and bookshelves to reach her. He literally screamed in terror when-
-he saw the twins playing in one of the chandeliers, and didn’t stop panicking until Deku got them down.

They were rough and tumble little tykes, constantly getting bumped and bruised by their exploring. Fortunately, they were also quite smart. They picked up on speaking-
-fairly quickly and were naturally inquisitive. Deku and the pups would practice reading together, and unlike their dame, they had the attention span to actually read the books.
Misaki preferred reading more than her sister, Mio was more wild like her mother. Thankfully, they learned from a young age that biting and scratching wasn’t acceptable, and neither was trying to hunt the servants. They had an unsettling phase where they’d hunt-
-rodents and small birds in the back gardens and then bring them to their parents to show off. Deku was pleased, Katsuki tried not to throw up.

It was strange. Deku had done the same things when she first came to his home. She’d come in, face splattered with blood and-
-the occasional feathers, and he’d just laugh and help her wash her face afterwards. But, with his pups, it felt different. He felt bad. He didn’t want to squander whatever they did naturally, and he was worried about shaming them for doing something that-
-was just in their nature, but seeing them with any sort of blood whatsoever made his heart stop.

They also did very cute things too. Being more feral, they were very insistent on showing affection, constantly scenting their parents and purring or chirping happily.
They were still too young for it to be determined what their secondary gender was, but they made a lot of vocalizations that was associated with omegas. Maybe that was just because Deku was vocal... whatever, he would love them no matter what.
TBC?? Idk gimme money OwO

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Jan 27, 2023
#bkdk with kitsune!Deku and human Baku who has been able to see spirits all his life

Due to his ability to see spirits, Baku has always been antisocial and strange. As soon as he’s old enough, he runs off and lives off the grid in the mountains.
He figures there’ll be less spirits here, but nope, he accidentally moves into the one cabin right outside a gateway between the human world and the spirit world.

Most of them are harmless, if annoying, but one spirit in particular is extra troublesome.
Baku came back one evening to find his laundry all torn down from the clothesline. The basket was overturned and something was inside it, only a few fuzzy green tails sticking out. Irritated, he stormed over and confronted the creature, ready to skin the annoying thing, when-
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Nov 7, 2022
#bkdk a/b/o with A!PH!Bk and O!QL!Dk

Alpha Baku almost in tears every time he has to leave his mate and pup to go to work. Deku will always hold their pup and say “wave to Papa!” and Baku always wonders if he really needs his job
Dk: wave to papa sweetie!

P *waves so hard they almost fall out of Dk’s arms*

Bk *almost on the verge of tears but trying to be brave*: by baby
Dk: say “I love you Papa!”

P: Ah wuv ‘oo Papa!

Bk *weak in the knees*: papa loves you too, baby

Dk: say, “Papa, be safe!”

P: Papa, be save!

Bk *strained*: I will baby, I promise
Read 23 tweets
Aug 30, 2022
I dunno I’m just really hungry for #bkdk with older Baku who doesn’t understand why Deku is so horny for him. Like Baku is going gray early, has bad eyes and ears, and is pretty foul mouthed, and here comes this green haired twink giving him unabashed bedroom eyes
I want Deku to corner him in a dark alley or night club or something and jerk him off, teasing and praising Baku for his huge cock. Baku just leans back against the wall, needing the support to keep himself upright as Deku pulls up his shirt and sucks on his nipple UwU
Deku’s just drooling over this sexy, muscular man who’s dick was big enough to rearrange his guts, enjoying how hard he’s concentrating on not moaning and cumming too early. He’s so cute, Deku can’t help but teasing him
Read 55 tweets
Jul 31, 2022
#bkdk fantasy!au where Izuku, who comes from a place where there are no social statuses or classes, somehow ends up working at a nearby castle, and is completely confused by the social standards there. In his ignorance, he wins the heart of Prince Katsuki
I want Kats to walk by Deku, who instead of moving to the side and allowing the Prince to pass with a bow, keeps on walking ahead with his nose in a book.

Pissed, he calls out to the man, who looks up at him in confusion.

Bk: didn’t you see me coming?

Dk: hmm? I mean, I-
-guess, that’s why I moved out of the way

He shrugs and keeps walking, not even waiting to be dismissed, and it makes Kats angry

Bk: Oi! Who said you could leave?!

Dk *unimpressed*: I have things to do, don’t you?

With that he walks away, leaving Kats and his crew dumbfounded
Read 20 tweets
Jun 24, 2022
#bkdk nsfw ( dubcon ) where Deku tries to summon a succubus but accidentally summons demon!baku instead.

Bk: greetings, human. For what reason have you summoned m— wh-why are you naked?!

Dk: uh??? Because you’re a succubus?

Bk: I most certainly am not! You idiot!
Dk: huh? But, this ritual is for a succubus, see??

Bk: moron! You fucked up the incantation!

Dk: really? Huh, I’ve done this before though…

Bk: Tch, whatever, just go ahead and send me—

Dk: huh? But I’m horny

Bk *embarrassed*: th-that’s not my problem! Idiot!
Maybe think with your head instead of your dick next time! Stupid human

Dk: hey, you’re pretty hot y’know~

Bk: wh-what?!

Dk: I went through all the trouble of summoning you, y’know

Bk: th-that’s not my problem!!

Dk: well, I technically control you right now.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 17, 2022
Part two of the #bkdk Ransacked fantasy!AU

“Kacchan,” Deku called out, his voice tinged with annoyance as he burst through the doors of his meeting room. Katsuki looked up from his maps to see the object of his affections standing before him, arms crossed and brows furrowed in-
-a glare, with Kouta perched on his arm. The king couldn’t help but be amused by his expression, as he could rarely take Deku seriously when he looked so cute. He was annoyed by Kouta’s presence, as the little black dragon was a massive cockblock, but he had yet to convince-
-Deku to get rid of him. He could see behind his fiancé that the guards were standing sheepishly in the doorway, heads bowed in shame. He waved them off, and they disappeared from sight, leaving Katsuki to focus on the male before him. The wonderful, sexy, irate male.
Read 53 tweets

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